cable_parameters.F90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~cable_parameters.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90 cable_parameters.F90 sourcefile~cable_abort.f90 cable_abort.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~cable_abort.f90 sourcefile~cable_common.f90 cable_common.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~cable_common.f90 sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 cable_define_types.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90 cable_iovars.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90 sourcefile~cable_luc_expt.f90 cable_LUC_EXPT.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~cable_luc_expt.f90 sourcefile~cable_pft_params.f90 cable_pft_params.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~cable_pft_params.f90 sourcefile~cable_phys_constants_mod.f90 cable_phys_constants_mod.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~cable_phys_constants_mod.f90 sourcefile~cable_soil_params.f90 cable_soil_params.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~cable_soil_params.f90 sourcefile~cable_surface_types.f90 cable_surface_types.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~cable_surface_types.f90 sourcefile~casa_dimension.f90 casa_dimension.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~casa_dimension.f90 sourcefile~casa_param.f90 casa_param.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~casa_param.f90 sourcefile~casa_phenology.f90 casa_phenology.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~casa_phenology.f90 sourcefile~casa_variable.f90 casa_variable.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~casa_variable.f90 sourcefile~grid_constants_cbl.f90 grid_constants_cbl.F90 sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90->sourcefile~grid_constants_cbl.f90 sourcefile~cable_abort.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~cable_abort.f90->sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90 sourcefile~cable_runtime_opts_mod.f90 cable_runtime_opts_mod.F90 sourcefile~cable_common.f90->sourcefile~cable_runtime_opts_mod.f90 sourcefile~cable_climate_type_mod.f90 cable_climate_type_mod.F90 sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90->sourcefile~cable_climate_type_mod.f90 sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~cable_luc_expt.f90->sourcefile~cable_common.f90 sourcefile~cable_luc_expt.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~cable_luc_expt.f90->sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90 sourcefile~casa_ncdf.f90 casa_ncdf.F90 sourcefile~cable_luc_expt.f90->sourcefile~casa_ncdf.f90 sourcefile~cable_pft_params.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~cable_pft_params.f90->sourcefile~grid_constants_cbl.f90 sourcefile~cable_soil_params.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~cable_soil_params.f90->sourcefile~grid_constants_cbl.f90 sourcefile~casa_dimension.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~casa_param.f90->sourcefile~casa_dimension.f90 sourcefile~casa_phenology.f90->sourcefile~casa_dimension.f90 sourcefile~casa_variable.f90->sourcefile~casa_dimension.f90 sourcefile~casa_variable.f90->sourcefile~casa_param.f90 sourcefile~cable_climate_type_mod.f90->sourcefile~cable_common.f90 sourcefile~cable_climate_type_mod.f90->sourcefile~grid_constants_cbl.f90 sourcefile~casa_ncdf.f90->sourcefile~cable_common.f90 sourcefile~casa_ncdf.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~casa_ncdf.f90->sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~cable_parameters.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90 cable_parameters.F90 sourcefile~cable_input.f90 cable_input.F90 sourcefile~cable_input.f90->sourcefile~cable_parameters.f90 sourcefile~cable_driver_common.f90 cable_driver_common.F90 sourcefile~cable_driver_common.f90->sourcefile~cable_input.f90 sourcefile~cable_mpimaster.f90 cable_mpimaster.F90 sourcefile~cable_mpimaster.f90->sourcefile~cable_input.f90 sourcefile~cable_mpimaster.f90->sourcefile~cable_driver_common.f90 sourcefile~cable_mpiworker.f90 cable_mpiworker.F90 sourcefile~cable_mpiworker.f90->sourcefile~cable_input.f90 sourcefile~cable_mpiworker.f90->sourcefile~cable_driver_common.f90 sourcefile~cable_serial.f90 cable_serial.F90 sourcefile~cable_serial.f90->sourcefile~cable_input.f90 sourcefile~cable_serial.f90->sourcefile~cable_driver_common.f90 sourcefile~cable_offline_driver.f90 cable_offline_driver.F90 sourcefile~cable_offline_driver.f90->sourcefile~cable_driver_common.f90 sourcefile~cable_offline_driver.f90->sourcefile~cable_serial.f90

Source Code

! This source code is part of the
! Australian Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE) model.
! This work is licensed under the CSIRO Open Source Software License
! Agreement (variation of the BSD / MIT License).
! You may not use this file except in compliance with this License.
! A copy of the License (CSIRO_BSD_MIT_License_v2.0_CABLE.txt) is located
! in each directory containing CABLE code.
! ==============================================================================
! Purpose:       This module file reads default parameter sets and basic
!                initialisations for CABLE. Parameters values are chosen based
!                on a global map of vegetation and soil types, currently based
!                on a 1x1-degree grid for offline case and host-model grid for
!                online case. Default initialisations are obtained from monthly
!                climatology in GSWP and Mk3L runs for offline and online
!                respectively.
! Contact:
! History: Changes since v1.4b for global offline (GSWP) cases, read in new
!          input files
!          Two subroutines moved to cable_common (reading veg and soil parameter
!          files)
!          Addition of code for CASA-CNP
! ==============================================================================
! CALLed from:   cable_input.F90
! MODULEs used:  cable_abort_module
!                cable_common_module
!                cable_def_types_mod
!                casadimension
!                casaparm
!                cable_IO_vars_module
!                phenvariable
!                physical_constants
!                netcdf

! CALLs:         get_default_params
!                read_gridinfo
!                spatialSoil
!                NSflip
!                countPatch
!                write_default_params
!                write_cnp_params
!                derived_parameters
!                check_parameter_values
!                report_parameters

MODULE cable_param_module

  USE cable_def_types_mod
  USE casadimension, ONLY: icycle
  USE casavariable
  USE phenvariable
  USE cable_abort_module
  USE cable_IO_vars_module
  USE cable_common_module, ONLY: cable_user, gw_params
  USE cable_pft_params_mod
  USE cable_soil_params_mod
  PUBLIC get_default_params, write_default_params, derived_parameters,         &
       check_parameter_values, report_parameters, parID_type,                &
       write_cnp_params, consistency_ice_veg_soil 
  INTEGER :: patches_in_parfile=4 ! # patches in default global parameter
  ! file

  CHARACTER(LEN=4)  :: classification

  ! Variables below are temporary - for file read-in:
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :, :),    ALLOCATABLE :: inPFrac
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: inWB
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: inTGG
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:),          ALLOCATABLE :: inLon
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:),          ALLOCATABLE :: inLat
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: inALB
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: inSND
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :, :),    ALLOCATABLE :: inLAI
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),       ALLOCATABLE :: inArea
  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :),       ALLOCATABLE :: inSorder
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),       ALLOCATABLE :: inNdep
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),       ALLOCATABLE :: inNfix
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),       ALLOCATABLE :: inPwea
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),       ALLOCATABLE :: inPdust

  ! Temporary values for reading IGBP soil map Q.Zhang @ 12/20/2010
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inswilt
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: insfc
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inssat
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inbch
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inhyds
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: insucs
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inrhosoil
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: incss
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: incnsd
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inclay
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: insilt
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: insand

  !MD temp vars for reading in aquifer properties
  LOGICAL :: found_explicit_gw_parameters
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWbch
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWssat
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWhyds
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWsucs
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWrhosoil
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWclay
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWsilt
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWsand
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWWatr
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inWatr
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inSlope
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inGWdz
  REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inSlopeSTD

  ! vars intro for Ticket #27
  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inSoilColor

  INTERFACE get_gw_data                          ! rk4417 - phase2
     MODULE PROCEDURE get_gw_2d_var_constdef  
     MODULE PROCEDURE get_gw_3d_var_constdef
     MODULE PROCEDURE get_gw_4d_var_constdef
     MODULE PROCEDURE get_gw_2d_var
     MODULE PROCEDURE get_gw_3d_var
     MODULE PROCEDURE get_gw_4d_var

  SUBROUTINE get_default_params(logn, vegparmnew, LUC_EXPT)
    USE cable_common_module, ONLY : filename,             &
    ! Load parameters for each veg type and each soil type. (get_type_parameters)
    ! Also read in initial information for each grid point. (read_gridinfo)
    ! Count to obtain 'landpt', 'max_vegpatches' and 'mp'. (countPatch)
    ! New input structure using netcdf and introduced 'month' to initialize
    ! soil profiles with the correct monthly average values (BP apr2010)

    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: logn     ! log file unit number
    LOGICAL,      INTENT(IN) :: vegparmnew ! new format input file (BP dec2007)

    ! local variables
    INTEGER :: npatch
    INTEGER :: nlon
    INTEGER :: nlat

    WRITE(logn,*) ' Reading grid info from ', TRIM(filename%type)
    WRITE(logn,*) ' And assigning C4 fraction according to veg classification.'
    IF(exists%patch) THEN
      CALL read_gridinfo(nlon,nlat,nmetpatches)!, &
      CALL read_gridinfo(nlon,nlat,npatch)
    END IF
    ! Overwrite veg type and inital patch frac with land-use info
       CALL get_land_index(nlon, nlat)
       CALL LUC_EXPT_SET_TILES(inVeg, inPfrac, LUC_EXPT)

    IF (soilparmnew) THEN
       PRINT *,      'Use spatially-specific soil properties; ', nlon, nlat
       WRITE(logn,*) 'Use spatially-specific soil properties; ', nlon, nlat
       CALL spatialSoil(nlon, nlat, logn)

    ! Get parameter values for all default veg and soil types:
    !CALL get_type_parameters(logn, vegparmnew, classification)
    CALL cable_pft_params()
    CALL cable_soil_params()

    ! include prescribed soil colour in determining albedo - Ticket #27
    IF (calcsoilalbedo) THEN
       CALL read_soilcolor(logn)
    END IF

    ! count to obtain 'landpt', 'max_vegpatches' and 'mp'
    CALL countPatch(nlon, nlat, npatch)

  END SUBROUTINE get_default_params
  SUBROUTINE read_gridinfo(nlon, nlat, npatch)
    ! Reads in veg type, patch fraction, soil type, soil moisture and temperature
    ! profiles; also grid area and nutrients
    ! Input variables:
    !   filename%type  - via cable_IO_vars_module
    !   classification - via cable_param_module
    ! Output variables:
    !   nlon           - # longitudes in input data set
    !   nlat           - # latitudes  in input data set
    !   npatch         - # patches in each grid from input data set
    !   inVeg          - via cable_param_module
    !   inPFrac        - via cable_param_module
    !   inSoil         - via cable_param_module
    !   inWB           - via cable_param_module
    !   inTGG          - via cable_param_module
    !   inLon          - via cable_param_module
    !   inLat          - via cable_param_module
    !   inALB          - via cable_param_module
    !   inSND          - via cable_param_module
    !   inLAI          - via cable_param_module
    ! New input structure using netcdf and introduced 'month' to initialize
    ! soil profiles with the correct monthly average values (BP apr2010)

    USE netcdf
    USE cable_common_module, ONLY : filename

    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nlon
    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nlat
    INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: npatch

    ! local variables
    INTEGER :: ncid, ok
    INTEGER :: xID, yID, pID, sID, tID, bID
    INTEGER :: varID
    INTEGER :: nslayer, ntime, nband, lon, lat
    INTEGER :: ii, jj, kk,pp
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: idummy
    REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: rdummy
    REAL,    DIMENSION(:, :, :),  ALLOCATABLE :: r3dum, r3dum2, r3dum3, r3dum4

    ok = NF90_OPEN(filename%type, 0, ncid)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error opening grid info file.')

    ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'longitude', xID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'x', xID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error inquiring x dimension.')
    ok = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, xID, LEN=nlon)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error getting x dimension.')
    ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'latitude', yID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'y', yID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error inquiring y dimension.')
    ok = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, yID, LEN=nlat)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error getting y dimension.')
    IF(.NOT. exists%patch) THEN
      ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'patch', pID)
      IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error inquiring patch dimension.')
      ok = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, pID, LEN=npatch)
      IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error getting patch dimension.')
    ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'soil', sID)
    ok = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, sID, LEN=nslayer)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error getting soil dimension.')
    ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'time', tID)
    ok = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, tID, LEN=ntime)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error getting time dimension.')
    ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'rad', bID)
    ok = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, bID, LEN=nband)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error getting rad dimension.')

    ! check dimensions of soil-layers and time
    ! vh_js !
    IF ( (nslayer /= ms) .OR. (ntime /= 12)) THEN
       PRINT *, 'Variable dimensions do not match:'
       PRINT *, 'nslayer and ms = ', nslayer, ms
       PRINT *, 'ntime not equal 12 months: ', ntime
       IF (ntime /=12) THEN
          CALL abort('Variable dimensions do not match (read_gridinfo)')
          PRINT*, 'warning: soil layers below nslayer will be initialsed with moisture'
          PRINT*,    'and temperature of lowest layer in grid_info'
    END IF

    ALLOCATE( inLon(nlon), inLat(nlat) )
    ALLOCATE( inVeg(nlon, nlat, npatch) )
    ALLOCATE( inPFrac(nlon, nlat, npatch) )
    ALLOCATE( inSoil(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE( idummy(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE( rdummy(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(  inWB(nlon, nlat, nslayer,ntime) )
    ALLOCATE( inTGG(nlon, nlat, nslayer,ntime) )
    ALLOCATE( inALB(nlon, nlat, npatch,nband) )
    ALLOCATE( inSND(nlon, nlat, npatch,ntime) )
    ALLOCATE( inLAI(nlon, nlat, ntime) )
    ALLOCATE( r3dum(nlon, nlat, nband) )
    ALLOCATE( r3dum2(nlon, nlat, ntime) )

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'longitude', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
         'Error finding variable longitude.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inLon)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
         'Error reading variable longitude.')

    !ensure this longitude is -180->180
    !as for GSWP3 it is 0-360
    WHERE (inLON > 180.0)
       inLON = inLON - 360.0

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'latitude', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable latitude.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inLat)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable latitude.')

    IF(.NOT. exists%patch) THEN
      ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'iveg', varID)
      IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable iveg.')
      !CLN    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, idummy)
      ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inVeg)
      IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable iveg.')
      !CLN    inVeg(:, :, 1) = idummy(:,:) ! npatch=1 in 1x1 degree input
      ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'patchfrac', varID)
      IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
           'Error finding variable patchfrac.')
      ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inPFrac)
      IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
           'Error reading variable patchfrac.')
      !CLN    inPFrac(:, :, 1) = rdummy(:, :)
      !loop through lat and lon to fill patch and veg vars
      DO lon = 1,nlon
        DO lat = 1, nlat
          inPFrac(lon,lat,:) = vegpatch_metfile(1,:) !Anna: passing met patchfrac here
          inVeg(lon,lat,:) = vegtype_metfile(1,:)
    END IF

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'isoil', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable isoil.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inSoil)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable isoil.')

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'SoilMoist', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
         'Error finding variable SoilMoist.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inWB)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
         'Error reading variable SoilMoist.')

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'SoilTemp', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable SoilTemp.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inTGG)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable SoilTemp.')

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'Albedo', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable Albedo.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, r3dum)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable Albedo.')
    !   DO kk = 1, nband
    !     inALB(:,:,1,kk) = r3dum(:,:,kk)
    !   ENDDO
    ! vh!
    DO kk = 1, nband
       DO pp = 1,npatch
          inALB(:,:,pp,kk) = r3dum(:,:,kk)

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'SnowDepth', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
         'Error finding variable SnowDepth.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,varID,r3dum2)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
         'Error reading variable SnowDepth.')
    ! DO kk = 1, ntime
    !   inSND(:, :, 1, kk) = r3dum2(:, :, kk)
    ! ENDDO

    DO kk = 1, ntime
       DO pp = 1,npatch
          inSND(:, :, pp, kk) = r3dum2(:, :, kk)

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'LAI', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable LAI.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,varID,inLAI)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable LAI.')

    IF (icycle > 0) THEN
       ! casaCNP parameters
       ALLOCATE( inArea(nlon, nlat) )
       ALLOCATE( inSorder(nlon, nlat) )
       ALLOCATE( inNdep(nlon, nlat) )
       ALLOCATE( inNfix(nlon, nlat) )
       ALLOCATE( inPwea(nlon, nlat) )
       ALLOCATE( inPdust(nlon, nlat) )

       ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'area', varID)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding area.')
       ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inArea)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading area.')

       ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'SoilOrder', varID)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding SoilOrder.')
       ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inSorder)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading SoilOrder.')

       ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'Ndep', varID)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding Ndep.')
       ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inNdep)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading Ndep.')

       ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'Nfix', varID)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding Nfix.')
       ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inNfix)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading Nfix.')

       ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'Pwea', varID)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding Pwea.')
       ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inPwea)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading Pwea.')

       ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'Pdust', varID)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding Pdust.')
       ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inPdust)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading Pdust.')

       ! change units from g/m2/yr to g/m2/day
       inNdep  = inNdep  / 365.0
       inNfix  = inNfix  / 365.0
       inPwea  = inPwea  / 365.0
       inPdust = inPdust / 365.0


    ok = NF90_CLOSE(ncid)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error closing grid info file.')

  END SUBROUTINE read_gridinfo
  SUBROUTINE spatialSoil(nlon, nlat, logn)
    ! Read in spatially-specific soil properties including snow-free albedo
    ! plus soil texture; all these from UM ancilliary file
    ! Input variables:
    !   nlon,nlat         - # longitudes and latitudes in the previous input file
    !   filename%soilIGBP - via cable_IO_vars_module
    ! Output variables:
    !   inswilt   - via cable_param_module
    !   insfc     - via cable_param_module
    !   inssat    - via cable_param_module
    !   inbch     - via cable_param_module
    !   inhyds    - via cable_param_module
    !   insucs    - via cable_param_module
    !   inrhosoil - via cable_param_module
    !   incss     - via cable_param_module
    !   incnsd    - via cable_param_module
    !   inclay    - via cable_param_module
    !   insilt    - via cable_param_module
    !   insand    - via cable_param_module
    !   inALB     - via cable_param_module

    USE netcdf
    USE cable_common_module, ONLY : filename

    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlon
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlat
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: logn ! log file unit number

    ! local variables
    INTEGER :: ncid, ok, ii, jj, kk, ok2, ncid_elev
    INTEGER :: xID, yID, fieldID
    INTEGER :: xlon, xlat
    REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: indummy
    REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),     ALLOCATABLE :: sfact, dummy2
    REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),     ALLOCATABLE :: in2alb

    ok = NF90_OPEN(filename%type, 0, ncid)

    ALLOCATE(    in2alb(nlon, nlat) ) ! local
    ALLOCATE(    dummy2(nlon, nlat) ) ! local
    ALLOCATE(     sfact(nlon, nlat) ) ! local
    ALLOCATE(   inswilt(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(     insfc(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    inssat(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(     inbch(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    inhyds(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    insucs(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE( inrhosoil(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(     incss(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    incnsd(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    inclay(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    insilt(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    insand(nlon, nlat) )

    !MD Aquifer properties
    ALLOCATE(    inGWssat(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(     inGWbch(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    inGWhyds(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    inGWsucs(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE( inGWrhosoil(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(    inGWWatr(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(      inWatr(nlon, nlat) )
    ALLOCATE(       inORG(nlon, nlat) )

    ! 1
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'swilt', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable swilt.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inswilt)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable swilt.')
    ! 2
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'sfc', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable sfc.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, insfc)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable sfc.')
    ! 3
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'ssat', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable ssat.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inssat)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable ssat.')
    ! 4
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'bch', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable bch.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inbch)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable bch.')
    ! 5
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'hyds',fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable hyds.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inhyds)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable hyds.')
    ! 6
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'sucs', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable sucs.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, insucs)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable sucs.')
    ! 7
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'rhosoil', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable rhosoil.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,inrhosoil)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable rhosoil.')
    ! 8
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'cnsd', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable cnsd.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, incnsd)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable cnsd.')
    ! 9
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'css', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable css.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, incss)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable css.')
    ! 10
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'clay', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable clay.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inclay)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable clay.')
    ! 11
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'silt', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable silt.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, insilt)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable silt.')
    ! 12
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'sand', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable sand.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, insand)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable sand.')
    ! 13 UM albedo
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'albedo2', fieldID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable UM albedo')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, in2alb)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable UM albedo')

    !MD try to read aquifer properties from the file
    ! if they don't exist set aquifer properties to the same as the soil
    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'Watr', fieldID)
    WRITE(*,*) NF90_NOERR
    ok2= ok
    IF (ok .EQ. NF90_NOERR) THEN
       ok2 = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inWatr)
    END IF
    IF ((ok2 .NE. NF90_NOERR) .OR. (ok .NE. NF90_NOERR)) THEN
       inWatr(:,:) = 0.05
    END IF

    found_explicit_gw_parameters = .TRUE.

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'GWssat', fieldID)
    WRITE(*,*) NF90_NOERR
    ok2= ok
    IF (ok .EQ. NF90_NOERR) THEN
       ok2 = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inGWssat)
    END IF
    IF ((ok2 .NE. NF90_NOERR) .OR. (ok .NE. NF90_NOERR)) THEN
       inGWssat(:,:) = inssat(:,:)
       found_explicit_gw_parameters = .FALSE.
    END IF

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'GWWatr', fieldID)
    ok2 = ok
    IF (ok .EQ. NF90_NOERR) THEN
       ok2 = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inGWssat)
    END IF
    IF ((ok2 .NE. NF90_NOERR) .OR. (ok .NE. NF90_NOERR)) THEN
       inGWWatr(:,:) = 0.05
    END IF

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'GWsucs', fieldID)
    ok2 = ok
    IF (ok .EQ. NF90_NOERR) THEN
       ok2 = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inGWsucs)
    END IF
    IF ((ok2 .NE. NF90_NOERR) .OR. (ok .NE. NF90_NOERR)) THEN
       inGWsucs(:,:) = ABS(insucs(:,:)) * 1000.0
       found_explicit_gw_parameters = .FALSE.
    END IF

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'GWbch', fieldID)
    ok2 = ok
    IF (ok .EQ. NF90_NOERR) THEN
       ok2 = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inGWbch)
    END IF
    IF ((ok2 .NE. NF90_NOERR) .OR. (ok .NE. NF90_NOERR)) THEN
       inGWbch(:,:) = inbch(:,:)
       found_explicit_gw_parameters = .FALSE.
    END IF

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'GWhyds', fieldID)
    ok2 = ok
    IF (ok .EQ. NF90_NOERR) THEN
       ok2 = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inGWhyds)
    END IF
    IF ((ok2 .NE. NF90_NOERR) .OR. (ok .NE. NF90_NOERR)) THEN
       inGWhyds(:,:) = inhyds(:,:)*1000.0
       found_explicit_gw_parameters = .FALSE.
    END IF

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'GWrhosoil', fieldID)
    ok2 = ok
    IF (ok .EQ. NF90_NOERR) THEN
       ok2 = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inGWrhosoil)
    END IF
    IF ((ok2 .NE. NF90_NOERR) .OR. (ok .NE. NF90_NOERR)) THEN
       inGWrhosoil(:,:) = inrhosoil(:,:)
    END IF

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'organic', fieldID)
    ok2 = ok
    IF (ok .EQ. NF90_NOERR) THEN
       ok2 = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, fieldID, inORG)
       WRITE(logn,*) 'READ FORG FROM THE DATA FILE, yeidling '
       WRITE(logn,*) 'A maximum value of ',MAXVAL(inORG),' and min val of',MINVAL(inORG)
    END IF
    IF ((ok2 .NE. NF90_NOERR) .OR. (ok .NE. NF90_NOERR)) THEN
       inORG(:,:) = 0.0
       WRITE(logn,*) 'COULD NOT READ FORG FROM THR SRF FILE setting to 0.0'
    END IF

    ! Use this code if need to process original UM file soil fields into CABLE
    ! offline format
    !    ! 1
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field329',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable swilt.')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable swilt.')
    !    inswilt(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,inswilt)
    !    ! 2
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field330',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable sfc.')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable sfc.')
    !    insfc(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,insfc)
    !    ! 3
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field332',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable ssat.')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable ssat.')
    !    inssat(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,inssat)
    !    ! 4
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field1381',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable bch.')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable bch.')
    !    inbch(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,inbch)
    !    ! 5
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field333',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable hyds.')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable hyds.')
    !    inhyds(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,inhyds)
    !    ! 6
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field342',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable sucs.')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable sucs.')
    !    insucs(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,insucs)
    !    ! 7
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field2011',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable rhosoil.')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable rhosoil.')
    !    inrhosoil(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,inrhosoil)
    !    ! 8
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field335',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable css.')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable css.')
    !    incss(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,incss)
    !    ! 9
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field336',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable cnsd.')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable cnsd.')
    !    incnsd(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,incnsd)
    !    ! 10 albedo
    !    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid,'field1395',fieldID)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error finding variable albedo')
    !    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,fieldID,indummy)
    !    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,'Error reading variable albedo')
    !    in2alb(:,:) = indummy(:,:,1,1)
    !    CALL NSflip(nlon,nlat,in2alb)

    ok = NF90_CLOSE(ncid)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error closing IGBP soil map.')

    ! Code if using UM soil file
    ! unit change and glacial-point check were done in preprocessing
    !    ! change unit to m/s
    !    inhyds = inhyds * 1.0E-3
    !    ! Assign values to glacial points which are zeroes
    !    WHERE(inswilt==0.)     inswilt = 0.216
    !    WHERE( insfc ==0.)       insfc = 0.301
    !    WHERE(inssat ==0.)      inssat = 0.479
    !    WHERE( inbch ==0.)       inbch = 7.1
    !    WHERE(inhyds ==0.)      inhyds = 1.E-3
    !    WHERE(insucs ==0.)      insucs = 0.153
    !    WHERE(inrhosoil==0.) inrhosoil = 1455
    !    WHERE(incnsd ==0.)      incnsd = 0.272
    !    WHERE(incss > 630000.0)
    !      incss = incss / inrhosoil   ! normal points need unit conversion
    !    ELSEWHERE
    !      incss = 2100.0   ! glacial points
    !    ENDWHERE

    ! Calculate albedo for radiation bands and overwrite previous
    ! initialization
    PRINT *,      'When choosing spatially-specific soil properties,'
    PRINT *,      'snow-free albedo is also overwritten by this data set.'
    WRITE(logn, *) 'When choosing spatially-specific soil properties,'
    WRITE(logn, *) 'snow-free albedo is also overwritten by this data set.'
    sfact = 0.68
    WHERE (in2alb <= 0.14)
       sfact = 0.5
    ELSEWHERE (in2alb > 0.14)
       sfact = 0.62
    WHERE (in2alb > 1.0e19)   ! ocean points
       in2alb = -1.0
    dummy2(:, :) = 2.0 * in2alb(:, :) / (1.0 + sfact(:, :))
    inALB(:, :, 1, 2) = dummy2(:, :)
    inALB(:, :, 1, 1) = sfact(:, :) * dummy2(:, :)

    IF (ok .NE. 0) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error allocating inSlope ')
    inSlope(:,:) = 0.0

    IF (ok .NE. 0) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error allocating inSlopeSTD ')
    inSlopeSTD(:,:) = 0.0

    IF (ok .NE. 0) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error allocating inGWdz ')
    inGWdz(:,:) = 20.0

    IF (cable_user%GW_MODEL) THEN
       ok = NF90_OPEN(TRIM(filename%gw_elev),NF90_NOWRITE,ncid_elev)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error opening GW elev param file.')

       ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid_elev, 'slope', fieldID)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) WRITE(logn,*) 'Error finding variable slope'
       ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid_elev, fieldID, inSlope)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) THEN
          inSlope = 0.0
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Could not read slope data for SSGW, set to 0.0'
       END IF

       ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid_elev, 'slope_std', fieldID)   !slope_std
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) WRITE(logn,*) 'Error finding variable slope std'
       ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid_elev, fieldID, inSlopeSTD)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) THEN
          inSlopeSTD = 0.0
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Could not read slope stddev data for SSGW, set to 0.0'
       END IF

       ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid_elev, 'dtb', fieldID)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) WRITE(logn,*) 'Error finding variable dtb'
       ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid_elev, fieldID, inGWdz)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) THEN
          inGWdz = 20.0
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Could not read dtb data for SSGW, set to 0.0'
       END IF

       ok = NF90_CLOSE(ncid_elev)

    ENDIF  !running gw model

    DEALLOCATE(in2alb, sfact, dummy2)
    !    DEALLOCATE(in2alb,sfact,dummy2,indummy)

  END SUBROUTINE spatialSoil
  !subr to read soil color for albed o calc - Ticket #27
  SUBROUTINE read_soilcolor(logn)
    ! Read soil color
    ! Input variables:
    !   filename%soilcolor  - via cable_IO_vars_module
    ! Output variables:
    !   soilcol    - via cable_param_module
    ! New input structure using netcdf

    USE netcdf
    USE cable_common_module, ONLY : filename, calcsoilalbedo
    ! USE cable_IO_vars_module, ONLY : soilcol

    ! TYPE (soil_parameter_type), INTENT(OUT) :: soil
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) ::  logn ! log file unit number

    ! local variables
    ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :),     ALLOCATABLE :: inSoilColor
    INTEGER :: ncid, ok
    INTEGER :: nlon
    INTEGER :: nlat
    INTEGER :: xID, yID
    INTEGER :: varID
    INTEGER :: r, e

    REAL,    DIMENSION(:),          ALLOCATABLE :: inLonSoilCol
    REAL,    DIMENSION(:),          ALLOCATABLE :: inLatSoilCol

    ok = NF90_OPEN(filename%soilcolor, 0, ncid)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error opening soil color file.')

    ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'longitude', xID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'x', xID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error inquiring x dimension.')
    ok = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, xID, LEN=nlon)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error getting x dimension.')
    ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'latitude', yID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) ok = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid, 'y', yID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error inquiring y dimension.')
    ok = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, yID, LEN=nlat)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error getting y dimension.')

    ALLOCATE( inLonSoilCol(nlon), inLatSoilCol(nlat) )
    ALLOCATE( inSoilColor(nlon, nlat) )
    ! ALLOCATE( soilcol(mp) )

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'longitude', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
         'Error finding variable longitude.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inLonSoilCol)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok,                                    &
         'Error reading variable longitude.')

    DO r = 1, nlon
       IF ( inLonSoilCol(r) /= inLon(r) ) CALL nc_abort(ok,                     &
            'Wrong resolution in longitude.')
    END DO

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'latitude', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable latitude.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inLatSoilCol)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable latitude.')

    DO r = 1, nlat
       IF ( inLatSoilCol(r) /= inLat(r) ) CALL nc_abort(ok,                     &
            'Wrong resolution in latitude.')
    END DO

    ok = NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, 'SOIL_COLOR', varID)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error finding variable soil color.')
    ok = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, varID, inSoilColor)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error reading variable soil color.')

    ok = NF90_CLOSE(ncid)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error closing soil color file.')

  END SUBROUTINE read_soilcolor
  SUBROUTINE NSflip(nlon, nlat, invar)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlon
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlat
    REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: invar(nlon,nlat)

    ! local variables
    INTEGER :: ii, jj
    REAL    :: rdummy(nlon, nlat)

    DO jj = 1, nlat
       DO ii = 1, nlon
          rdummy(ii, jj) = invar(ii, nlat - jj + 1)
    invar(:, :) = rdummy(:, :)

  SUBROUTINE get_land_index(nlon, nlat)
    ! fill the index variable 'landpt%ilat, landpt%ilon'
    ! Input variables:
    !   nlon           - # longitudes in input data set
    !   nlat           - # latitudes  in input data set
    !   npatch         - # patches in each grid from input data set
    !   inLon          - via cable_param_module
    !   inLat          - via cable_param_module
    !   longitude      - via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland), not patches
    !   latitude       - via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland), not patches
    !   nmetpatches    - via cable_IO_vars_module
    !   vegtype_metfile - via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland,nmetpatches)
    !   soiltype_metfile- via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland,nmetpatches)
    ! Output variables:
    !   max_vegpatches - via cable_IO_vars_module
    !   landpt%type    - via cable_IO_vars_module (%nap,cstart,cend,ilon,ilat)

    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlon, nlat

    ! local variables
    REAL :: lon2, distance, newLength
    INTEGER :: ii, jj, kk, tt, ncount

    ! range of longitudes from input file (inLon) should be -180 to 180,
    ! and longitude(:) has already been converted to -180 to 180 for CABLE.
    landpt(:)%ilon = -999
    landpt(:)%ilat = -999
    ncount = 0
    DO kk = 1, mland
       distance = 5300.0 ! initialise, units are degrees
       DO jj = 1, nlat
          DO ii = 1, nlon
             IF (inVeg(ii,jj, 1) > 0) THEN
                newLength = SQRT((inLon(ii) - longitude(kk))**2                      &
                     + (inLat(jj) -  latitude(kk))**2)
                IF (newLength < distance) THEN
                   distance = newLength
                   landpt(kk)%ilon = ii
                   landpt(kk)%ilat = jj
                END IF
             END IF
          END DO
       END DO
       IF (landpt(kk)%ilon < -900 .OR. landpt(kk)%ilat < -900) THEN
          PRINT *, 'Land point ', kk, ' cannot find the nearest grid!'
          PRINT *, 'lon, lat = ', longitude(kk), latitude(kk)
          PRINT *, 'inLon range:', MINVAL(inLon), MAXVAL(inLon)
          PRINT *, 'inLat range:', MINVAL(inLat), MAXVAL(inLat)
       END IF

    END DO

  END SUBROUTINE get_land_index


  SUBROUTINE countPatch(nlon, nlat, npatch)
    ! count the total number of active patches and
    ! fill the index variable 'landpt'
    ! Input variables:
    !   nlon           - # longitudes in input data set
    !   nlat           - # latitudes  in input data set
    !   npatch         - # patches in each grid from input data set
    !   inLon          - via cable_param_module
    !   inLat          - via cable_param_module
    !   longitude      - via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland), not patches
    !   latitude       - via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland), not patches
    !   nmetpatches    - via cable_IO_vars_module
    !   vegtype_metfile - via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland,nmetpatches)
    !   soiltype_metfile- via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland,nmetpatches)
    ! Output variables:
    !   max_vegpatches - via cable_IO_vars_module
    !   landpt%type    - via cable_IO_vars_module (%nap,cstart,cend,ilon,ilat)

    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlon, nlat, npatch

    ! local variables
    REAL :: lon2, distance, newLength
    INTEGER :: ii, jj, kk, tt, ncount

! mpatch setting below introduced by rk4417 - phase2    
    !set mpatch, the publically available number of patches
    mpatch = npatch   ! MMY@13April it makes sense. mpatch is set in cable_define_types_mod    
                      !     as a public variable and is used in subroutine GWspatialParameters 
                      !     and in get_gw_data
    ! range of longitudes from input file (inLon) should be -180 to 180,
    ! and longitude(:) has already been converted to -180 to 180 for CABLE.
    landpt(:)%ilon = -999
    landpt(:)%ilat = -999
    ncount = 0
    DO kk = 1, mland
       distance = 300.0 ! initialise, units are degrees
       DO jj = 1, nlat
          DO ii = 1, nlon
             IF (inVeg(ii,jj, 1) > 0) THEN
                newLength = SQRT((inLon(ii) - longitude(kk))**2                      &
                     + (inLat(jj) -  latitude(kk))**2)
                IF (newLength < distance) THEN
                   distance = newLength
                   landpt(kk)%ilon = ii
                   landpt(kk)%ilat = jj
                END IF
             END IF
          END DO
       END DO
       IF (landpt(kk)%ilon < -900 .OR. landpt(kk)%ilat < -900) THEN
          PRINT *, 'Land point ', kk, ' cannot find the nearest grid!'
          PRINT *, 'lon, lat = ', longitude(kk), latitude(kk)
          PRINT *, 'inLon range:', MINVAL(inLon), MAXVAL(inLon)
          PRINT *, 'inLat range:', MINVAL(inLat), MAXVAL(inLat)
       END IF

       landpt(kk)%nap = 0
       landpt(kk)%cstart = ncount + 1
       IF (ASSOCIATED(vegtype_metfile)) THEN
          DO tt = 1, nmetpatches
             IF (vegtype_metfile(kk,tt) > 0) ncount = ncount + 1
             landpt(kk)%nap = landpt(kk)%nap + 1
          END DO
          landpt(kk)%cend = ncount
          IF (landpt(kk)%cend < landpt(kk)%cstart) THEN
             PRINT *, 'Land point ', kk, ' does not have veg type!'
             PRINT *, 'landpt%cstart, cend = ', landpt(kk)%cstart, landpt(kk)%cend
             PRINT *, 'vegtype_metfile = ', vegtype_metfile(kk,:)
          END IF
          ! CLN added for npatches
       ELSE IF ( npatch .GT. 1 ) THEN
          landpt(kk)%nap = 0
          DO tt = 1, npatch

             IF (inVeg(landpt(kk)%ilon,landpt(kk)%ilat,tt) > 0) THEN
                landpt(kk)%nap = landpt(kk)%nap + 1
          END DO
          ncount = ncount + landpt(kk)%nap
          landpt(kk)%cend = ncount
          IF (landpt(kk)%cend < landpt(kk)%cstart) THEN
             PRINT *, 'Land point ', kk, ' does not have veg type!'
             PRINT *, 'landpt%cstart, cend = ', landpt(kk)%cstart, landpt(kk)%cend
             PRINT *, 'vegtype_metfile = ', vegtype_metfile(kk,:)
          END IF
          ! assume nmetpatches to be 1
          IF (nmetpatches == 1) THEN
             ncount = ncount + 1
             landpt(kk)%nap = 1
             landpt(kk)%cend = ncount
             PRINT *, 'nmetpatches = ', nmetpatches, '. Should be 1.'
             PRINT *, 'If soil patches exist, add new code.'
          END IF
       END IF
    END DO
    ! CLN IF (ncount > mland * nmetpatches) THEN
    IF (ncount > mland * nmetpatches .AND. npatch == 1) THEN
       PRINT *, ncount, ' should not be greater than mland*nmetpatches.'
       PRINT *, 'mland, nmetpatches = ', mland, nmetpatches
    END IF
    DEALLOCATE(inLon, inLat)

    ! Set the maximum number of active patches to that read from met file:
    max_vegpatches = MAXVAL(landpt(:)%nap)

! mpatch setting below introduced by rk4417 - phase2
    mpatch         = max_vegpatches   ! MMY@13April keep this line, it is an update of mpatch to consider
                                      !        force_npatches_as's change on mpatch
    !CLN    IF (max_vegpatches /= nmetpatches) THEN
    IF (max_vegpatches /= nmetpatches .AND. npatch == 1) THEN
       PRINT *, 'Error! Met file claiming to have more active patches than'
       PRINT *, 'it really has. Check met file.'
    END IF
    IF (npatch < nmetpatches) THEN
       PRINT *, 'Warning! Met file data have more patches than the global file.'
       PRINT *, 'Remember to check final veg type and patch fractions.'
    END IF

    ! Write to total # patches - used to allocate all of CABLE's variables:
    mp = ncount
    PRINT *, 'Total number of patches (countPatch): ', ncount

  SUBROUTINE write_default_params(met,  air,    ssnow, veg, bgc,               &
       soil, canopy, rough, rad, logn,              &
       vegparmnew, month, TFRZ, LUC_EXPT)
    ! Initialize many canopy_type, soil_snow_type, soil_parameter_type and
    ! roughness_type variables;
    ! Calculate 'froot' from 'rootbeta' parameter;
    ! Assign values from input file to their proper variables in soil_snow_type,
    ! soil_parameter_type, veg_parameter_type and patch_type;
    ! Prescribe parameters for each point based on its veg/soil type.
    ! New input structure using netcdf and introduced 'month' to initialize
    ! soil profiles with the correct monthly average values (BP apr2010)
    ! Input variables:
    !   longitude      - via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland), not patches
    !   latitude       - via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland), not patches
    !   nmetpatches    - via cable_IO_vars_module
    !   vegtype_metfile - via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland,nmetpatches)
    !   soiltype_metfile- via cable_IO_vars_module, dim(mland,nmetpatches)
    ! Output variables:
    !   max_vegpatches - via cable_IO_vars_module
    !   landpt(mp)%type- via cable_IO_vars_module (%nap,cstart,cend,ilon,ilat)
    !   patch(mp)%type - via cable_IO_vars_module (%frac,longitude,latitude)

    USE cable_common_module, ONLY : calcsoilalbedo,cable_user

    INTEGER,               INTENT(IN)    :: logn  ! log file unit number
    INTEGER,               INTENT(IN)    :: month ! month of year
    LOGICAL,                    INTENT(IN)    :: vegparmnew ! new format input
    REAL,                       INTENT(IN)    :: TFRZ
    TYPE (met_type),            INTENT(INOUT) :: met
    TYPE (air_type),            INTENT(INOUT) :: air
    TYPE (soil_snow_type),      INTENT(INOUT) :: ssnow
    TYPE (veg_parameter_type),  INTENT(INOUT) :: veg
    TYPE (bgc_pool_type),       INTENT(INOUT) :: bgc
    TYPE (soil_parameter_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: soil
    TYPE (canopy_type),         INTENT(INOUT)   :: canopy
    TYPE (roughness_type),      INTENT(INOUT)   :: rough
    TYPE (radiation_type),      INTENT(INOUT)   :: rad

    INTEGER :: e,f,h,i,klev  ! do loop counter
    INTEGER :: is     ! YP oct07
    INTEGER :: ir     ! BP sep2010
    REAL :: tmp       ! BP sep2010

    !    The following is for the alternate method to calculate froot by Zeng 2001
    !    REAL :: term1(17), term2(17)                ! (BP may2010)
    !    REAL :: aa(17), bb(17)   ! new parameter values for IGBP types
    !    DATA aa /6.706,7.344,7.066,5.990,4.453,6.326,7.718,7.604,8.235,10.740,
    !    10.740,5.558,5.558,5.558,4.372,4.372,4.372/
    !    DATA bb /2.175,1.303,1.953,1.955,1.631,1.567,1.262,2.300,1.627,2.608,
    !    2.608,2.614,2.614,2.614,0.978,0.978,0.978/
    !    (BP may2010)

    ! *******************************************************************
    ! Site independent initialisations (all gridcells):
    canopy%cansto  = 0.0 ! canopy water storage (mm or kg/m2)
    canopy%sghflux = 0.0
    canopy%ghflux  = 0.0
    ssnow%ssdn   = 120.0 ! snow density per layer (kg/m3)
    ssnow%ssdnn  = 120.0 ! overall snow density (kg/m3)
    ssnow%tggsn  = tfrz  ! snow temperature per layer (K)
    ssnow%isflag = 0     ! snow layer scheme flag (0 = no/little snow, 1=snow)
    ssnow%snowd  = 0.0   ! snow liquid water equivalent depth (mm or kg/m2)
    ssnow%osnowd = 0.0   ! snow depth prev timestep (mm or kg/m2)
    ssnow%sdepth = 0.0   ! snow depth for each snow layer (BP jul2010)
    ssnow%snage  = 0.0   ! snow age
    ssnow%wbice  = 0.0   ! soil ice
    ssnow%thetai = 0.0   ! soil ice
    ssnow%smass  = 0.0   ! snow mass per layer (kg/m^2)
    ssnow%runoff = 0.0   ! runoff total = subsurface + surface runoff
    ssnow%rnof1  = 0.0   ! surface runoff (mm/timestepsize)
    ssnow%rnof2  = 0.0   ! deep drainage (mm/timestepsize)
    ssnow%rtsoil = 100.0 ! turbulent resistance for soil
    ssnow%wb_lake = 0.0
    canopy%ga     = 0.0  ! ground heat flux (W/m2)
    canopy%dgdtg  = 0.0  ! derivative of ground heat flux wrt soil temp
    canopy%fev    = 0.0  ! latent heat flux from vegetation (W/m2)
    canopy%fes    = 0.0  ! latent heat flux from soil (W/m2)
    canopy%fhs    = 0.0  ! sensible heat flux from soil (W/m2)
    ! vh_js !
    canopy%us = 0.1 ! friction velocity (needed in roughness before first call to canopy: should in be retart?
    canopy%fh    = 0.0  ! sensible heat flux
    canopy%fe    = 0.0  ! sensible heat flux
    ssnow%qrecharge = 0.0
    ssnow%GWwb = -1.0
    ssnow%wtd = 1.0
    canopy%sublayer_dz = 0.001  !could go into restart to ensure starting/stopping runs gives identical results
    !however the impact is negligible

    !IF(hide%Ticket49Bug2) THEN
    canopy%ofes    = 0.0  ! latent heat flux from soil (W/m2)
    canopy%fevc     = 0.0 !vh!
    canopy%fevw     = 0.0 !vh!
    canopy%fns      = 0.0
    canopy%fnv     = 0.0
    canopy%fhv     = 0.0
    canopy%fwsoil = 1.0 ! vh -should be calculated from soil moisture or
    ! be in restart file

    ssnow%kth = 0.3  ! vh ! should be calculated from soil moisture or be in restart file
    ssnow%sconds(:,:) = 0.06_r_2    ! vh snow thermal cond (W m-2 K-1),
    ! should be in restart file

    ! parameters that are not spatially dependent

       soil%zse = (/.022, .058, .154, .409, 1.085, 2.872/) ! layer thickness nov03
       soil%zse = (/.022,  0.0500,    0.1300 ,   0.3250 ,   0.3250 ,   0.3000,  &
            0.3000,    0.3000 ,   0.3000,    0.3000,    0.7500,  1.50 /)
       soil%zse = (/.02,  0.0500,  0.06,  0.1300 ,   0.300 ,   0.300 ,   0.3000,  &
            0.3000,    0.3000 ,   0.3000,    0.3000,    0.7500,  1.50 /)



    !   ! parameters that are not spatially dependent
    !   soil%zse = (/.022, .058, .154, .409, 1.085, 2.872/) ! layer thickness nov03


    rough%za_uv = 40.0 ! lowest atm. model layer/reference height
    rough%za_tq = 40.0

    veg%meth = 1 ! canopy turbulence parameterisation method: 0 or 1

    ALLOCATE(defaultLAI(mp, 12))

    DO e = 1, mland ! over all land grid points

       ! Write to CABLE variables from temp variables saved in
       ! get_default_params
       veg%iveg(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                              &
            inVeg(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat, 1:landpt(e)%nap)
       patch(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend)%frac =                            &
            inPFrac(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat, 1:landpt(e)%nap)

       WRITE(*,*) 'iveg', e,  veg%iveg(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend)
       WRITE(*,*) 'patchfrac', e,  patch(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend)%frac

       ! set land use (1 = primary; 2 = secondary, 3 = open)
       IF (cable_user%popluc) THEN
          veg%iLU(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend)= 1
          IF (landpt(e)%nap.EQ.3 .AND.veg%iveg(landpt(e)%cstart)<=5 ) THEN
             veg%iLU(landpt(e)%cstart+1) = 2
             veg%iLU(landpt(e)%cend) = 3
       ! Check that patch fractions total to 1
       tmp = 0
       IF (landpt(e)%cstart == landpt(e)%cend) THEN
          patch(landpt(e)%cstart)%frac = 1.0
          DO is = landpt(e)%cstart, landpt(e)%cend
             tmp = tmp + patch(is)%frac
          END DO
          IF (ABS(1.0 - tmp) > 0.001) THEN
             IF ((1.0 - tmp) < -0.001 .OR. (1.0 - tmp) > 0.5) THEN
                PRINT *, 'Investigate the discrepancy in patch fractions:'
                PRINT *, 'patch%frac = ',                                          &
                PRINT *, 'landpoint # ', e
                PRINT *, 'veg types = ', veg%iveg(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend)
             END IF
             patch(landpt(e)%cstart)%frac = patch(landpt(e)%cstart)%frac + 1.0    &
                  - tmp
          END IF
       END IF

       patch(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend)%longitude = longitude(e)
       patch(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend)%latitude  = latitude(e)
       soil%isoilm(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                           &
            inSoil(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)
       ! Set initial soil temperature and moisture according to starting month
       ! vh_js !

       !IF(hide%Ticket49Bug3) THEN
       ! Set initial soil temperature and moisture according to starting month
       DO is = 1, ms
          ! Work around set everything above last input layer to the last input layer
          ssnow%tgg(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend, is) =                       &
               inTGG(landpt(e)%ilon,landpt(e)%ilat, MIN(is,SIZE(inTGG,3)), month)
          ssnow%wb(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend, is) =                        &
               inWB(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat, MIN(is,SIZE(inTGG,3)), month)
       END DO


       !   DO is = 1, ms
       !     ssnow%tgg(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend, is) =                       &
       !                              inTGG(landpt(e)%ilon,landpt(e)%ilat, is, month)
       !     ssnow%wb(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend, is) =                        &
       !                              inWB(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat, is, month)
       !   END DO

       ! Set initial snow depth and snow-free soil albedo

       DO is = 1, landpt(e)%cend - landpt(e)%cstart + 1  ! each patch
          DO ir = 1, nrb
             IF (CABLE_USER%POPLUC) THEN !vh! use same soilalbedo for all land-use tiles
                ssnow%albsoilsn(landpt(e)%cstart + is - 1, ir)                       &
                     = inALB(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat, 1, ir) ! various rad band
                ! each band
                ssnow%albsoilsn(landpt(e)%cstart + is - 1, ir)                       &
                     = inALB(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat, is, ir) ! various rad band
          END DO
          ! total depth, change from m to mm !see Ticket #57
          ssnow%snowd(landpt(e)%cstart + is - 1)                                 &
               = inSND(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat, is, month) * 140.0
       END DO

       ! Set default LAI values
       DO is = 1, 12
          defaultLAI(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend,is) =                       &
       END DO

       ! Set IGBP soil texture values, Q.Zhang @ 12/20/2010.
       IF (soilparmnew) THEN

          soil%swilt(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                            &
               inswilt(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)
          soil%sfc(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                              &
               insfc(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)
          soil%ssat(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                             &
               inssat(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)
          soil%bch(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                              &
               inbch(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)
          soil%hyds(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                             &
               inhyds(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)
          soil%sucs(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                             &
               -1.* ABS(insucs(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)) !ensure negative
          soil%rhosoil(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                          &
               inrhosoil(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)
          soil%css(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                              &
               incss(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)
          soil%cnsd(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                             &
               incnsd(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)

          !possibly heterogeneous soil properties
          ! Set all heterogeneous soil properties to their equivalent uniform values.
          ! These values can be overridden later on by input values in files.
          ! `smpc_vec` and `wbc_vec` are only used in the ground water and have no
          ! equivalent in the uniform parameters (non _vec). So we do not initialise
          ! these variables when we are not using the ground water scheme.
          DO klev=1,ms

             soil%clay_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend,klev) =                    &
                  REAL(inclay(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

             soil%sand_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend,klev) =                    &
                  REAL(insand(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

             soil%silt_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend,klev) =                    &
                  REAL(insilt(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

             soil%rhosoil_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend,klev) =                  &
                  REAL(inrhosoil(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

             soil%org_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend,klev) =                    &
                  REAL(inORG(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

             soil%watr(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend,klev) =                    &
                  REAL(inWatr(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

             soil%zse_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend,klev) =              &
                  REAL(soil%zse(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend), r_2)

             soil%css_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend, klev) =             &
                  REAL(incss(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat), r_2)

             soil%cnsd_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend, klev) =            &
                  REAL(incnsd(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat), r_2)

          END DO

          !Aquifer properties  same as bottom soil layer for now
          soil%GWsucs_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                        &
               REAL(inGWsucs(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

          soil%GWhyds_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                         &
               REAL(inGWhyds(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

          soil%GWbch_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                        &
               REAL(inGWbch(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

          soil%GWrhosoil_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                       &
               REAL(inGWrhosoil(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

          soil%GWssat_vec(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                        &
               REAL(inGWssat(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat),r_2)

          soil%GWwatr(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                          &

          soil%slope(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                           &

          soil%slope_std(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                       &

          soil%GWdz(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                           &

          ! vh !
          soil%silt(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                             &
               insilt(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)

          soil%sand(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                             &
               insand(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)

          soil%clay(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                             &
               inclay(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)


       ! vars intro for Ticket #27
       IF (calcsoilalbedo) THEN
          soil%soilcol(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend) =                        &
               inSoilColor(landpt(e)%ilon, landpt(e)%ilat)
       END IF

       ! offline only below
       ! If user defined veg types are present in the met file then use them.
       ! This means that if met file just has veg type and no other parameters,
       ! the other veg parameters will be chosen as a function of this type:
       ! N.B. for offline run only
       IF(ASSOCIATED(vegtype_metfile)) THEN ! i.e. iveg found in the met file
          ! Overwrite iveg for those patches available in met file,
          ! which are currently set to def values above:
          veg%iveg(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cstart + nmetpatches - 1) =      &
               vegtype_metfile(e, :)

        IF(exists%patch) &
          patch(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cstart)%frac =      &
                                                          vegpatch_metfile(e,landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cstart )

          ! In case gridinfo file provides more patches than met file(BP may08)
          DO f = nmetpatches+1, landpt(e)%nap
             IF (patch(landpt(e)%cstart + f - 1)%frac > 0.0) THEN
                patch(landpt(e)%cstart)%frac = patch(landpt(e)%cstart)%frac    &
                     + patch(landpt(e)%cstart + f - 1)%frac
                patch(landpt(e)%cstart + f - 1)%frac = 0.0
             END IF
          END DO
       END IF
       ! Similarly, if user defined soil types are present then use them:
       IF(ASSOCIATED(soiltype_metfile)) THEN ! i.e. isoil found in the met file
          soil%isoilm(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cstart + nmetpatches - 1) =   &
               soiltype_metfile(e, :)
       END IF
       ! offline only above
       !call veg% init that is common
       CALL init_veg_from_vegin(landpt(e)%cstart, landpt(e)%cend, veg, soil%zse )

       ! Prescribe parameters for current gridcell based on veg/soil type (which
       ! may have loaded from default value file or met file):
       DO h = landpt(e)%cstart, landpt(e)%cend ! over each patch in current grid
          bgc%cplant(h,1) = vegin%cplant1( veg%iveg(h))
          bgc%cplant(h,2) = vegin%cplant2( veg%iveg(h))
          bgc%cplant(h,3) = vegin%cplant3( veg%iveg(h))
          bgc%csoil(h,1)  = vegin%csoil1(  veg%iveg(h))
          bgc%csoil(h,2)  = vegin%csoil2(  veg%iveg(h))
          bgc%ratecp(1)   = vegin%ratecp1(  veg%iveg(h))
          bgc%ratecp(2)   = vegin%ratecp2(  veg%iveg(h))
          bgc%ratecp(3)   = vegin%ratecp3(  veg%iveg(h))
          bgc%ratecs(1)   = vegin%ratecs1(  veg%iveg(h))
          bgc%ratecs(2)   = vegin%ratecs2(  veg%iveg(h))

          IF (.NOT. soilparmnew) THEN   ! Q,Zhang @ 12/20/2010
             soil%swilt(h)   =  soilin%swilt(soil%isoilm(h))
             soil%sfc(h)     =  soilin%sfc(soil%isoilm(h))
             soil%ssat(h)    =  soilin%ssat(soil%isoilm(h))
             soil%bch(h)     =  soilin%bch(soil%isoilm(h))
             soil%hyds(h)    =  soilin%hyds(soil%isoilm(h))
             soil%sucs(h)    =  soilin%sucs(soil%isoilm(h))
             soil%rhosoil(h) =  soilin%rhosoil(soil%isoilm(h))
             soil%css(h)     =  soilin%css(soil%isoilm(h))

             soil%silt(h)    =  soilin%silt(soil%isoilm(h))
             soil%clay(h)    =  soilin%clay(soil%isoilm(h))
             soil%sand(h)    =  soilin%sand(soil%isoilm(h))
             DO klev=1,ms
                soil%clay_vec(h,klev) = REAL(soilin%clay(soil%isoilm(h)),r_2)
                soil%sand_vec(h,klev) = REAL(soilin%sand(soil%isoilm(h)),r_2)
                soil%silt_vec(h,klev) = REAL(soilin%silt(soil%isoilm(h)),r_2)
                soil%rhosoil_vec(h,klev) = REAL(soilin%rhosoil(soil%isoilm(h)),r_2)
                soil%watr(h,klev)    = 0.01
             END DO
             soil%GWsucs_vec(h)  = REAL(ABS(soilin%sucs(soil%isoilm(h)))*1000.0,r_2)
             soil%GWhyds_vec(h)   = REAL(soilin%hyds(soil%isoilm(h))*1000.0,r_2)
             soil%GWbch_vec(h)  = REAL(soilin%bch(soil%isoilm(h)),r_2)
             soil%GWrhosoil_vec(h) = REAL(soilin%rhosoil(soil%isoilm(h)),r_2)
             soil%GWssat_vec(h)  = REAL(soilin%ssat(soil%isoilm(h)),r_2)
             soil%GWwatr(h)    = 0.01

          END IF
          rad%latitude(h) = latitude(e)
          !IF(hide%Ticket49Bug4) &
          rad%longitude(h) = longitude(e)
          !jhan:is this done online? YES
          veg%ejmax(h) = 2.0 * veg%vcmax(h)
       END DO ! over each veg patch in land point
    END DO ! over all land points
    soil%albsoil = ssnow%albsoilsn

    ! check tgg and alb
    IF(ANY(ssnow%tgg > 350.0) .OR. ANY(ssnow%tgg < 180.0))                     &
         CALL abort('Soil temps nuts')
    IF(ANY(ssnow%albsoilsn > 1.0) .OR. ANY(ssnow%albsoilsn < 0.0))             &
         CALL abort('Albedo nuts')

    WRITE(logn, *)

    IF (cable_user%GSWP3) THEN
       rough%za_uv = 2.0 + veg%hc ! lowest atm. model layer/reference height
       rough%za_tq = 2.0 + veg%hc
    END IF
    ! Deallocate temporary variables:
    IF (soilparmnew) DEALLOCATE(inswilt, insfc, inssat, inbch, inhyds,         &
         insucs, inrhosoil, incss, incnsd) ! Q,Zhang @ 12/20/2010
    IF (calcsoilalbedo) DEALLOCATE(inSoilColor) ! vars intro for Ticket #27
    DEALLOCATE(inVeg, inPFrac, inSoil, inWB, inTGG)
    !    DEALLOCATE(soiltemp_temp,soilmoist_temp,patchfrac_temp,isoilm_temp,&
    !         frac4_temp,iveg_temp)
    !    IF(ASSOCIATED(vegtype_metfile)) DEALLOCATE(vegtype_metfile)
    !    IF(ASSOCIATED(soiltype_metfile)) DEALLOCATE(soiltype_metfile)
    !    DEALLOCATE(soilin%silt, soilin%clay, soilin%sand, soilin%swilt,            &
    !               soilin%sfc, soilin%ssat, soilin%bch, soilin%hyds, soilin%sucs,  &
    !               soilin%rhosoil, soilin%css, vegin%canst1, vegin%dleaf,          &
    !               vegin%vcmax, vegin%ejmax, vegin%hc, vegin%xfang, vegin%rp20,    &
    !               vegin%rpcoef, vegin%rs20, vegin%shelrb, vegin%frac4,            &
    !               vegin%wai, vegin%vegcf, vegin%extkn, vegin%tminvj,              &
    !               vegin%tmaxvj, vegin%vbeta,vegin%clitt, vegin%zr, vegin%rootbeta, vegin%froot,         &
    !               vegin%cplant, vegin%csoil, vegin%ratecp, vegin%ratecs,          &
    !               vegin%xalbnir, vegin%length, vegin%width,                       &
    !               vegin%g0, vegin%g1,                                             &
    !               vegin%a1gs, vegin%d0gs, vegin%alpha, vegin%convex, vegin%cfrd,  &
    !               vegin%gswmin, vegin%conkc0,vegin%conko0,vegin%ekc,vegin%eko   )
    !    !         vegf_temp,urbanf_temp,lakef_temp,icef_temp, &

    IF (ALLOCATED(inGWsucs  )) DEALLOCATE(inGWsucs)
    IF (ALLOCATED(inGWhyds  )) DEALLOCATE(inGWhyds)
    IF (ALLOCATED(inGWbch   )) DEALLOCATE(inGWbch)
    IF (ALLOCATED(inGWsilt  )) DEALLOCATE(inGWsilt)
    IF (ALLOCATED(inGWsand  )) DEALLOCATE(inGWsand)
    IF (ALLOCATED(inGWclay  )) DEALLOCATE(inGWclay)
    IF (ALLOCATED(inGWssat  )) DEALLOCATE(inGWssat)
    IF (ALLOCATED(inWatr    )) DEALLOCATE(inWatr)
    IF (ALLOCATED(inSlope   )) DEALLOCATE(inSlope)
    ! if using old format veg_parm input file, need to define veg%deciduous
    ! BP dec 2007
    !    IF (.NOT. vegparmnew) THEN
    veg%deciduous = .FALSE.
    IF (mvtype == 13) THEN
       WHERE (veg%iveg == 2 .OR. veg%iveg == 5) veg%deciduous = .TRUE.
    ELSE IF (mvtype == 15 .OR. mvtype == 16 .OR. mvtype == 17) THEN
       WHERE (veg%iveg == 3 .OR. veg%iveg == 4) veg%deciduous = .TRUE.
       STOP 'Warning. Check number of vegetation types.'
    END IF
    !    END IF

    ! Only the following snow inits are necessary,
    ! soilsnow will update other variables.
    WHERE(ssnow%snowd(:) > 0.0) ! in cm
       ssnow%ssdnn(:)    = 120.0 ! overall snow density (kg/m3)
       ssnow%ssdn(:, 1)  = 120.0 ! snow density per layer (kg/m3)
       ssnow%ssdn(:, 2)  = 120.0 ! snow density per layer (kg/m3)
       ssnow%ssdn(:, 3)  = 120.0 ! snow density per layer (kg/m3)
       ssnow%snage(:)    = 0.0   ! snow age (fresh)
       ssnow%isflag(:)   = 0
       ssnow%ssdnn(:)    = 140.0 ! overall snow density (kg/m3)
       ssnow%osnowd(:)   = 0.0   ! snow depth prev timestep (mm or kg/m2)
       ssnow%snage(:)    = 0.0   ! snow age
       ssnow%isflag(:)   = 0     ! snow layer scheme flag
       ! (0 = no/little snow, 1=snow)
       ssnow%tggsn(:, 1) = 273.1 ! snow temperature per layer (K)
       ssnow%tggsn(:, 2) = 273.1 ! snow temperature per layer (K)
       ssnow%tggsn(:, 3) = 273.1 ! snow temperature per layer (K)
       ssnow%ssdn(:, 1)  = 140.0 ! snow density per layer (kg/m3)
       ssnow%ssdn(:, 2)  = 140.0 ! snow density per layer (kg/m3)
       ssnow%ssdn(:, 3)  = 140.0 ! snow density per layer (kg/m3)
       ssnow%smass(:, 1) = 0.0   ! snow mass per layer (kg/m^2)
       ssnow%smass(:, 2) = 0.0   ! snow mass per layer (kg/m^2)
       ssnow%smass(:, 3) = 0.0   ! snow mass per layer (kg/m^2)
    ! Soil ice:
    WHERE(ssnow%tgg(:, :) < 273.15)
       ssnow%wbice(:,:) = ssnow%wb(:, :) * 0.8
       ssnow%wbice(:, :) = 0.0

    ssnow%Qrecharge = 0.0
    canopy%sublayer_dz = 0.0
    ssnow%rtevap_sat = 0.0
    ssnow%rtevap_unsat = 0.0
    ssnow%satfrac = 0.5
    ssnow%wbliq = ssnow%wb - ssnow%wbice
    ssnow%GWwb = 0.9*soil%ssat

    !IF(hide%Ticket49Bug5) THEN

    ! vh_js ! neeed to remove this if to enable the code below

    ! SLI specific initialisations:
    !  IF(cable_user%SOIL_STRUC=='sli') THEN
    ssnow%h0(:) = 0.0
    ssnow%S(:,:) = ssnow%wb(:,:)/SPREAD(soil%ssat,2,ms)
    ssnow%snowliq(:,:) = 0.0
    ssnow%Tsurface = 25.0
    ssnow%nsnow = 0
    ssnow%Tsoil = ssnow%tgg - 273.15
    ssnow%thetai = 0.0
    soil%zeta = 0.0
    soil%fsatmax = 0.0
    !   END IF

    IF(cable_user%SOIL_STRUC=='sli') THEN
       soil%nhorizons = 1 ! use 1 soil horizon globally
       veg%F10 = 0.85
       veg%ZR = 5.0
    END IF

    IF(cable_user%SOIL_STRUC=='sli'.OR.cable_user%FWSOIL_SWITCH=='Haverd2013') THEN
       veg%gamma = 3.e-2
    ! vh_js !
    IF(cable_user%CALL_POP) THEN
       veg%disturbance_interval = 100
       veg%disturbance_intensity = 0.

    soil%GWdz = MAX(1.0,MIN(20.0,soil%GWdz - SUM(soil%zse,dim=1)))

    !set vectorized versions as same as defaut for now
    soil%swilt_vec(:,:)  = REAL(SPREAD(soil%swilt(:),2,ms),r_2)
    soil%sfc_vec(:,:)  = REAL(SPREAD(soil%sfc(:),2,ms),r_2)
    soil%sucs_vec(:,:)  = REAL(SPREAD(soil%sucs(:),2,ms),r_2)
    soil%bch_vec(:,:)  = REAL(SPREAD(soil%bch(:),2,ms),r_2)
    soil%ssat_vec(:,:)  = REAL(SPREAD(soil%ssat(:),2,ms),r_2)
    soil%hyds_vec(:,:)  = REAL(SPREAD(soil%hyds(:),2,ms),r_2)

  END SUBROUTINE write_default_params
  SUBROUTINE write_cnp_params(veg, casaflux, casamet)
    ! Input variables:
    !   landpt(mp)%type- via cable_IO_vars_module (%cstart,cend,ilon,ilat)
    !   patch(mp)%type - via cable_IO_vars_module (%frac)
    !   inSorder       - via cable_param_module
    !   inArea         - via cable_param_module
    !   inNdep         - via cable_param_module
    !   inNfix         - via cable_param_module
    !   inPdust        - via cable_param_module
    !   inPwea         - via cable_param_module

    USE casaparm, ONLY: cropland, croplnd2
    TYPE (veg_parameter_type),  INTENT(IN)    :: veg
    TYPE (casa_flux),           INTENT(INOUT) :: casaflux
    TYPE (casa_met),            INTENT(INOUT) :: casamet

    ! local variables
    INTEGER :: ee, hh

    DO ee=1, mland ! over all land grid points
       casamet%isorder(landpt(ee)%cstart:landpt(ee)%cend) =                     &
       DO hh = landpt(ee)%cstart, landpt(ee)%cend  ! each patch in current grid
          casamet%lon(hh) = patch(hh)%longitude
          casamet%lat(hh) = patch(hh)%latitude
          casamet%areacell(hh) = patch(hh)%frac                                  &
               * inArea(landpt(ee)%ilon, landpt(ee)%ilat)
          casaflux%Nmindep(hh) = patch(hh)%frac                                  &
               * inNdep(landpt(ee)%ilon, landpt(ee)%ilat)
          casaflux%Nminfix(hh) = patch(hh)%frac                                  &
               * inNfix(landpt(ee)%ilon, landpt(ee)%ilat)
          casaflux%Pdep(hh)    = patch(hh)%frac                                  &
               * inPdust(landpt(ee)%ilon, landpt(ee)%ilat)
          casaflux%Pwea(hh)    = patch(hh)%frac                                  &
               * inPwea(landpt(ee)%ilon, landpt(ee)%ilat)
          ! vh ! fluxes shouldn't be weighted by patch frac.
          !   IF (CABLE_USER%POPLUC) then
          casaflux%Nmindep(hh) =  inNdep(landpt(ee)%ilon, landpt(ee)%ilat)
          casaflux%Nminfix(hh) = MAX( inNfix(landpt(ee)%ilon, landpt(ee)%ilat), &
          !vh ! minimum fixation rate of 3 kg N ha-1y-1 (8e-4 g N m-2 d-1)
          ! Cleveland, Cory C., et al. "Global patterns of terrestrial biological nitrogen (N2) &
          !fixation in natural ecosystems." Global biogeochemical cycles 13.2 (1999): 623-645.
          casaflux%Pdep(hh)    = inPdust(landpt(ee)%ilon, landpt(ee)%ilat)
          casaflux%Pwea(hh)    = inPwea(landpt(ee)%ilon, landpt(ee)%ilat)
          !  ENDIF

          ! fertilizer addition is included here
          IF (veg%iveg(hh) == cropland .OR. veg%iveg(hh) == croplnd2) THEN
             ! P fertilizer =13 Mt P globally in 1994
             casaflux%Pdep(hh)    = casaflux%Pdep(hh)                             &
                  + 0.7 / 365.0
             casaflux%Nmindep(hh) = casaflux%Nmindep(hh)                          &
                  + 4.0 / 365.0
    DEALLOCATE(inSorder, inArea, inNdep, inNfix, inPwea, inPdust)

    !write(668,*) 'in write_cnp_params: Ndep, Nfix', casaflux%Nmindep(1), casaflux%Nminfix(1)

  END SUBROUTINE write_cnp_params
  SUBROUTINE derived_parameters(soil, sum_flux, bal, ssnow, veg, rough)

    ! ______ MMY: derived_parameters is changed by MMY @ 13 Oct 2022 ______
    ! MMY required input sand_vec, silt_vec, clay_vec ,rhosoil_vec and org_vec
    ! MMY units: soil%hyds_vec : mm/s
    !            soil%sand_vec, soil%clay_vec, soil%silt_vec : fraction           
    !            soil%sucs_vec : mm, positive
    !            soil%bch_vec : -
    !            soil%watr, soil%swilt_vec, soil%sfc_vec, soil%ssat_vec: m3/m3
    !            soil%org_vec : m3/m3
    !            soil%rhosoil_vec : kg/m3
    !            soil%css: "J/kg/K" 
    !            soil%cnsd: "W/m/K" 
    !            soil%wbc_vec, soil%smpc_vec
    ! Gives values to parameters that are derived from other parameters.
    TYPE (soil_snow_type),      INTENT(INOUT)    :: ssnow
    TYPE (veg_parameter_type),  INTENT(IN)    :: veg
    TYPE (soil_parameter_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: soil
    TYPE (sum_flux_type),       INTENT(INOUT) :: sum_flux
    TYPE (balances_type),       INTENT(INOUT) :: bal
    TYPE (roughness_type),      INTENT(INOUT) :: rough

!    INTEGER :: j,i,klev ! do loop counter
    INTEGER :: j,i,klev,k ! do loop counter  ! replaces line above - rk4417 - phase2
    REAL(r_2)    :: temp(mp)
    REAL    :: tmp2(mp)

    REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(mp,ms) :: perc_frac
    REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(17)    :: psi_o,psi_c  ! psi_o is not needed - rk4417 - phase2

!    REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(mp,ms) :: psi_tmp
!    REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(ms) :: soil_depth
! 2 lines above replaced by below - rk4417 - phase2

    REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(mp,ms) :: psi_tmp, sst_tmp ! MMY add sst_tmp
    REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(mp,ms) :: soil_depth ! MMY,rhosoil_temp

    REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ssat_bounded,rho_soil_bulk ! added by rk4417 - phase2

!    soil_depth(1) = REAL(soil%zse(1),r_2)
!    DO klev=2,ms
!       soil_depth(klev) = soil_depth(klev-1) + REAL(soil%zse(klev),r_2)
!    END DO

! block above replaced by block below - rk4417 - phase2

    soil_depth(:,1) = soil%zse_vec(:,1)
    do klev=2,ms
       soil_depth(:,klev) = soil_depth(:,klev-1) + soil%zse_vec(:,klev)
    end do
!    psi_o(1:3)  = -66000._r_2   ! not needed - rk4417 - phase2
!    psi_o(4)    = -35000._r_2
!    psi_o(5)    = -83000._r_2
!    psi_o(6:17) = -74000._r_2
    psi_c(1:3)  = -2550000._r_2  ! used to be in the old cable_common.F90 - rk4417 - phase2
    psi_c(4)    = -2240000._r_2
    psi_c(5)    = -4280000._r_2
    psi_c(6:17) = -2750000._r_2

    ! _______ MMY@19May2023 move back since moving below will cause gw_off issue ________    
    ! Construct derived parameters and zero initialisations,
    ! regardless of where parameters and other initialisations
    ! have loaded from:
    soil%zshh(1) = 0.5 * soil%zse(1) ! distance between consecutive layer
                                     ! midpoints:
    soil%zshh(ms + 1) = 0.5 * soil%zse(ms)
    soil%zshh(2:ms)   = 0.5 * (soil%zse(1:ms-1) + soil%zse(2:ms))

    !MD aquifer node depth
    soil%GWz = 0.5*soil%GWdz + SUM(soil%zse)  !node is halfway through aquifer depth
! MMY note: GWz doesn't function, kept for later

!    IF (cable_user%GW_MODEL) THEN
!       DO klev=1,ms
!          soil%hyds_vec(:,klev) = 0.0070556*10.0**(-0.884 + 0.0153*soil%Sand_Vec(:,klev)*100.0)* &
!               EXP(-gw_params%hkrz*(MAX(0.,soil_depth(klev)-gw_params%zdepth)))
!          soil%sucs_vec(:,klev) = 10.0 * 10.0**(1.88 -0.0131*soil%Sand_Vec(:,klev)*100.0)
!          soil%bch_vec(:,klev) = 2.91 + 0.159*soil%Clay_Vec(:,klev)*100.0
!          soil%ssat_vec(:,klev) = 0.489 - 0.00126*soil%Sand_Vec(:,klev)*100.0
!          soil%watr(:,klev) = 0.02 + 0.00018*soil%Clay_Vec(:,klev)*100.0
!       ENDDO
!       !aquifer share non-organic with last layer if not found in param file
!       IF (found_explicit_gw_parameters .EQV. .FALSE.) THEN
!          soil%GWhyds_vec(:)  = soil%hyds_vec(:,ms)
!          soil%GWsucs_vec(:) = soil%sucs_vec(:,ms)
!          soil%GWbch_vec(:) = soil%bch_vec(:,ms)
!          soil%GWssat_vec(:) = soil%ssat_vec(:,ms)
!          soil%GWwatr(:)   = soil%watr(:,ms)
!       ENDIF
!       !include organin impact.  fraction of grid cell where percolation through
!       !organic macropores dominates
!       soil%Org_Vec = MAX(0._r_2,soil%Org_Vec)
!       soil%Org_Vec = MIN(1._r_2,soil%Org_Vec)
!       DO klev=1,3  !0-23.3 cm, data really is to 30cm
!          soil%hyds_vec(:,klev)  = (1.-soil%Org_Vec(:,klev))*soil%hyds_vec(:,klev) + &
!               soil%Org_Vec(:,klev)*gw_params%org%hyds_vec_organic
!          soil%sucs_vec(:,klev) = (1.-soil%Org_Vec(:,klev))*soil%sucs_vec(:,klev) + &
!               soil%Org_Vec(:,klev)*gw_params%org%sucs_vec_organic
!          soil%bch_vec(:,klev) = (1.-soil%Org_Vec(:,klev))*soil%bch_vec(:,klev) +&
!               soil%Org_Vec(:,klev)*gw_params%org%clappb_organic
!          soil%ssat_vec(:,klev) = (1.-soil%Org_Vec(:,klev))*soil%ssat_vec(:,klev) + &
!               soil%Org_Vec(:,klev)*gw_params%org%ssat_vec_organic
!          soil%watr(:,klev)   = (1.-soil%Org_Vec(:,klev))*soil%watr(:,klev) + &
!               soil%Org_Vec(:,klev)*gw_params%org%watr_organic
!       END DO
!       !vegetation dependent field capacity (point plants get stressed) and
!       !wilting point
!       DO i=1,mp
!          psi_tmp(i,:) = -psi_c(veg%iveg(i))
!       END DO
!       soil%sfc_vec = (soil%ssat_vec-soil%watr) * (ABS(psi_tmp)/(ABS(soil%sucs_vec)))**(-1.0/soil%bch_vec)+&
!            soil%watr
!       DO i=1,mp
!          psi_tmp(i,:) = -psi_c(veg%iveg(i))
!       END DO
!       soil%swilt_vec = (soil%ssat_vec-soil%watr) * (ABS(psi_tmp)/(ABS(soil%sucs_vec)))**(-1.0/soil%bch_vec)+&
!            soil%watr
!       !set the non-vectored values to srf value
!       soil%sfc(:) = REAL(soil%sfc_vec(:,1))
!       soil%swilt(:) = REAL(soil%swilt_vec(:,1))
!       !convert the units back to what default uses and GW only uses the
!       !vectored versions
!       soil%hyds = REAL(soil%hyds_vec(:,1))/1000.0
!       soil%sucs = REAL(soil%sucs_vec(:,1))/1000.0
!       soil%ssat = REAL(soil%ssat_vec(:,1))
!       soil%bch  = REAL(soil%bch_vec(:,1))
!       DO i=1,mp
!          soil%slope(i) = MIN(0.9,MAX(1e-9,soil%slope(i)))
!          soil%slope_std(i) = MIN(0.9,MAX(1e-9,soil%slope_std(i)))
!       END DO
!       IF ((gw_params%MaxSatFraction .LT. -9999.9) .AND. (mp .EQ. 1)) soil%slope(:) = 0.01
!    ELSE
!       soil%sfc_vec = REAL(SPREAD(soil%sfc(:),2,ms),r_2)
!       soil%swilt_vec = REAL(SPREAD(soil%swilt(:),2,ms),r_2)
!       !These are not used when gw_model == false
!       soil%watr = 0._r_2
!       soil%GWwatr = 0._r_2
!    END IF
!    IF ( .NOT. soilparmnew) THEN  ! Q,Zhang @ 12/20/2010
!       soil%cnsd  = soil%sand * 0.3 + soil%clay * 0.25                          &
!            + soil%silt * 0.265 ! set dry soil thermal conductivity
!       ! [W/m/K]
!    END IF
!    soil%hsbh   = soil%hyds*ABS(soil%sucs) * soil%bch ! difsat*etasat
!    soil%ibp2   = NINT(soil%bch) + 2
!    ! Ticket #66
!    WHERE( soil%ssat > 0.) & ! Avoid divide by
!         soil%pwb_min = (soil%swilt/soil%ssat)**soil%ibp2
!    soil%i2bp3  = 2 * NINT(soil%bch) + 3
!    rough%hruff = MAX(0.01, veg%hc - 1.2 * ssnow%snowd/MAX(ssnow%ssdnn, 100.))
!    rough%hruff_grmx = rough%hruff
!    ! owetfac introduced by EAK apr2009
!    ssnow%owetfac = MAX(0.0, MIN(1.0,                                          &
!         (REAL(ssnow%wb(:, 1)) - soil%swilt) /                  &
!         (soil%sfc - soil%swilt)))
!    temp(:) = 0.0
!    tmp2(:) = 0.0
!    WHERE ( ssnow%wbice(:, 1) > 0. ) ! Prevents divide by zero at glaciated
!       ! points where wb and wbice=0.
!       temp(:) = ssnow%wbice(:, 1) / ssnow%wb(:, 1)
!       tmp2(:) = REAL(temp(:))
!       ssnow%owetfac = ssnow%owetfac * (1.0 - tmp2(:)) ** 2
!    ssnow%pudsto = 0.0
!    ssnow%pudsmx = 0.0
!    ! Initialise sum flux variables:
!    sum_flux%sumpn  = 0.0
!    sum_flux%sumrp  = 0.0
!    sum_flux%sumrpw = 0.0
!    sum_flux%sumrpr = 0.0
!    sum_flux%sumrs  = 0.0
!    sum_flux%sumrd  = 0.0
!    sum_flux%dsumpn = 0.0
!    sum_flux%dsumrp = 0.0
!    sum_flux%dsumrd = 0.0
!    ! Initialise conservation variables:
!    bal%precip_tot = 0.0
!    bal%rnoff_tot  = 0.0
!    bal%evap_tot   = 0.0
!    bal%wbal_tot   = 0.0
!    bal%ebal_tot   = 0.0
!    bal%ebal_tot_cncheck = 0.0
!    bal%drybal = 0.0
!    bal%wetbal = 0.0
!    bal%wbtot0 = 0.0
!    bal%RadbalSum = 0.0
!    DO j=1, ms
!       bal%wbtot0 = bal%wbtot0 + REAL(ssnow%wb(:, j)) * soil%zse(j)       &
!            * 1000.0
!    END DO
!    bal%osnowd0 = ssnow%osnowd
!    ! vh_js ! comment out hide% condition
!    ! IF (hide%Ticket49Bug6) THEN
!    IF(cable_user%SOIL_STRUC=='sli') THEN
!       ! Only 1 horizon by default !
!       soil%nhorizons = 1
!       soil%ishorizon = 1
!    END IF
!    ! END IF

! above commented-out portion replaced by remainder of subroutine below - rk4417 - phase2
    IF (cable_user%GW_MODEL) then

       soil%qhz_max(:) = real(gw_params%MaxHorzDrainRate,r_2)  !enable distributed values
       soil%hkrz(:)    = real(gw_params%hkrz,r_2)
       soil%zdepth(:)  = real(gw_params%zdepth,r_2)

       soil%srf_frac_ma(:) = 0._r_2
       soil%edepth_ma(:)   = 0._r_2

       soil%qhz_efold(:) = real(gw_params%EfoldHorzDrainScale,r_2)*soil%drain_dens(:)&
                                   +   real(gw_params%EfoldHorzDrainRate,r_2)

       !include organin impact.  fraction of grid cell where percolation through
       !organic macropores dominates
       soil%org_vec = max(0._r_2,soil%org_vec)
       soil%org_vec = min(1._r_2,soil%org_vec)

       DO klev=1,ms
          do i=1,mp
             if (abs(soil%sand_vec(i,klev) + soil%clay_vec(i,klev) +&
                soil%silt_vec(i,klev)-1.0) .gt. 0.1) then
                soil%sand_vec(i,klev) = 0.4
                soil%clay_vec(i,klev) = 0.2
                soil%silt_vec(i,klev) = 0.4
          END DO
       END DO

           DO klev=1,ms;do i=1,mp
              ! MMY use single var (uni) or two var (multi) regression from Cosby 1984 
              ! MMY or use Hutson-Cass SWC
            if (gw_params%cosby_univariate) then
                soil%hyds_vec(i,klev) = 0.0070556*10.0**(-0.884 + 1.53*soil%sand_vec(i,klev))* &
                                     exp(-soil%hkrz(i)*(MAX(0.,soil_depth(i,klev)-soil%zdepth(i)))) ! MMY add MAX(0.,...)
                                     ! MMY add MAX(0.,...) for stopping hyds increase in shallow soil
                                     ! MMY NEED to figure out the source of this equation 
                soil%sucs_vec(i,klev) = 10.0 * 10.0**(1.88 -1.31*soil%sand_vec(i,klev))
                soil%bch_vec(i,klev) = 2.91 + 15.9*soil%clay_vec(i,klev)
                soil%ssat_vec(i,klev) = min(0.489,max(0.1, 0.489 - 0.126*soil%sand_vec(i,klev) ) )
                !forgot source but not from cosby and not for BC characteristic function
                soil%watr(i,klev) = 0.02 + 0.018*soil%clay_vec(i,klev) !forgot
                soil%wbc_vec(i,klev) = 0.0
                soil%smpc_vec(i,klev) = 0.0
            elseif (gw_params%cosby_multivariate) then
                soil%hyds_vec(i,klev) = 0.00706*(10.0**(-0.60 + 1.26*soil%sand_vec(i,klev) + &
                                                        -0.64*soil%clay_vec(i,klev) ) )*&
                                        exp(-soil%hkrz(i)*(MAX(0.,soil_depth(i,klev)-soil%zdepth(i)))) ! MMY add MAX(0.,...)
                soil%sucs_vec(i,klev) = 10.0 * 10.0**(1.54 - 0.95*soil%sand_vec(i,klev) + &
                                                          0.63*soil%silt_vec(i,klev) )
                soil%bch_vec(i,klev) = 3.1 + 15.4*soil%clay_vec(i,klev) -  &
                soil%ssat_vec(i,klev) = 0.505 - 0.142*soil%sand_vec(i,klev) - &
                !forgot source but not from cosby and not for BC characteristic function
                soil%watr(i,klev) = 0.02 + 0.018*soil%clay_vec(i,klev)
                 soil%wbc_vec(i,klev) = 0.0
                 soil%smpc_vec(i,klev) = 0.0

              elseif (gw_params%HC_SWC) THEN
             ! Hutson-Cass SWC : seperate dry/wet avoid discont in derv at smp=sucs
             ! pedotransfer from T. Mayra, N.J. Jarvis, Geoderma 91, 1999,
                 soil%sucs_vec(i,klev) = 10.0 * 10.0** ( -4.98403 +&
                                         5.0922*soil%sand_vec(i,klev) +            &
                                         15.751*soil%silt_vec(i,klev) +            &
                                         0.124090*soil%rhosoil_vec(i,klev) -       &
                                         16.4000*soil%org_vec(i,klev) -            &
                                         21.76*(soil%silt_vec(i,klev)**2.0) +      &
                                         14.382*(soil%silt_vec(i,klev)**3.0) +     &
                                         8.0407*(soil%clay_vec(i,klev)**2.0) +     &
                                         44.06*(soil%org_vec(i,klev)**2.0) )

                soil%bch_vec(i,klev) = 10.0**(1.0 / (-0.84669 - &
                                            0.4680*soil%sand_vec(i,klev) &
                                            +0.9246*soil%silt_vec(i,klev)          &
                                            -0.4543*soil%rhosoil_vec(i,klev)       &
                                            -0.04979*soil%org_vec(i,klev) &
                                            +3.2947*(soil%sand_vec(i,klev)**2.0) &
                                            -1.689*(soil%sand_vec(i,klev)**3.0) &
                                            +11.2*(soil%org_vec(i,klev)**3.0) ))

                soil%ssat_vec(i,klev) = 0.234597 +    &
                                       0.466142*soil%sand_vec(i,klev) + &
                                       0.88163*soil%silt_vec(i,klev) + &
                                       0.643386*soil%clay_vec(i,klev) - &
                                       0.3028160*soil%rhosoil_vec(i,klev) +      &
                                       0.179762*(soil%sand_vec(i,klev)**2.0) - &
                soil%hyds_vec(i,klev) = 0.00706*(10.0**(-0.60                     &
                                        +1.26*soil%sand_vec(i,klev)               &
                                        -0.64*soil%clay_vec(i,klev)))*            &
                                        exp(-soil%hkrz(i)*                        &
                soil%watr(i,klev) = 0.0
                if (klev .eq. 1) soil%GWwatr(i) = 0.0
                print *, "MMY Please choose the pedotransfer function from cosby_univariate, cosby_multivariate and HC_SWC"
             end if
          end do; end do

       ! MMY take soil organic material impact into consideration
       if (.not.gw_params%HC_SWC) then
             DO klev=1,ms  !0-23.3 cm, data really is to 30cm
                do i=1,mp
                   soil%hyds_vec(i,klev)  = (1.-soil%org_vec(i,klev))*soil%hyds_vec(i,klev) + &
                                                soil%org_vec(i,klev)*gw_params%org%hyds_organic*   &
                   soil%sucs_vec(i,klev) = (1.-soil%org_vec(i,klev))*soil%sucs_vec(i,klev) + &
                   soil%bch_vec(i,klev) = (1.-soil%org_vec(i,klev))*soil%bch_vec(i,klev) +&
                   soil%ssat_vec(i,klev) = (1.-soil%org_vec(i,klev))*soil%ssat_vec(i,klev) + &
                   soil%watr(i,klev)   = (1.-soil%org_vec(i,klev))*soil%watr(i,klev) + &
                END DO
             END DO
          end if

       ! MMY sfc_vec (field capacity ): "The volumetric water content at field capacity is derived by assuming a
       !                hydraulic conductivity of 0.1 mm day-1 (0.1 mm day-1 / 86400s = 1.157407e-06 mm/s = gw_params%sfc_vec_hk)  
       !                and inverting the hydraulic conductivity function" from CLM 4.5 tech note Page 85
       ! MMY swilt_vec (wilting point): vegetation dependent wilting point (point plants get stressed), inverting the water retention curve

          do klev=1,ms
             do i=1,mp
                if (soil%isoilm(i) .ne. 9 .and. veg%iveg(i) .le. 16) then

                   psi_tmp(i,klev) = abs(psi_c(veg%iveg(i)))
                   soil%swilt_vec(i,klev) = (soil%ssat_vec(i,klev)-soil%watr(i,klev)) *       &
                   soil%sfc_vec(i,klev)   = (soil%ssat_vec(i,klev)-soil%watr(i,klev)) *       &
                                            (gw_params%sfc_vec_hk/soil%hyds_vec(i,klev))      &
                                            **(1.0/(2.0*soil%bch_vec(i,klev)+3.0))  +         &
                   soil%swilt_vec(i,klev) = min(0.95*soil%sfc_vec(i,klev),soil%swilt_vec(i,klev))


                   soil%swilt_vec(i,klev) = soil%swilt(i)
                   soil%sfc_vec(i,klev) = soil%sfc(i)

                end if
             end do
          end do

       ! MMY GW does not use non-vectored values so they are simply set as the 3rd soil layer's value rather
       !     than derived here. Choosing 3rd layer since the top layer is thin and lack of representation. 
       soil%bch        = real(soil%bch_vec(:,3))
       soil%sand       = real(soil%sand_vec(:,3))
       soil%clay       = real(soil%clay_vec(:,3))
       soil%silt       = real(soil%silt_vec(:,3))
       soil%sfc        = real(soil%sfc_vec(:,3))
       soil%swilt      = real(soil%swilt_vec(:,3))
       soil%ssat       = real(soil%ssat_vec(:,3))
       soil%rhosoil    = real(soil%rhosoil_vec(:,3))
       !convert the units back to what default uses and GW only uses the
       !vectored versions
       soil%hyds       = real(soil%hyds_vec(:,3))/1000.0 ! MMY mm/s -> m/s
       soil%sucs       =  -1.* ABS(real(soil%sucs_vec(:,3))/1000.0) ! MMY mm   -> m

       ! MMY assume aquifer share soil params with last layer 
       soil%GWhyds_vec(:)  = soil%hyds_vec(:,ms)
       soil%GWsucs_vec(:)  = soil%sucs_vec(:,ms)
       soil%GWbch_vec(:)   = soil%bch_vec(:,ms)
       soil%GWssat_vec(:)  = soil%ssat_vec(:,ms)
       soil%GWwatr(:)      = soil%watr(:,ms)

       ! MMY adjust slope and slope_std
       do i=1,mp
          soil%slope(i)     = min(0.9,max(1e-5,soil%slope(i)))
          soil%slope_std(i) = min(0.9,max(1e-5,soil%slope_std(i)))
       end do

       if ((gw_params%MaxSatFraction .lt. -9999.9) .and. (mp .eq. 1)) soil%slope(:) = 0.01


    IF (cable_user%soil_thermal_fix) then
       IF ((.not.(gw_params%cosby_univariate.or.gw_params%cosby_multivariate)) .or. .not.cable_user%gw_model) THEN
          WRITE(logn,*) 'OVER WRITING CSS_VEC, RHOSOIL_VEC, CNSD_VEC read from gw_type input'
          WRITE(logn,*) 'Forcing values consistant with soil_thermal_fix = true '
          WRITE(*,*)    'OVER WRITING CSS_VEC, RHOSOIL_VEC, CNSD_VEC read from gw_type input'
          WRITE(*,*)    'Forcing values consistant with soil_thermal_fix = true '
       END IF

       if (allocated(ssat_bounded)) deallocate(ssat_bounded)
       if (allocated(rho_soil_bulk)) deallocate(rho_soil_bulk)

       allocate(ssat_bounded(size(soil%ssat_vec,dim=1), size(soil%ssat_vec,dim=2) ) )
       ssat_bounded(:,:) = min( 0.8, max(0.1, soil%ssat_vec(:,:) ) )

       allocate(rho_soil_bulk(size(soil%rhosoil_vec,dim=1), size(soil%rhosoil_vec,dim=2) ) )
       rho_soil_bulk(:,:) = min(2500.0, max(500.0 , (2700.0*(1.0 - ssat_bounded(:,:)) ) ) )

       do klev=1,ms
          do i=1,mp
                soil%cnsd_vec(i,klev) = ( (0.135*(1.0-ssat_bounded(i,klev))) +&
                                        (64.7/soil%rhosoil_vec(i,klev)) ) / &
                                        (1.0 - 0.947*(1.0-ssat_bounded(i,klev)))
                ! ??????????? MMY ???????????
                soil%rhosoil_vec(i,klev) = soil%rhosoil_vec(i,klev)/(1.0-soil%ssat_vec(i,klev))
                ! ???????????????????????????
                !took avg of results from A New Perspective on Soil Thermal Properties Ochsner, Horton,Tucheng
                !Soil Sci Soc America 2001
                !to find what silt (1.0-sand-clay) is !simply regress to his means !in J/kg/K
                 soil%css_vec(i,klev) =  max(910.6479*soil%silt_vec(i,klev) +&
                                          916.4438 * soil%clay_vec(i,klev) +&
                                          740.7491*soil%sand_vec(i,klev), 800.0)
             ! ??????????????? MMY  which eq are right ???????????????                                
             ! sst_tmp(i,klev) = soil%ssat_vec(i,klev)
             ! sst_tmp(i,klev) = 1.0- MAX(0.15, MIN(0.85, sst_tmp(i,klev)))
             ! soil%css_vec(i,klev)  = (1.0-soil%org_vec(i,klev)) *                               & 
             !                         (850*(1.0 - soil%sand_vec(i,klev) - soil%clay_vec(i,klev)) &
             !                         +865.0*soil%clay_vec(i,klev) + 750.0*soil%sand_vec(i,klev))&
             !                         + soil%org_vec(i,klev)*950.0
             ! soil%cnsd_vec(i,klev) = (1.0-soil%org_vec(i,klev)) *                               &
             !                         (0.135*sst_tmp(i,klev) + 0.0239/sst_tmp(i,klev) )/         &
             !                         (1.0 - 0.947*sst_tmp(i,klev))                              & 
             !                         + soil%org_vec(i,klev)*0.05             
             ! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                      
          end do
       end do

       if (allocated(ssat_bounded)) deallocate(ssat_bounded)
       if (allocated(rho_soil_bulk)) deallocate(rho_soil_bulk)

       IF (cable_user%gw_model) then  !organic correction?
          do klev=1,ms
             do i=1,mp
                soil%css_vec(i,klev) = (1.-soil%org_vec(i,klev))*soil%css_vec(i,klev) + &
                soil%cnsd_vec(i,klev) = (1.-soil%org_vec(i,klev))*soil%cnsd_vec(i,klev) + &
              end do
           end do
      END IF
      ! MMY to unify with hydraulic parameters - using 3rd layer's value
       soil%rhosoil    = real(soil%rhosoil_vec(:,3))
       soil%css        = real(soil%css_vec(:,3))
       soil%cnsd       = real(soil%cnsd_vec(:,3))
    ! _____ MMY @Oct2022 comment out as soilparmnew is default now _____
    ! ELSEIF ( .NOT. soilparmnew) THEN  ! Q,Zhang @ 12/20/2010
    !   soil%cnsd  = soil%sand * 0.3 + soil%clay * 0.25 + soil%silt * 0.265
    !                    !set dry soil thermal conductivity  [W/m/K]
    !  soil%cnsd_vec = spread(soil%cnsd,2,ms)
    ! ________________________________________________________________

    soil%hsbh   = soil%hyds*ABS(soil%sucs) * soil%bch ! difsat*etasat
    soil%ibp2   = NINT(soil%bch) + 2
    ! Ticket #66
    WHERE( soil%ssat > 0.) & ! Avoid divide by
         soil%pwb_min = (soil%swilt/soil%ssat)**soil%ibp2
    soil%i2bp3  = 2 * NINT(soil%bch) + 3
    rough%hruff = MAX(0.01, veg%hc - 1.2 * ssnow%snowd/MAX(ssnow%ssdnn, 100.))
    rough%hruff_grmx = rough%hruff
    ! owetfac introduced by EAK apr2009
    ssnow%owetfac = MAX(0.0, MIN(1.0, (REAL(ssnow%wb(:, 1)) - soil%swilt) / (soil%sfc - soil%swilt)))
    temp(:) = 0.0
    tmp2(:) = 0.0
    WHERE ( ssnow%wbice(:, 1) > 0. ) ! Prevents divide by zero at glaciated
       ! points where wb and wbice=0.
       temp(:) = ssnow%wbice(:, 1) / ssnow%wb(:, 1)
       tmp2(:) = REAL(temp(:))
       ssnow%owetfac = ssnow%owetfac * (1.0 - tmp2(:)) ** 2

    ssnow%pudsto = 0.0
    ssnow%pudsmx = 0.0

    ! Initialise sum flux variables:
    sum_flux%sumpn  = 0.0
    sum_flux%sumrp  = 0.0
    sum_flux%sumrpw = 0.0
    sum_flux%sumrpr = 0.0
    sum_flux%sumrs  = 0.0
    sum_flux%sumrd  = 0.0
    sum_flux%dsumpn = 0.0
    sum_flux%dsumrp = 0.0
    sum_flux%dsumrd = 0.0
    ! Initialise conservation variables:
    bal%precip_tot = 0.0
    bal%rnoff_tot  = 0.0
    bal%evap_tot   = 0.0
    bal%wbal_tot   = 0.0
    bal%ebal_tot   = 0.0
    bal%ebal_tot_cncheck = 0.0
    bal%drybal = 0.0
    bal%wetbal = 0.0
    bal%wbtot0 = 0.0
    bal%RadbalSum = 0.0
    DO j=1, ms
       bal%wbtot0 = bal%wbtot0 + REAL(ssnow%wb(:, j)) * soil%zse(j)       &
            * 1000.0
    END DO
    bal%osnowd0 = ssnow%osnowd

    ! vh_js ! comment out hide% condition
    ! IF (hide%Ticket49Bug6) THEN

    IF(cable_user%SOIL_STRUC=='sli') THEN
       ! Only 1 horizon by default !
       soil%nhorizons = 1
       soil%ishorizon = 1
    END IF
    ! END IF

  where(soil%ssat_vec .gt. 0.0)
     ssnow%wblf = max(0.01_r_2,ssnow%wbliq/soil%ssat_vec)
     ssnow%wbfice = ssnow%wbice / soil%ssat_vec
    ssnow%wblf =0.01
    ssnow%wbfice =0.99

  ! ____________________ MMY comment out as we don't use hys ___________________________
  do k=1,ms
     do i=1,mp
        if (ssnow%wb_hys(i,k) .lt. 0._r_2) then
           ssnow%wb_hys(i,k) = ssnow%wb(i,k)
        end if
        ssnow%wb_hys(i,k)  = max(soil%watr(i,k) ,min(soil%ssat_vec(i,k), ssnow%wb_hys(i,k)))

       if (ssnow%smp_hys(i,k) .lt. -1.0e+30_r_2) then  !set to missing, calc
          ssnow%smp_hys(i,k) = -soil%sucs_vec(i,k)*  &
                               ( (ssnow%wb_hys(i,k)-ssnow%watr_hys(i,k))/&
                                 (ssnow%ssat_hys(i,k)-ssnow%watr_hys(i,k)) )**&
                                (-1._r_2/soil%bch_vec(i,k) )
       end if
       ssnow%smp_hys(i,k) = max(-1.0e10,min(-soil%sucs_vec(i,k),ssnow%smp_hys(i,k) ))
    end do
  end do

 ! MMY note that after commenting out, wb_hys and smp_hys are not defined any more

 ! if (cable_user%gw_model .and. gw_params%bc_hysteresis) then
 !     do klev=1,ms
 !        do i=1,mp
 !           if (soil%isoilm(i) .ne. 9 .and. veg%iveg(i) .le. 16) then
 !              psi_tmp(i,klev) = abs(psi_c(veg%iveg(i)))
 !              soil%swilt_vec(i,klev) = (ssnow%ssat_hys(i,klev)-ssnow%watr_hys(i,klev)) * &
 !                                       (psi_tmp(i,klev)/soil%sucs_vec(i,klev))&
 !                                        **(-1.0/soil%bch_vec(i,klev))+&
 !                                       ssnow%watr_hys(i,klev)
 !              soil%sfc_vec(i,klev) = (gw_params%sfc_vec_hk/soil%hyds_vec(i,klev))&
 !                                      **(1.0/(2.0*soil%bch_vec(i,klev)+3.0)) *&
 !                                      (ssnow%ssat_hys(i,klev)-ssnow%watr_hys(i,klev)) + ssnow%watr_hys(i,klev)
 !           end if
 !       end do
 !    end do
 ! end if

  END SUBROUTINE derived_parameters
  SUBROUTINE check_parameter_values(soil, veg, ssnow)
    ! Checks for basic inconsistencies in parameter values
    ! INH - changed soil & veg to INOUT.
    TYPE (soil_parameter_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: soil  ! soil parameter data
    TYPE (veg_parameter_type),  INTENT(INOUT) :: veg   ! vegetation parameter
    ! data
    TYPE (soil_snow_type),      INTENT(INOUT) :: ssnow ! soil and snow
    ! variables
    INTEGER :: i, j ! do loop counter

    DO i = 1, mland
       ! Check all veg types make sense:
       IF(ANY(veg%iveg(landpt(i)%cstart:(landpt(i)%cstart + landpt(i)%nap      &
            - 1)) < 1 ) .OR. ANY(veg%iveg(landpt(i)%cstart:(landpt(i)%cstart +   &
            landpt(i)%nap - 1)) > mvtype)) THEN
          WRITE(*, *) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
          WRITE(*, *) 'Land point number:', i
          WRITE(*, *) 'Veg types:', veg%iveg(landpt(i)%cstart:                 &
               (landpt(i)%cstart + landpt(i)%nap - 1))
          CALL abort('Unknown vegetation type! Aborting.')
       END IF
       ! Check all soil types make sense:
       IF(ANY(soil%isoilm(landpt(i)%cstart:(landpt(i)%cstart + landpt(i)%nap   &
            - 1)) < 1 ) .OR. ANY(soil%isoilm(landpt(i)%cstart:(landpt(i)%cstart  &
            + landpt(i)%nap - 1)) > mstype)) THEN
          WRITE(*,*) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
          WRITE(*,*) 'Land point number:',i
          CALL abort('Unknown soil type! Aborting.')
       END IF
       ! Check patch fractions sum to 1 in each grid cell:
       IF((SUM(patch(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend)%frac) - 1.0)             &
            > 1.0E-6) THEN
          WRITE(*,*) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
          WRITE(*,*) 'At land point number', i
          WRITE(*,*) 'And patch numbers:  ', landpt(i)%cstart, landpt(i)%cend
          WRITE(*,*) 'patchfrac values are: ',                                 &
          WRITE(*,*) 'veg types are:        ',                                 &
          WRITE(*,*) 'patch longitudes are: ',                                 &
          WRITE(*,*) 'patch latitudes are:  ',                                 &
          CALL abort ('Sum of fractional coverage of vegetation patches /= 1!')
       END IF
       !      ! Check sum of surface type fractions is 1:
       !      IF(landpt(i)%veg%frac + landpt(i)%urban%frac +                   &
       !         landpt(i)%lake%frac + landpt(i)%ice%frac /= 1) THEN
       !        WRITE(*,*) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
       !        WRITE(*,*) 'At land point number', i
       !        CALL abort ('Sum of fractional coverage of surface types /= 1!')
       !      END IF
    END DO
    ! Check sand+soil+clay fractions sum to 1:
    DO i = 1, mland
       DO j = 1, landpt(i)%nap
          ! vh changed limits from 1.0000001, 0.999999 to 1.01 and 0.99 for compatibility with gridinfo
          IF((soil%sand(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)                              &
               + soil%silt(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)                            &
               + soil%clay(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)) > 1.01 .OR.          &
               (soil%sand(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)                              &
               + soil%silt(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)                            &
               + soil%clay(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)) < 0.99) THEN
             WRITE(*,*) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
             WRITE(*,*) 'At land point number:', i
             WRITE(*,*) '        patch number:', j
             WRITE(*,*) 'Clay fraction is ',soil%clay(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)
             WRITE(*,*) 'Sand fraction is ',soil%sand(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)
             WRITE(*,*) 'Silt fraction is ',soil%silt(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)
             WRITE(*,*) 'SUM:',soil%sand(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)             &
                  + soil%silt(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)           &
                  + soil%clay(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)
             !mrd561 error where fraction was slightly off summing to 1.  Fix rather than abort.
             soil%silt(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1) = 1.0 -                       &
                  soil%clay(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1) - &
                  soil%sand(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)
          END IF
       END DO
    END DO
    ! Check that fraction of roots in each layer sum to 1:
    DO i = 1, mland
       DO j = 1, landpt(i)%nap
          IF(ABS(1 - SUM(veg%froot((landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1), :)))            &
               > 0.00001) THEN
             WRITE(*,*) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
             WRITE(*,*) 'At land point number:', i, 'patch:', j
             WRITE(*,*) 'Froot:',veg%froot((landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1), :)
             veg%froot((landpt(i)%cstart+j-1),ms) = veg%froot((landpt(i)%cstart+j-1),ms) + &
                  (1. - SUM(veg%froot((landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1), :)))
          END IF
       END DO
    END DO

    ! Check that wilting pt < field capacity < saturation value:
    IF(ANY(soil%swilt > soil%sfc) .OR. ANY(soil%sfc > soil%ssat)) THEN
       DO i = 1, mland
          DO j = 1, landpt(i)%nap
             IF(soil%swilt(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1) >                         &
                  soil%sfc(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)                             &
                  .OR. soil%sfc(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1) >                      &
                  soil%ssat(landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1)) THEN
                WRITE(*, *) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
                WRITE(*, *) 'At land point number', i, 'patch:', j
                CALL abort ('Wilting pt < field capacity < saturation '//      &
             END IF
          END DO
       END DO
    END IF
    ! Ensure soil moisture values are reasonable (possible restart precision
    ! issue):
    !actually if denliq .ne. denice than ssnow%wb > ssat_vec is possible due to
    !the expansion during freezing
    !mrd561 Left using a real to set wb since that is what trunk does
    WHERE(ssnow%wb  > REAL(soil%ssat_vec)) ! Can only happen due to i/o issues
       ssnow%wb = 0.9999 * REAL(soil%ssat_vec)

  END SUBROUTINE check_parameter_values

  SUBROUTINE consistency_ice_veg_soil(soil, veg)  
    ! Ensure that when an active patch has a veg type of ice then its soil type is also ice and vice versa
    ! Any change effected to enforce this consistency includes correcting the appropriate paramter values 

    USE grid_constants_mod_cbl,   ONLY: ICE_SoilType
    USE cable_surface_types_mod,  ONLY: ICE_VegType => ice_cable
    USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY: csice, density_ice
    TYPE (soil_parameter_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: soil  ! soil parameter data
    TYPE (veg_parameter_type),  INTENT(INOUT) :: veg   ! vegetation parameter

    INTEGER :: i, j, k, kIVP
    LOGICAL :: LIceVegPatch

    LIceVegPatch = .FALSE.

    look_for_ice_veg_patch:     DO i = 1, mland                 ! loop over all gridcells
       DO j = 1, landpt(i)%nap      ! loop over all active patches in every gridcell
          k = landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1    ! absolute position of active veg patch 
          IF(veg%iveg(k) == ICE_VegType) THEN  ! check to see if there is at least one ice veg patch already
             LIceVegPatch = .TRUE.
             kIVP = k    ! remember which patch it is 
             EXIT look_for_ice_veg_patch ! exit as we only need to find one ice veg patch 
          END IF
       END DO
    END DO look_for_ice_veg_patch

    DO i = 1, mland                 ! loop over all gridcells 
       DO j = 1, landpt(i)%nap      ! loop over all active patches in every gridcell 
          k = landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1    ! absolute position of active patch 
          IF(soil%isoilm(k) == ICE_SoilType) THEN  ! check to see if ice soil patch

             WRITE(logn,*) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
             WRITE(logn,*) 'At land point number ', i
             WRITE(logn,*) 'And patch number ', k
             WRITE(logn,*) 'isoilm is ICE_SoilType'
             WRITE(logn,*) 'Set rhosoil = density_ice from CABLE physical constants'
             WRITE(logn,*) 'Set css     = csice from CABLE physical constants'
             soil%rhosoil(k) = density_ice   
             soil%css(k) =     csice         

          END IF
       END DO
    END DO
    DO i = 1, mland                 ! loop over all gridcells 
       DO j = 1, landpt(i)%nap      ! loop over all active patches in every gridcell 
          k = landpt(i)%cstart + j - 1    ! absolute position of active patch 

          IF((veg%iveg(k) == ICE_VegType) .AND. (soil%isoilm(k) /= ICE_SoilType)) THEN

             WRITE(logn,*) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
             WRITE(logn,*) 'At land point number ', i
             WRITE(logn,*) 'And patch number ', k
             WRITE(logn,*) 'iveg is ICE_VegType but isoilm is not ICE_SoilType'
             WRITE(logn,*) 'Changed isoilm to ICE_SoilType with appropriate parameter corrections'

             soil%isoilm(k) = ICE_SoilType
      ! correct appropriately parameters and derived parameters 
             soil%rhosoil(k) = density_ice   
             soil%css(k) =     csice         

          ELSE IF ((veg%iveg(k) /= ICE_VegType) .AND. (soil%isoilm(k) == ICE_SoilType)) THEN

             WRITE(logn,*) 'SUBROUTINE load_parameters:'
             WRITE(logn,*) 'At land point number ', i
             WRITE(logn,*) 'And patch number ', k
             WRITE(logn,*) 'iveg is not ICE_VegType but isoilm is ICE_SoilType'
             WRITE(logn,*) 'Changed iveg to ICE_VegType with appropriate parameter corrections'

             veg%iveg(k) = ICE_VegType

             ! correct appropriately parameters and derived parameters 
             IF (LIceVegPatch) THEN   ! if there is at least one ice veg patch already
                                      ! use the parameter values from this ice veg patch for the new ice veg patch

                veg%frac4(k)    =        veg%frac4(kIVP)   
                veg%taul(k,1)   =        veg%taul(kIVP,1)  
                veg%taul(k,2)   =        veg%taul(kIVP,2)  
                veg%refl(k,1)   =        veg%refl(kIVP,1)  
                veg%refl(k,2)   =        veg%refl(kIVP,2)  
                veg%canst1(k)   =        veg%canst1(kIVP)  
                veg%dleaf(k)    =        veg%dleaf(kIVP)   
                veg%vcmax(k)    =        veg%vcmax(kIVP)   
                veg%ejmax(k)    =        veg%ejmax(kIVP)   
                veg%hc(k)       =        veg%hc(kIVP)      
                veg%xfang(k)    =        veg%xfang(kIVP)   
                veg%vbeta(k)    =        veg%vbeta(kIVP)   
                veg%xalbnir(k)  =        veg%xalbnir(kIVP) 
                veg%rp20(k)     =        veg%rp20(kIVP)    
                veg%rpcoef(k)   =        veg%rpcoef(kIVP)  
                veg%rs20(k)     =        veg%rs20(kIVP)    
                veg%shelrb(k)   =        veg%shelrb(kIVP)  
                veg%wai(k)      =        veg%wai(kIVP)     
                veg%a1gs(k)     =        veg%a1gs(kIVP)    
                veg%d0gs(k)     =        veg%d0gs(kIVP)    
                veg%vegcf(k)    =        veg%vegcf(kIVP)   
                veg%extkn(k)    =        veg%extkn(kIVP)   
                veg%tminvj(k)   =        veg%tminvj(kIVP)  
                veg%tmaxvj(k)   =        veg%tmaxvj(kIVP)  
                veg%g0(k)       =        veg%g0(kIVP)      
                veg%g1(k)       =        veg%g1(kIVP)      
                veg%a1gs(k)     =        veg%a1gs(kIVP)    
                veg%d0gs(k)     =        veg%d0gs(kIVP)    
                veg%alpha(k)    =        veg%alpha(kIVP)   
                veg%convex(k)   =        veg%convex(kIVP)  
                veg%cfrd(k)     =        veg%cfrd(kIVP)    
                veg%gswmin(k)   =        veg%gswmin(kIVP)  
                veg%conkc0(k)   =        veg%conkc0(kIVP)  
                veg%conko0(k)   =        veg%conko0(kIVP)  
                veg%ekc(k)      =        veg%ekc(kIVP)     
                veg%eko(k)      =        veg%eko(kIVP)     
                veg%rootbeta(k) =        veg%rootbeta(kIVP)
                veg%zr(k)       =        veg%zr(kIVP)      
                veg%clitt(k)    =        veg%clitt(kIVP)   

             ELSE           ! otherwise use default parameter values for ice 
                veg%frac4(k)    = vegin%frac4(ICE_VegType)
                veg%taul(k,1)   = vegin%taul1(ICE_VegType)
                veg%taul(k,2)   = vegin%taul2(ICE_VegType)
                veg%refl(k,1)   = vegin%refl1(ICE_VegType)
                veg%refl(k,2)   = vegin%refl2(ICE_VegType)
                veg%canst1(k)   = vegin%canst1(ICE_VegType)
                veg%dleaf(k)    = vegin%dleaf(ICE_VegType)
                veg%vcmax(k)    = vegin%vcmax(ICE_VegType)
                veg%ejmax(k)    = vegin%ejmax(ICE_VegType)
                veg%hc(k)       = vegin%hc(ICE_VegType)
                veg%xfang(k)    = vegin%xfang(ICE_VegType)
                veg%vbeta(k)    = vegin%vbeta(ICE_VegType)
                veg%xalbnir(k)  = vegin%xalbnir(ICE_VegType)
                veg%rp20(k)     = vegin%rp20(ICE_VegType)
                veg%rpcoef(k)   = vegin%rpcoef(ICE_VegType)
                veg%rs20(k)     = vegin%rs20(ICE_VegType)
                veg%shelrb(k)   = vegin%shelrb(ICE_VegType)
                veg%wai(k)      = vegin%wai(ICE_VegType)
                veg%a1gs(k)     = vegin%a1gs(ICE_VegType)
                veg%d0gs(k)     = vegin%d0gs(ICE_VegType)
                veg%vegcf(k)    = vegin%vegcf(ICE_VegType)
                veg%extkn(k)    = vegin%extkn(ICE_VegType)
                veg%tminvj(k)   = vegin%tminvj(ICE_VegType)
                veg%tmaxvj(k)   = vegin%tmaxvj(ICE_VegType)
                veg%g0(k)       = vegin%g0(ICE_VegType) 
                veg%g1(k)       = vegin%g1(ICE_VegType) 
                veg%a1gs(k)     = vegin%a1gs(ICE_VegType)
                veg%d0gs(k)     = vegin%d0gs(ICE_VegType)
                veg%alpha(k)    = vegin%alpha(ICE_VegType)
                veg%convex(k)   = vegin%convex(ICE_VegType)
                veg%cfrd(k)     = vegin%cfrd(ICE_VegType)
                veg%gswmin(k)   = vegin%gswmin(ICE_VegType)
                veg%conkc0(k)   = vegin%conkc0(ICE_VegType)
                veg%conko0(k)   = vegin%conko0(ICE_VegType)
                veg%ekc(k)      = vegin%ekc(ICE_VegType)
                veg%eko(k)      = vegin%eko(ICE_VegType)
                veg%rootbeta(k) = vegin%rootbeta(ICE_VegType)
                veg%zr(k)       = vegin%zr(ICE_VegType)
                veg%clitt(k)    = vegin%clitt(ICE_VegType)
             END IF
          END IF
       END DO
    END DO

  END SUBROUTINE consistency_ice_veg_soil


  SUBROUTINE report_parameters(logn, soil, veg, bgc, rough,                    &
       ssnow, canopy, casamet, casapool, casaflux,     &
       phen, vegparmnew, verbose )
    USE cable_pft_params_mod, ONLY : veg_desc
    USE cable_soil_params_mod, ONLY : soil_desc
    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN)  :: logn        ! log file unit number
    LOGICAL,      INTENT(IN)  :: vegparmnew  ! are we using the new format?
    LOGICAL,      INTENT(IN)  :: verbose     ! write all parameter details to
    ! log file?
    TYPE (soil_parameter_type), INTENT(IN)  :: soil
    TYPE (veg_parameter_type),  INTENT(IN)  :: veg
    TYPE (bgc_pool_type),       INTENT(IN)  :: bgc
    TYPE (roughness_type),      INTENT(IN)  :: rough
    TYPE (soil_snow_type),      INTENT(IN)  :: ssnow
    TYPE (canopy_type),         INTENT(IN)  :: canopy
    TYPE (casa_met)     , INTENT(IN)  :: casamet
    TYPE (casa_pool)    , INTENT(IN)  :: casapool
    TYPE (casa_flux)    , INTENT(IN)  :: casaflux
    TYPE (phen_variable), INTENT(IN)  :: phen

    INTEGER :: e, f, g ! do loop counter
    CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: patchfmtr  ! patch format specifier for real numbers
    CHARACTER(LEN=14) :: patchfmti  ! patch format specifier for integer
    ! numbers
    CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: patchfmte  ! patch format specifier for expon. numbers
    CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: patchfmte2 ! patch format specifier for expon. numbers

    ! Get vegetation/soil type descriptions in case they haven't yet been
    ! loaded (i.e. if restart file + met file contains all parameter/init/LAI
    ! info). This will not overwrite any parameter values.
    ! CALL get_type_parameters(filename_veg, filename_soil, logn, vegparmnew)
    CALL cable_pft_params()
    CALL cable_soil_params()

    ! Only report parameters for active vegetation patches:
    DO e = 1, mland
       WRITE(logn, *) '==================================================='//  &
       WRITE(logn, '(A36, I8, 1X, A1)') ' CABLE setup details for land'//      &
            ' point ',e,':'
       WRITE(logn, *) '==================================================='//  &
       !      WRITE(logn,'(A21)') ' Surface type ratios:'
       !      WRITE(logn,*) '---------------------------------------------'//  &
       !                    '------------'
       !      ! Write surface type ratios to log file:
       !      WRITE(logn,'(A30,I3,A1)') '                   vegetated: ',&
       !           INT(landpt(e)%veg%frac*100.0),'%'
       !      WRITE(logn,'(A30,I3,A1)') '                       urban: ',&
       !           INT(landpt(e)%urban%frac*100.0),'%'
       !      WRITE(logn,'(A30,I3,A1)') '                       lakes: ',&
       !           INT(landpt(e)%lake%frac*100.0),'%'
       !      WRITE(logn,'(A30,I3,A1)') '                    land ice: ',&
       !           INT(landpt(e)%ice%frac*100.0),'%'
       !      ! Report patch details to log file:
       !      WRITE(logn,*) '---------------------------------------------'//  &
       !                    '------------'
       WRITE(logn, '(A43)') ' Proportions of each active veg/soil patch:'
       WRITE(logn, *) '---------------------------------------------------'//  &
       DO g = 1, landpt(e)%nap
          WRITE(logn, '(A7, I2, A3, F6.2, A11, I3, 1X, A30)') ' patch ',       &
               g,':  ', patch(landpt(e)%cstart + g - 1)%frac * 100.0,         &
               '% veg type ', veg%iveg(landpt(e)%cstart + g - 1),             &
               TRIM(veg_desc(veg%iveg(landpt(e)%cstart + g - 1)))
          WRITE(logn,'(18X, A11, I3, 1X, A45)') '  soil type',                 &
               soil%isoilm(landpt(e)%cstart + g - 1),                         &
               TRIM(soil_desc(soil%isoilm(landpt(e)%cstart + g - 1)))
       END DO

       IF(verbose) THEN
          ! Set up format specifier for writing active patch details below:
          WRITE(patchfmtr,'(A8, I2, A6)') '(4X,A50,', landpt(e)%nap, 'F12.4)'
          WRITE(patchfmti,'(A8, I2, A4)') '(4X,A50,', landpt(e)%nap, 'I12)'
          WRITE(patchfmte,'(A8, I2, A6)') '(4X,A50,', landpt(e)%nap, 'E12.4)'
          WRITE(patchfmte2,'(A8, I2, A6)') '(4X,A50,', landpt(e)%nap, 'E12.4)'
          ! Write parameter set details to log file:
          WRITE(logn, *) '------------------------------------------------'//  &
          WRITE(logn, '(A36, I8, 1X, A2)') ' CABLE parameter values (land '//  &
               'point ', e, '):'
          WRITE(logn, *) '------------------------------------------------'//  &
          WRITE(logn,'(4X, A50, 2F10.4)') 'reference height (m): ',            &
                                ! AJA MODIFIED
                                ! rough%za(e*max_vegpatches)
               rough%za_uv(landpt(e)%cend - landpt(e)%cstart + 1),            &
               rough%za_tq(landpt(e)%cend - landpt(e)%cstart + 1)
          WRITE(logn, *) ' Vegetation parameters: '
          WRITE(logn, patchfmti) 'Veg type for each active (>0% gridcell) '//  &
               'patch: ', veg%iveg(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Vegetation height (m): ',                    &
               veg%hc(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of roots in layer 1 (-): ',         &
               veg%froot(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 1)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of roots in layer 2 (-): ',         &
               veg%froot(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of roots in layer 3 (-): ',         &
               veg%froot(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 3)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of roots in layer 4 (-): ',         &
               veg%froot(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 4)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of roots in layer 5 (-): ',         &
               veg%froot(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 5)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of roots in layer 6 (-): ',         &
               veg%froot(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 6)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of plants which are C4 (-): ',      &
               veg%frac4(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Maximum canopy water storage (mm/LAI): ',    &
               veg%canst1(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap  &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmte)                                               &
               'Max pot elec transport rate top leaf (mol/m2/s): ',           &
               veg%ejmax(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmte)                                               &
               'Max RuBP carboxylation rate top leaf (mol/m^2/s): ',          &
               veg%vcmax(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Plant respiration coeff @ 20 C '//           &
               '(mol/m^2/s): ', veg%rp20(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart   &
               + landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr)                                               &
               'Temperature coef nonleaf plant respiration (1/C): ',          &
               veg%rpcoef(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap  &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Sheltering factor (-): ',                    &
               veg%shelrb(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap  &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Chararacteristic legnth of leaf (m): ',      &
               veg%dleaf(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Leaf angle parameter (-): ',                 &
               veg%xfang(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr)                                               &
               'Min temperature for start of photosynthesis (C): ',           &
               veg%tminvj(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap  &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr)                                               &
               'Max temperature for start of photosynthesis (C): ',           &
               veg%tmaxvj(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap  &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Stomatal sensitivity to soil water: ',       &
               veg%vbeta(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Modifier for surface albedo in near IR '//   &
               'band: ', veg%xalbnir(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +     &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'a1 parameter in leaf stomatal model  ',      &
               veg%a1gs(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +                  &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'd0 parameter in leaf stomatal model  ',      &
               veg%d0gs(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +                  &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          IF (icycle == 0) THEN
             WRITE(logn,'(4X, A50, F12.4)')                                     &
                  'Plant carbon rate constant pool 1 (1/year): ', bgc%ratecp(1)
             WRITE(logn,'(4X, A50, F12.4)')                                     &
                  'Plant carbon rate constant pool 2 (1/year): ', bgc%ratecp(2)
             WRITE(logn,'(4X, A50, F12.4)')                                     &
                  'Plant carbon rate constant pool 3 (1/year): ', bgc%ratecp(3)
          WRITE(logn, *) '------------------------------------------------'//  &
          WRITE(logn, *) ' Soil parameters: '
          WRITE(logn, patchfmti)        'Soil type for each active (>0%) '//   &
               'patch: ', soil%isoilm(landpt(e)%cstart:landpt(e)%cend)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of soil which is sand (-): ',       &
               soil%sand(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of soil which is silt (-): ',       &
               soil%silt(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Fraction of soil which is clay (-): ',       &
               soil%clay(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr)                                               &
               'Volumetric soil moisture at saturation (m^3/m^3): ',          &
               soil%ssat(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                                &
               'Vol. soil moisture at field capacity (m^3/m^3): ',            &
               soil%sfc(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap    &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Vol. soil moisture at wilting point '//      &
               '(m^3/m^3): ', soil%swilt(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart   &
               + landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) 'Soil respiration coeff @ 20C (mol/m^2/s): ',  &
          !              soil%rs20(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Suction at saturation (m): ',                &
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil density (kg/m^3): ',                    &
               soil%rhosoil(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +              &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil specific heat capacity (kJ/kg/K): ',    &
               soil%css(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap    &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Parameter b in Campbell equation: ',         &
               soil%bch(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap      &
               - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmte2) 'Hydraulic conductivity @ saturation '//     &
               '(m/s): ', soil%hyds(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +      &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          IF (icycle == 0) THEN
             WRITE(logn,'(4X, A50, F12.4)')                                     &
                  'Soil carbon rate constant pool 1 (1/year): ', bgc%ratecs(1)
             WRITE(logn,'(4X, A50, F12.4)')                                    &
                  'Soil carbon rate constant pool 2 (1/year): ', bgc%ratecs(2)

          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Bare soil albedo, vis (-): ',                &
               soil%albsoil(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +              &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 1)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Bare soil albedo, nir (-): ',                &
               soil%albsoil(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +              &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, *) '------------------------------------------------'//  &
          WRITE(logn,'(A35, I8, 1X, A2)') ' CABLE initialisations (land '//    &
               'point ', e, '):'
          WRITE(logn, *) '------------------------------------------------'//  &
          WRITE(logn, *) ' Soil-specific initialisations, per patch: -----'//  &
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil moisture, layer 1: ',                   &
               ssnow%wb(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap    &
               - 1), 1)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil moisture, layer 2: ',                   &
               ssnow%wb(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap    &
               - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil moisture, layer 3: ',                   &
               ssnow%wb(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap    &
               - 1), 3)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil moisture, layer 4: ',                   &
               ssnow%wb(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap    &
               - 1), 4)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil moisture, layer 5: ',                   &
               ssnow%wb(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap    &
               - 1), 5)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil moisture, layer 6: ',                   &
               ssnow%wb(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap    &
               - 1), 6)
          DO f = landpt(e)%cstart, (landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap - 1)
             IF(ANY(ssnow%wb(f, :) < soil%swilt(f)))                           &
                  WRITE(logn, '(3X, A6, I2, A47)')                             &
                  'PATCH ',f - landpt(e)%cstart + 1,                           &
             IF(ANY(ssnow%wb(f,:)>soil%ssat(f)))                               &
                  WRITE(logn,'(3X, A6, I2, A50)')                              &
                  'PATCH ',f - landpt(e)%cstart + 1,                           &
          END DO
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil temperature, layer 1: ',                &
               ssnow%tgg(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 1)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil temperature, layer 2: ',                &
               ssnow%tgg(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil temperature, layer 3: ',                &
               ssnow%tgg(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 3)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil temperature, layer 4: ',                &
               ssnow%tgg(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 4)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil temperature, layer 5: ',                &
               ssnow%tgg(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 5)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil temperature, layer 6: ',                &
               ssnow%tgg(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
               - 1), 6)
          IF (icycle == 0) THEN
             WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil carbon pool size (g C/m2), pool 1: ',&
                  bgc%csoil(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
                  - 1), 1)
             WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil carbon pool size (g C/m2), pool 2: ',&
                  bgc%csoil(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap   &
                  - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Volumetric soil ice, layer 1: ',             &
               ssnow%wbice(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 1)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Volumetric soil ice, layer 2: ',             &
               ssnow%wbice(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Volumetric soil ice, layer 3: ',             &
               ssnow%wbice(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 3)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Volumetric soil ice, layer 4: ',             &
               ssnow%wbice(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 4)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Volumetric soil ice, layer 5: ',             &
               ssnow%wbice(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 5)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Volumetric soil ice, layer 6: ',             &
               ssnow%wbice(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 6)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Turbulent resistance for soil: ',            &
               ssnow%rtsoil(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +              &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, *) ' Snow-specific initialisations, per patch: '//       &
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow liquid water equivalent depth (mm): ',  &
               ssnow%snowd(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr)                                               &
               'Snow liq. water equiv. depth previous tstep (mm): ',          &
               ssnow%osnowd(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +              &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Overall snow density (kg/m^3): ',            &
               ssnow%ssdnn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow age (-): ',                             &
               ssnow%snage(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow temperature (K), layer 1: ',            &
               ssnow%tggsn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 1)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow temperature (K), layer 2: ',            &
               ssnow%tggsn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow temperature (K), layer 3: ',            &
               ssnow%tggsn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 3)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow density (kg/m^3), layer 1: ',           &
               ssnow%ssdn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +                &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 1)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow density (kg/m^3), layer 2: ',           &
               ssnow%ssdn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +                &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow density (kg/m^3), layer 3: ',           &
               ssnow%ssdn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +                &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 3)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow mass (kg/m^2), layer 1: ',              &
               ssnow%smass(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 1)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow mass (kg/m^2), layer 2: ',              &
               ssnow%smass(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Snow mass (kg/m^2), layer 3: ',              &
               ssnow%smass(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 3)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmti) 'Snow layer scheme flag: ',                   &
               ssnow%isflag(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +              &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, *) ' Vegetation-specific initialisations, per patch:'//  &
               ' --------'
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Canopy surface water storage (mm): ',        &
               canopy%cansto(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +             &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn,*) '                 default monthly Leaf area index: '
          DO f = 1, 12
             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) ' ', defaultLAI(e,f)
          IF (exists%LAI) THEN
             WRITE(logn,*) 'Check LAI in output for values provided in met file.'
             WRITE(logn,*) 'These default values are used as no LAI in met file.'
          IF (icycle == 0) THEN
             WRITE(logn, patchfmtr)                                            &
                  'Plant carbon pool size (g C/m2), pool 1: ',                   &
                  bgc%cplant(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
                  landpt(e)%nap - 1), 1)
             WRITE(logn, patchfmtr)                                            &
                  'Plant carbon pool size (g C/m2), pool 2: ',                   &
                  bgc%cplant(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +                &
                  landpt(e)%nap - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, *) ' Other initialisations, per patch: '//               &
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil+snow albedo (-), visible: ',            &
               ssnow%albsoilsn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +           &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 1)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil+snow albedo (-), near infrared: ',      &
               ssnow%albsoilsn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +           &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 2)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Soil+snow albedo (-), thermal: ',            &
               ssnow%albsoilsn(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +           &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1), 3)
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Runoff total (mm/time step): ',              &
               ssnow%runoff(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +              &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Surface runoff (mm/time step): ',            &
               ssnow%rnof1(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, patchfmtr) 'Deep drainage runoff (mm/time step): ',      &
               ssnow%rnof2(landpt(e)%cstart:(landpt(e)%cstart +               &
               landpt(e)%nap - 1))
          WRITE(logn, *) '================================================'//  &
          WRITE(logn, *) '================================================'//  &
          WRITE(logn, *)

          !jhan:reviewformatting.spacing of whole module
          IF (icycle >= 1) THEN

             WRITE(logn,*) 'CASA-CNP initialisations, per patch:'

             WRITE(logn,patchfmti)                                              &
                  '  veg class (0=noveg,1=grassy,2=shrub,3=woody): ',             &
                  casamet%iveg2( landpt(e)%cstart :                               &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap-1) )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmti)                                              &
                  '                                    soil order: ',             &
                  casamet%isorder( landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap-1) )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  ' patch area (10^9 m^2): ',                                     &
                  casamet%areacell(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap-1) )*1.0e-9

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '          Nitrogen deposition   (g N/m^2/year): ',             &
                  casaflux%Nmindep(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart + landpt(e)%nap-1) )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '          Nitrogen fixation     (g N/m^2/year): ',             &
                  casaflux%Nminfix(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1) )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '          Phosphorus weathering (g P/m^2/year): ',             &
                  casaflux%Pwea(landpt(e)%cstart :                                &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1) )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '          Phosphorus in dust    (g P/m^2/year): ',             &
                  casaflux%Pdep(landpt(e)%cstart :                                &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1) )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '  Leaf area index in CASA-CNP: ',                              &
                  casamet%glai(landpt(e)%cstart :                                 &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1) )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmti)                                              &
                  '  Phenological phase: ',                                       &
                  phen%phase(landpt(e)%cstart :                                   &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1) )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '  Carbon pools (g C/m^2)       - labile: ',                    &
                  casapool%clabile(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1) )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '               - plant - Leaf: ',                              &
                  casapool%cplant(landpt(e)%cstart :                              &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 1 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '               - plant - Wood: ',                              &
                  casapool%cplant(landpt(e)%cstart :                              &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 2)

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '               - plant - Root: ',                              &
                  casapool%cplant(landpt(e)%cstart :                              &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 3 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '               - litter - MTB: ',                              &
                  casapool%clitter(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 1 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '               - litter - STR: ',                              &
                  casapool%clitter(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 2 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '               - litter - CWD: ',                              &
                  casapool%clitter(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 3 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '               - soil - micro: ',                              &
                  casapool%csoil(landpt(e)%cstart :                               &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 1 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '               - soil -  slow: ',                              &
                  casapool%csoil(landpt(e)%cstart :                               &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 2 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr)                                              &
                  '               - soil - passv: ',                              &
                  casapool%csoil(landpt(e)%cstart :                               &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 3 )


          IF (icycle >= 2) THEN

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) '  Nitrogen pools (g N/m^2) - plant - Leaf: ',&
                  casapool%nplant(landpt(e)%cstart :                              &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 1  )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) '               - plant - Wood: ',           &
                  casapool%nplant(landpt(e)%cstart:                               &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 2 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) '               - plant - Root: ',           &
                  casapool%nplant(landpt(e)%cstart :                              &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 3 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) '               - litter - MTB: ',           &
                  casapool%nlitter(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 1 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) '               - litter - STR: ',           &
                  casapool%nlitter(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 2 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) '               - litter - CWD: ',           &
                  casapool%nlitter(landpt(e)%cstart :                             &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 3 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) '               - soil - micro: ',           &
                  casapool%nsoil(landpt(e)%cstart :                               &
                  (landpt(e)%cstart+landpt(e)%nap-1), 1 )

             WRITE(logn,patchfmtr) '               - soil -  slow: ',           &