This source code is part of the Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE) model. This work is licensed under the CSIRO Open Source Software License Agreement (variation of the BSD / MIT License).You may not use this this file except in compliance with this License. A copy of the License is available at
!****************************************************************************** ! This source code is part of the Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange ! (CABLE) model. This work is licensed under the CSIRO Open Source Software ! License Agreement (variation of the BSD / MIT License).You may not use this ! this file except in compliance with this License. A copy of the License is ! available at !****************************************************************************** MODULE cable_phys_constants_mod !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Description: ! CABLE physical constants ! ! This MODULE is USEd throughout CABLE. ! ! Module specific documentation: ! Where it fits in the model flow: !****************************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC REAL, PARAMETER :: tfrz = 273.16 ! Temp (K) corresp. to 0 C REAL, PARAMETER :: sboltz = 5.67e-8 ! Stefan-Boltz. const (W/m2/K4) REAL, PARAMETER :: emsoil = 1.0 ! soil emissivity REAL, PARAMETER :: emleaf = 1.0 ! leaf emissivity REAL, PARAMETER :: capp = 1004.64 ! air spec. heat (J/kg/K) REAL, PARAMETER :: hl = 2.5014e6 ! latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) !Below are constants used in CABLE model which are not as yet used in JAC-6.2 REAL, PARAMETER :: hlf = 0.334e6 ! latent heat of fusion (J/kg) REAL, PARAMETER :: hls = 2.8350e6 ! latent heat of sublimation (J/kg) REAL, PARAMETER :: dheat = 21.5e-6 ! molecular diffusivity for heat (cm2/s) REAL, PARAMETER :: grav = 9.8086 ! gravity acceleration (m/s2) REAL, PARAMETER :: rgas = 8.3143 ! universal gas const (J/mol/K) REAL, PARAMETER :: rmair = 0.02897 ! molecular wt: dry air (kg/mol) REAL, PARAMETER :: rmh2o = 0.018016 ! molecular wt: water (kg/mol) REAL, PARAMETER :: cgsnow = 2090.0 ! specific heat for snow (J/kg/K) REAL, PARAMETER :: cs_rho_ice = 1.9341e6 ! heat capacity * density ice REAL, PARAMETER :: cs_rho_wat = 4.218e6 ! heat capacity * density water REAL, PARAMETER :: csice = 2.100e3 ! specific heat for ice (J/kg/K) REAL, PARAMETER :: cswat = 4.218e3 ! specific heat for water at 0°C (J/kg/K) REAL, PARAMETER :: density_liq = 1000.0 ! density of liquid water REAL, PARAMETER :: density_ice = 921.0 ! density of ice ! Teten coefficients REAL, PARAMETER :: tetena = 6.106 ! Magnus Tetans (Murray 1967) REAL, PARAMETER :: tetenb = 17.27 REAL, PARAMETER :: tetenc = 237.3 ! mrd561 the parameters for sat above ice REAL, PARAMETER :: tetena_ice = 6.1078 ! ??? refs? REAL, PARAMETER :: tetenb_ice = 21.875 REAL, PARAMETER :: tetenc_ice = 265.5 ! Aerodynamic parameters, diffusivities, water density: REAL, PARAMETER :: vonk = 0.40 ! von Karman constant REAL, PARAMETER :: a33 = 1.25 ! inertial sublayer sw/us REAL, PARAMETER :: csw = 0.50 ! canopy sw decay (Weil theory) REAL, PARAMETER :: ctl = 0.40 ! Wagga wheat (RDD 1992-Challenges) REAL, PARAMETER :: apol = 0.70 ! Polhausen coeff: one-sided plate REAL, PARAMETER :: prandt = 0.71 ! Prandtl number: visc/diffh REAL, PARAMETER :: schmid = 0.60 ! Schmidt number: visc/diffw REAL, PARAMETER :: diffwc = 1.60 ! diffw/diffc = H2O/CO2 diffusivity REAL, PARAMETER :: rhow = 1000.0 ! liquid water density [kg/m3] REAL, PARAMETER :: crd = 0.3 ! element drag coefficient REAL, PARAMETER :: csd = 0.003 ! substrate drag coefficient !jhan:hardwire for now. note beta2 = crd/csd REAL, PARAMETER :: beta2 = 0.3/0.003 ! ratio cr/cs REAL, PARAMETER :: ccd = 15.0 ! constant in d/h equation REAL, PARAMETER :: ccw_c = 2.0 ! ccw=(zw-d)/(h-d) REAL, PARAMETER :: usuhm = 0.3 ! (max of us/uh) ! Turbulence parameters: REAL, PARAMETER :: zetmul = 0.4 ! if niter=2, final zeta=zetmul*zetar(2) ! niter=4 ATM see cable_define_types.F90 REAL, PARAMETER :: zeta0 = 0.0 ! initial value of za/L REAL, PARAMETER :: zetneg = -15.0 ! negative limit on za/L when niter>=3 REAL, PARAMETER :: zetpos = 1.0 ! positive limit on za/L when niter>=3 REAL, PARAMETER :: zdlin = 1.0 ! height frac of d below which TL linear REAL, PARAMETER :: umin = 0.1 ! guarantees convergence, was 0.01 !model parameter shared across subroutines -> cable_phys_constants REAL, PARAMETER :: snow_depth_thresh = 1.0 END MODULE cable_phys_constants_mod