This source code is part of the Australian Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE) model. This work is licensed under the CSIRO Open Source Software License Agreement (variation of the BSD / MIT License).
You may not use this file except in compliance with this License. A copy of the License (CSIRO_BSD_MIT_License_v2.0_CABLE.txt) can be found at
!****************************************************************************** ! This source code is part of the ! Australian Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE) model. ! This work is licensed under the CSIRO Open Source Software License ! Agreement (variation of the BSD / MIT License). ! ! You may not use this file except in compliance with this License. ! A copy of the License (CSIRO_BSD_MIT_License_v2.0_CABLE.txt) can be found ! at ! !****************************************************************************** MODULE cbl_snow_albedo_module !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Description: ! Computes the snow-affected surface albedo ! ! This MODULE is USEd from: ! cbl_albedo (JULES, CABLE, ESM1.5), ! ! This MODULE contains 1 public Subroutine: ! surface_albedosn ! ! Module specific documentation: ! Where it fits in the model flow: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC :: surface_albedosn PRIVATE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE surface_albedosn( AlbSnow, AlbSoil, mp, nrb, ICE_SoilType, & lakes_cable, SurfaceType, SoilType, SnowDepth, & SnowDensity, SoilTemp, SnowAge, coszen ) ! Description: ! Nothing further to add to the module description USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY: snow_depth_thresh IMPLICIT NONE !re-decl input args INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mp INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nrb !--- IN: CABLE specific surface_type indexes INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ICE_SoilType INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lakes_cable REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: AlbSnow(mp,nrb) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: AlbSoil(mp,nrb) !NB to become IN OUT because of soil colour parameterization REAL, INTENT(IN) :: coszen(mp) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: SnowDepth(mp) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: SnowDensity(mp) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: SoilTemp(mp) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: SnowAge(mp) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: SurfaceType(mp) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: SoilType(mp) !working variables REAL, DIMENSION(mp) :: & alv, & ! Snow albedo for visible alir, & ! Snow albedo for near infra-red fage, & ! age factor fzenm, & ! zenith factor sfact, & ! soil factor snrat, & ! (1-) fraction of soil 'seen' when evaluating surface albedo tmp, & ! temporary value SoilAlbsoilF REAL, PARAMETER :: & alvo = 0.95, & ! albedo for vis. on a new snow aliro = 0.70 ! albedo for near-infr. on a new snow REAL, PARAMETER :: sfact_default = 0.68 REAL, PARAMETER :: sfact_dark = 0.62 REAL, PARAMETER :: sfact_darker = 0.5 INTEGER :: i !looping variable !initialise to the no-snow value for albedo for all land points SoilAlbsoilF = Albsoil(:,1) ! lakes - with/without snow cover WHERE ( SurfaceType == lakes_cable ) SoilAlbsoilF = -0.022*( MIN( 275.0, MAX( 260.0, SoilTemp) ) - 260.0 ) + 0.45 END WHERE WHERE (SnowDepth > snow_depth_thresh .AND. SurfaceType == lakes_cable ) SoilAlbsoilF = 0.85 END WHERE !initialize all land points sfact(:) = sfact_default WHERE (SoilAlbsoilF <= 0.14) sfact = sfact_darker ! NB: .14 corresponds to snow albedo < liq lakes ELSE WHERE (SoilAlbsoilF > 0.14 .AND. SoilAlbsoilF <= 0.20) sfact = sfact_dark ! captures liq lakes & similar snow albedo cells END WHERE !first estimate of snow-affected surface albedos AlbSnow(:,2) = 2.0 * SoilAlbsoilF / (1.0 + sfact) AlbSnow(:,1) = sfact * AlbSnow(:,2) ! calc soil albedo based on colour - Ticket #27 !H!IF (calcsoilalbedo) THEN !H! CALL soilcol_albedo(ssnow, soil) !H!END IF !no snow values for working variables. snrat(:)=0.0 alir(:) =0.0 alv(:) =0.0 !Ticket 331 - snow age evaluation moved to cbm module !removed permanent ice special conditions as overwritten later WHERE (SnowDepth > snow_depth_thresh) !snrat is how little (as fraction) of the underlying soil 'seen' tmp = SnowDepth / MAX (SnowDensity, 200.0) snrat = MIN(1.0, tmp/ (tmp + 0.1)) !snow age and zenith angle factors fage = 1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 + SnowAge ) tmp = MAX (0.17365, coszen ) fzenm = MAX(0.0, MERGE(0.0, 1.5/(1.0+4.0*tmp) - 0.5,tmp>0.5) ) !alv and alir: aged-snow albedo tmp = alvo * (1.0 - 0.2 * fage) alv = 0.4 * fzenm * (1.0 - tmp) + tmp tmp = aliro * (1.0 - 0.5 * fage ) alir = 0.4 * fzenm * (1.0 - tmp) + tmp END WHERE !H!jhan:SLI currently not available !H!IF(cable_user%SOIL_STRUC=='sli') THEN !H! WHERE (SnowDepth.GT.snow_depth_thresh) !H! snrat = 1.0 ! using default parameterisation, albedo is too low, !H! ! inhibiting snowpack initiation !H! ENDWHERE !H!ENDIF !final values of soil-snow albedos - 1=vis, 2=nir AlbSnow(:,2) = MIN( aliro, & ( 1.0 - snrat ) * AlbSnow(:,2) + snrat * alir) AlbSnow(:,1) = MIN( alvo, & ( 1.0 - snrat ) * AlbSnow(:,1) + snrat * alv ) !except for ice regions WHERE ( SoilType == ICE_SoilType ) ! use dry snow albedo: 1=vis, 2=nir AlbSnow(:,1) = alvo - 0.05 ! al*o = albedo appropriate for new snow AlbSnow(:,2) = aliro - 0.05 ! => here al*o LESS arbitrary aging 0.05 END WHERE RETURN END SUBROUTINE surface_albedosn END MODULE cbl_snow_albedo_module