MODULE cable_canopy_module IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC define_canopy PRIVATE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE define_canopy(bal,rad,rough,air,met,dels,ssnow,soil,veg, canopy,climate, sunlit_veg_mask, reducedLAIdue2snow ) ! subrs USE cbl_radiation_module, ONLY : radiation USE cbl_friction_vel_module, ONLY : comp_friction_vel, psim, psis USE cbl_pot_evap_snow_module, ONLY : Penman_Monteith, Humidity_deficit_method USE cbl_qsat_module, ONLY : qsatfjh, qsatfjh2 USE cbl_zetar_module, ONLY : update_zetar USE cable_latent_heat_module, ONLY : latent_heat_flux USE cable_wetleaf_module, ONLY : wetleaf USE cbl_dryLeaf_module, ONLY : dryLeaf USE cable_within_canopy_module, ONLY : within_canopy USE cbl_SurfaceWetness_module, ONLY : Surf_wetness_fact ! data USE cable_common_module, ONLY: cable_runtime, cable_user ! physical constants USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CTFRZ => TFRZ USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CRMAIR => RMAIR USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CRGAS => RGAS USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CDHEAT => DHEAT USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CZETNEG => ZETNEG USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CZETMUL => ZETMUL USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CZETPOS => ZETPOS USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CGRAV => GRAV USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CUMIN => UMIN USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CRHOW => RHOW USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CCTL => CTL USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CCSW => CSW USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CEMLEAF => EMLEAF USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CEMSOIL => EMSOIL USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CSBOLTZ => SBOLTZ USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CPRANDT => PRANDT USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CCAPP => CAPP USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CRMH2O => RMH2O USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CAPOL => APOL USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CA33 => A33 USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CVONK => VONK USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CZETA0 => ZETA0 USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CTETENA => TETENA USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CTETENB => TETENB USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CTETENC => TETENC USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CTETENA_ICE => TETENA_ICE USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CTETENB_ICE => TETENB_ICE USE cable_phys_constants_mod, ONLY : CTETENC_ICE => TETENC_ICE ! photosynthetic constants USE cable_photo_constants_mod, ONLY : CRGSWC => RGSWC USE cable_photo_constants_mod, ONLY : CGAM0 => GAM0 USE cable_photo_constants_mod, ONLY : CGAM2 => GAM2 USE cable_photo_constants_mod, ONLY : CRGBWC => RGBWC USE cable_photo_constants_mod, ONLY : CGAM1 => GAM1 USE cable_photo_constants_mod, ONLY : CTREFK => TREFK USE cable_photo_constants_mod, ONLY : CMAXITER => MAXITER ! only integer here ! maths & other constants USE cable_math_constants_mod, ONLY : CPI_C => PI USE cable_other_constants_mod, ONLY : CLAI_THRESH => LAI_THRESH USE grid_constants_mod_cbl, ONLY: ICE_SoilType USE cable_def_types_mod USE cable_air_module USE cable_roughness_module IMPLICIT NONE TYPE (balances_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: bal TYPE (radiation_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: rad TYPE (roughness_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: rough TYPE (air_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: air TYPE (met_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: met TYPE (soil_snow_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: ssnow TYPE (canopy_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: canopy TYPE (climate_type), INTENT(IN) :: climate TYPE (soil_parameter_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: soil TYPE (veg_parameter_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: veg REAL :: reducedLAIdue2snow(mp) LOGICAL :: sunlit_veg_mask(mp) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dels ! integration time setp (s) INTEGER :: & iter, & ! iteration # iterplus ! REAL, DIMENSION(mp) :: & rt0, & ! turbulent resistance ortsoil, & ! turb. resist. prev t-step rt1usc, & ! eq. 3.53, SCAM manual, 1997 tstar, & ! zscrn, & ! qstar, & ! rsts, & ! qsurf, & ! qtgnet, & ! tss4, & ! soil/snow temperature**4 qstvair, & ! sat spec humidity at leaf temperature xx, & ! delta-type func 4 sparse canopy limit, p20 SCAM manual r_sc, & ! zscl, & ! pwet, & ! dq, & ! sat sp dq_unsat, & ! spec hum diff including rh at srf xx1, & ! sum_rad_rniso, & ! sum_rad_gradis,& ! rttsoil, & ! REV_CORR working variable for sensitivity terms rhlitt, & ! REV_CORR working variables for litter resistances relitt, & ! alpm1, & ! REV_CORR working variables for Or scheme beta2, & ! beta_div_alpm1 = beta2/alpm1 (goes to zero without beta_div_alpm ! division when no canopy) ! temporary buffers to simplify equations REAL, DIMENSION(mp) :: & ftemp,z_eff,psim_arg, psim_1, psim_2, rlower_limit, & term1, term2, term3, term5 ! arguments for potential_evap (sli) REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(mp) :: Rn, rbh, rbw, Ta, rha,Ts, & Tsoil, Epot, Hpot, Gpot, & kth, dz,lambdav, & dEdrha, dEdTa, dEdTsoil, dGdTa, dGdTsoil REAL, DIMENSION(mp) :: qsat REAL, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: & cansat, & ! max canopy intercept. (mm) dsx, & ! leaf surface vpd fwsoil, & ! soil water modifier of stom. cond tlfx, & ! leaf temp prev. iter (K) tlfy ! leaf temp (K) REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(mp) :: & gbvtop ! bnd layer cond. top leaf REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: & ecy, & ! lat heat fl dry big leaf hcy, & ! veg. sens heat rny, & ! net rad ghwet ! cond for heat for a wet canopy REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: & gbhu, & ! forcedConvectionBndryLayerCond gbhf, & ! freeConvectionBndryLayerCond csx ! leaf surface CO2 concentration REAL :: rt_min REAL, DIMENSION(mp) :: zstar, rL, phist, csw, psihat,rt0bus INTEGER :: j ! local vars in calc of Surface conductance REAL :: LAI_min(mp) REAL :: Rel_bigLeafLAI_sun(mp) REAL :: Rel_bigLeafLAI_shd(mp) REAL :: minCanopyCond(mp) REAL :: canopy_conductance(mp) REAL :: Rel_moisture(mp) REAL :: soil_conductance(mp) REAL :: Surf_conductance(mp) ! END header canopy%cansto = canopy%oldcansto ALLOCATE( cansat(mp), gbhu(mp,mf)) ALLOCATE( dsx(mp), fwsoil(mp), tlfx(mp), tlfy(mp) ) ALLOCATE( ecy(mp), hcy(mp), rny(mp)) ALLOCATE( gbhf(mp,mf), csx(mp,mf)) ALLOCATE( ghwet(mp)) ! BATS-type canopy saturation proportional to LAI: cansat = veg%canst1 * canopy%vlaiw !---compute surface wetness factor, update cansto, through CALL surf_wetness_fact( cansat, canopy, ssnow,veg,met, soil, dels ) canopy%fevw_pot = 0.0 canopy%gswx = 1e-3 ! default stomatal conuctance gbhf = 1e-3 ! default free convection boundary layer conductance gbhu = 1e-3 ! default forced convection boundary layer conductance ssnow%evapfbl = 0.0 ssnow%rex = 0.0 ! Initialise in-canopy temperatures and humidity: csx = SPREAD(met%ca, 2, mf) ! initialise leaf surface CO2 concentration met%tvair = met%tk met%qvair = met%qv canopy%tv = met%tvair canopy%fwsoil = 1.0 ! Initialise canopy%DvLitt and canopy%kthLitt. This value is only used if ! cable_user%litter is .TRUE. ! Reference: ! Matthews (2006), A process-based model of fine fuel moisture, ! International Journal of Wildland Fire 15,155-168 ! ! assuming here u=1.0 ms-1, bulk litter density 63.5 kgm-3 canopy%kthLitt = 0.3_r_2 ! ~ 0.2992125984251969 = 0.2+0.14*0.045*1000.0/63.5 canopy%DvLitt = 3.1415841138194147e-05_r_2 ! = 2.17e-5*exp(1.0*2.6)*exp(-0.5*(2.08+(1.0*2.38))) CALL define_air (met, air) CALL qsatfjh(mp, qstvair, CRMH2o, Crmair, CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC, met%tvair-CTfrz,met%pmb) met%dva = (qstvair - met%qvair) * Crmair/Crmh2o * met%pmb * 100.0 dsx = met%dva ! init. leaf surface vpd dsx= MAX(dsx,0.0) tlfx = met%tk ! initialise leaf temp iteration memory variable (K) tlfy = met%tk ! initialise current leaf temp (K) ortsoil = ssnow%rtsoil IF (cable_user%soil_struc=='sli') THEN ssnow%tss = REAL(ssnow%Tsurface) + Ctfrz ELSE ssnow%tss = REAL((1-ssnow%isflag))*ssnow%tgg(:,1) + & REAL(ssnow%isflag)*ssnow%tggsn(:,1) ENDIF tss4 = ssnow%tss**4 canopy%fes = 0. canopy%fess = 0. canopy%fesp = 0. ssnow%potev = 0. canopy%fevw_pot = 0. !L_REV_CORR - initialise sensitivity/ACCESS correction terms !NB %fes_cor is NOT initialised to zero at this point canopy%fhs_cor = 0.0 canopy%fns_cor = 0.0 canopy%ga_cor = 0.0 !!canopy%fes_cor = 0.0 !L_REV_CORR - new working variables rttsoil = 0. rhlitt = 0. relitt = 0. alpm1 = 0. beta2 = 0. CALL radiation( ssnow, veg, air, met, rad, canopy, sunlit_veg_mask, & !constants clai_thresh, Csboltz, Cemsoil, Cemleaf, Ccapp & ) canopy%zetar(:,1) = CZETA0 ! stability correction terms canopy%zetar(:,2) = CZETPOS + 1 canopy%zetash(:,1) = CZETA0 ! stability correction terms canopy%zetash(:,2) = CZETPOS + 1 sum_rad_rniso = SUM(rad%rniso,2) sum_rad_gradis = SUM(rad%gradis,2) DO iter = 1, NITER ! AERODYNAMIC PROPERTIES: friction velocity us, thence turbulent ! resistances rt0, rt1 (elements of dispersion matrix): ! See CSIRO SCAM, Raupach et al 1997, eq. 3.46: CALL comp_friction_vel(canopy%us, iter, mp, CVONK, CUMIN, CPI_C, & canopy%zetar, rough%zref_uv, rough%zref_tq, & rough%z0m, met%ua ) ! E.Kowalczyk 2014 IF (cable_user%l_new_roughness_soil) & CALL ruff_resist( veg, rough, ssnow, canopy, veg%vlai, veg%hc, canopy%vlaiw ) ! Turbulent aerodynamic resistance from roughness sublayer depth ! to reference height, x=1 if zref+disp>zruffs, ! 0 otherwise: thus rt1usc = 0 if zref+disp<zruffs ! See CSIRO SCAM, Raupach et al 1997, eq. 3.53: xx = 0.5 + SIGN(0.5,rough%zref_tq+rough%disp-rough%zruffs) ! correction by Ian Harman to the 2nd psis term rt1usc = xx * ( LOG( rough%zref_tq/MAX( rough%zruffs-rough%disp, & rough%z0soilsn ) ) & - psis( canopy%zetar(:,iter) ) & + psis( canopy%zetar(:,iter) * ( MAX( rough%zruffs-rough%disp, & rough%z0soilsn ) ) & / rough%zref_tq ) ) / CVONK rt_min = 5. ! vh_js ! IF (cable_user%soil_struc=='sli') THEN ! for stable conditions, update rough%rt0us & rough%rt1usa by replacing CCSW by ! csw = cd/2* (U(hc)/ust)**2 according to Eqs 15 & 19 from notes by Ian Harman (9-9-2011) WHERE (canopy%vlaiw > CLAI_thresh .AND. rough%hruff > rough%z0soilsn) rt0bus = (LOG(0.1*rough%hruff/rough%z0soilsn) - psis(canopy%zetash(:,iter)) + & psis(canopy%zetash(:,iter)*rough%z0soilsn/(0.1*rough%hruff))) / & Cvonk/rough%term6a zstar = rough%disp + 1.5*(veg%hc - rough%disp) psihat = LOG((zstar - rough%disp)/ (veg%hc - rough%disp)) + & (veg%hc - zstar)/(zstar - rough%disp) rL = -(Cvonk*Cgrav*(zstar - rough%disp)*(canopy%fh))/ & ! 1/Monin-Obokov Length MAX( (air%rho*Ccapp*met%tk*canopy%us**3), 1.e-12) phist = 1 + 5.0*(zstar - rough%disp)*rL WHERE (canopy%zetar(:,iter) .GT. 1.e-6)! stable conditions csw = MIN(0.3*((LOG((veg%hc-rough%disp)/rough%z0m) + phist*psihat - & psim( canopy%zetar(:,iter)*(veg%hc-rough%disp) / & (rough%zref_tq-rough%disp), mp, CPI_C )+ & psim(canopy%zetar(:,iter)*rough%z0m / & (rough%zref_tq-rough%disp), mp, CPI_C )) & / 0.4)**2/2., 3.0)* Ccsw ELSEWHERE csw = Ccsw endwhere rough%term2 = EXP( 2. * CSW * canopy%rghlai * & ( 1 - rough%disp / rough%hruff ) ) rough%term3 = CA33**2 * CCTL * 2. * CSW * canopy%rghlai rough%term5 = MAX( ( 2. / 3. ) * rough%hruff / rough%disp, 1.0 ) rough%term6 = EXP( 3. * rough%coexp * ( rough%disp / rough%hruff -1. ) ) rough%rt0us = LOG(rough%disp/(0.1 * rough%hruff)) * & EXP(2. * CCSW * canopy%rghlai) * rough%disp & / rough%hruff / (Ca33 ** 2 * Cctl) rough%rt1usa = rough%term5 * ( rough%term2 - 1.0 ) / rough%term3 rt0 = MAX(rt_min, rough%rt0us+rt0bus) / canopy%us ELSEWHERE rt0 = MAX(rt_min,rough%rt0us) / canopy%us ENDWHERE ELSE ! NOT sli rt0 = MAX(rt_min,rough%rt0us / canopy%us) ENDIF ! ! Aerodynamic resistance (sum 3 height integrals)/us ! See CSIRO SCAM, Raupach et al 1997, eq. 3.50: rough%rt1 = MAX(5.,(rough%rt1usa + rough%rt1usb + rt1usc) / canopy%us) DO j=1,mp IF(canopy%vlaiw(j) > CLAI_THRESH) THEN ssnow%rtsoil(j) = rt0(j) ELSE ssnow%rtsoil(j) = rt0(j) + rough%rt1(j) ENDIF ENDDO ssnow%rtsoil = MAX(rt_min,ssnow%rtsoil) DO j=1,mp IF( ssnow%rtsoil(j) > 2.*ortsoil(j) .OR. & ssnow%rtsoil(j) < 0.5*ortsoil(j) ) THEN ssnow%rtsoil(j) = MAX(rt_min,0.5*(ssnow%rtsoil(j) + ortsoil(j))) ENDIF ENDDO IF (cable_user%or_evap) THEN write(6,*) "GW or ORevepis not an option right now" !H! call or_soil_evap_resistance(soil,air,met,canopy,ssnow,veg,rough) END IF ! Vegetation boundary-layer conductance (mol/m2/s) ! Cprandt = kinematic viscosity/molecular diffusivity ! See CSIRO SCAM, Raupach et al 1997, eq. 3.12. Top leaf: DO j=1,mp IF(canopy%vlaiw(j) > CLAI_THRESH) THEN gbvtop(j) = air%cmolar(j)*CAPOL * air%visc(j) / Cprandt / & veg%dleaf(j) * (canopy%us(j) / MAX(rough%usuh(j),1.e-6)& * veg%dleaf(j) / air%visc(j) )**0.5 & * Cprandt**(1.0/3.0) / veg%shelrb(j) gbvtop(j) = MAX (0.05_r_2,gbvtop(j) ) ! for testing (BP aug2010) ! Forced convection boundary layer conductance ! (see Wang & Leuning 1998, AFM): !vh! inserted 'min' to avoid floating underflow gbhu(j,1) = gbvtop(j)*(1.0-EXP(-MIN(canopy%vlaiw(j) & *(0.5*rough%coexp(j)+rad%extkb(j) ),20.0))) / & (rad%extkb(j)+0.5*rough%coexp(j)) gbhu(j,2) = (2.0/rough%coexp(j))*gbvtop(j)* & (1.0-EXP(-MIN(0.5*rough%coexp(j)*canopy%vlaiw(j),20.0))) & - gbhu(j,1) ENDIF ENDDO rny = sum_rad_rniso ! init current estimate net rad hcy = 0.0 ! init current estimate lat heat ecy = rny - hcy ! init current estimate lat heat CALL dryLeaf( dels, rad, rough, air, met, veg, canopy, soil, ssnow, & dsx, fwsoil, tlfx, tlfy, ecy, hcy, rny, gbhu, gbhf, csx, & cansat, ghwet, iter, climate, sum_rad_gradis, & sum_rad_rniso ) CALL wetLeaf( dels, cansat, tlfy, gbhu, gbhf, ghwet, mp, CLAI_thresh, & CCAPP, CRmair, reducedLAIdue2snow, sum_rad_rniso, & sum_rad_gradis, canopy%fevw, canopy%fevw_pot, canopy%fhvw, & canopy%fwet, canopy%cansto, air%rlam, air%dsatdk, & met%tvair, met%tk, met%dva, air%psyc ) ! Calculate latent heat from vegetation: ! Calculate sensible heat from vegetation: ! Calculate net rad absorbed by canopy: canopy%fev = REAL(canopy%fevc + canopy%fevw) ftemp = (1.0 - canopy%fwet) * REAL(hcy) + canopy%fhvw canopy%fhv = REAL(ftemp) ftemp= (1.0-canopy%fwet)*REAL(rny)+canopy%fevw+canopy%fhvw canopy%fnv = REAL(ftemp) ! canopy rad. temperature calc from long-wave rad. balance DO j=1,mp IF ( canopy%vlaiw(j) > CLAI_THRESH .AND. & rough%hruff(j) > rough%z0soilsn(j) ) THEN rad%lwabv(j) = CCAPP * Crmair * ( tlfy(j) - met%tk(j) ) * & sum_rad_gradis(j) ! vh_js ! IF ( (rad%lwabv(j) / (2.0*(1.0-rad%transd(j)) & * CSBOLTZ*CEMLEAF)+met%tvrad(j)**4) .GT. 0.0) THEN canopy%tv(j) = (rad%lwabv(j) / (2.0*(1.0-rad%transd(j)) & * CSBOLTZ*CEMLEAF)+met%tvrad(j)**4)**0.25 ELSE canopy%tv(j) = met%tvrad(j) ENDIF ELSE! sparse canopy canopy%tv(j) = met%tvrad(j) ENDIF ENDDO ! Calculate net rad to soil: canopy%fns = rad%qssabs + rad%transd*met%fld + (1.0-rad%transd)*CEMLEAF* & CSBOLTZ*canopy%tv**4 - CEMSOIL*CSBOLTZ* tss4 ! Saturation specific humidity at soil/snow surface temperature: CALL qsatfjh(mp, ssnow%qstss, CRMH2o, Crmair, CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC,ssnow%tss-CTfrz,met%pmb) if (cable_user%gw_model .OR. cable_user%or_evap) & write(6,*) "GW or ORevepis not an option right now" !H! call pore_space_relative_humidity(ssnow,soil,veg) IF (cable_user%soil_struc=='default') THEN !REV_CORR - single location for calculating litter resistances !can go earlier in the code if needed IF (cable_user%litter) THEN rhlitt = REAL((1-ssnow%isflag))*veg%clitt*0.003/ & canopy%kthLitt/(air%rho*CCAPP) relitt = REAL((1-ssnow%isflag))*veg%clitt*0.003/ & canopy%DvLitt ENDIF !latent heat flux density of water (W/m2) - soil componenet of !potential evapotranspiration IF(cable_user%ssnow_POTEV== "P-M") THEN !--- uses %ga from previous timestep ssnow%potev = Penman_Monteith( mp, Ctfrz, CRMH2o, Crmair, CTETENA, CTETENB, & CTETENC, REAL(veg%clitt), cable_user%litter, & air%dsatdk, air%psyc, air%rho, air%rlam, & met%tvair, met%pmb, met%qvair, & canopy%ga, canopy%fns, REAL(canopy%DvLitt), & ssnow%rtsoil, ssnow%isflag ) ELSE !by default assumes Humidity Deficit Method ! Humidity deficit ! INH: I think this should be - met%qvair dq = ssnow%qstss - met%qv dq_unsat = ssnow%rh_srf*ssnow%qstss - met%qv ssnow%potev = Humidity_deficit_method( mp, Ctfrz, REAL(veg%clitt),cable_user%or_evap, & cable_user%gw_model, cable_user%litter, & air%rho, air%rlam, & dq,dq_unsat,ssnow%qstss, & REAL(canopy%DvLitt), & ssnow%isflag, REAL(ssnow%satfrac),ssnow%rtsoil, & REAL(ssnow%rtevap_sat), REAL(ssnow%rtevap_unsat), & ssnow%snowd, ssnow%tgg(:,1) ) ENDIF ! Soil latent heat: CALL Latent_heat_flux( mp, CTFRZ, dels, soil%zse(1), soil%swilt, & cable_user%l_new_reduce_soilevp, pwet, air%rlam, & ssnow%snowd, ssnow%wb(:,1), ssnow%wbice(:,1), & ssnow%pudsto, ssnow%pudsmx, ssnow%potev, & ssnow%wetfac, ssnow%evapfbl(:,1), ssnow%cls, & ssnow%tss, canopy%fes, canopy%fess, canopy%fesp ) ! Calculate soil sensible heat: ! INH: I think this should be - met%tvair !canopy%fhs = air%rho*CCAPP*(ssnow%tss - met%tk) /ssnow%rtsoil IF (cable_user%gw_model .OR. cable_user%or_evap) THEN canopy%fhs = air%rho*CCAPP*(ssnow%tss - met%tk) / & (ssnow%rtsoil + ssnow%rt_qh_sublayer) !note if or_evap and litter are true then litter resistance is !incluyded above in ssnow%rt_qh_sublayer ELSEIF (cable_user%litter) THEN ! vh_js ! account for additional litter resistance to sensible heat transfer ! INH simplifying code using rhlitt canopy%fhs = air%rho*CCAPP*(ssnow%tss - met%tk) / & !(ssnow%rtsoil + real((1-ssnow%isflag))*veg%clitt*0.003/canopy%kthLitt/(air%rho*CCAPP)) (ssnow%rtsoil + rhlitt) ELSE canopy%fhs = air%rho*CCAPP*(ssnow%tss - met%tvair) /ssnow%rtsoil ENDIF ELSE write(6,*) "SLI is not an option right now" ! SLI SEB to get canopy%fhs, canopy%fess, canopy%ga ! (Based on old Tsoil, new canopy%tv, new canopy%fns) !H!CALL sli_main(1,dels,veg,soil,ssnow,met,canopy,air,rad,1) ENDIF CALL within_canopy( mp, CRMH2o, Crmair, CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC, CLAI_thresh, & CCAPP, CTFRZ, rad,rough, air, met, veg, canopy, ssnow, gbhu, gbhf, & qstvair, rt0, rhlitt, relitt ) CALL qsatfjh(mp, ssnow%qstss, CRMH2o, Crmair, CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC,ssnow%tss-Ctfrz,met%pmb) IF (cable_user%soil_struc=='default') THEN IF(cable_user%ssnow_POTEV== "P-M") THEN !--- uses %ga from previous timestep ssnow%potev = Penman_Monteith( mp, Ctfrz, CRMH2o, Crmair, CTETENA, CTETENB, & CTETENC, REAL(veg%clitt), cable_user%litter, & air%dsatdk, air%psyc, air%rho, air%rlam, & met%tvair, met%pmb, met%qvair, & canopy%ga, canopy%fns, REAL(canopy%DvLitt), & ssnow%rtsoil, ssnow%isflag ) ELSE !by default assumes Humidity Deficit Method ! Humidity deficit dq = ssnow%qstss - met%qvair dq_unsat = ssnow%rh_srf*ssnow%qstss - met%qvair ssnow%potev = Humidity_deficit_method( mp, Ctfrz, REAL(veg%clitt),cable_user%or_evap, & cable_user%gw_model, cable_user%litter, & air%rho, air%rlam, & dq,dq_unsat,ssnow%qstss, & REAL(canopy%DvLitt), & ssnow%isflag, REAL(ssnow%satfrac),ssnow%rtsoil, & REAL(ssnow%rtevap_sat), REAL(ssnow%rtevap_unsat), & ssnow%snowd, ssnow%tgg(:,1) ) ENDIF ! Soil latent heat: CALL Latent_heat_flux( mp, CTFRZ, dels, soil%zse(1), soil%swilt, & cable_user%l_new_reduce_soilevp, pwet, air%rlam, & ssnow%snowd, ssnow%wb(:,1), ssnow%wbice(:,1), & ssnow%pudsto, ssnow%pudsmx, ssnow%potev, & ssnow%wetfac, ssnow%evapfbl(:,1), ssnow%cls, & ssnow%tss, canopy%fes, canopy%fess, canopy%fesp ) ! Soil sensible heat: !canopy%fhs = air%rho*CCAPP*(ssnow%tss - met%tvair) /ssnow%rtsoil IF (cable_user%gw_model .OR. cable_user%or_evap) THEN canopy%fhs = air%rho*CCAPP*(ssnow%tss - met%tvair) / & (ssnow%rtsoil + REAL(ssnow%rt_qh_sublayer)) ELSEIF (cable_user%litter) THEN ! vh_js ! account for additional litter resistance to sensible heat transfer ! INH simplifying code using rhlitt canopy%fhs = air%rho*CCAPP*(ssnow%tss - met%tvair) / & !(ssnow%rtsoil + real((1-ssnow%isflag))*veg%clitt*0.003/canopy%kthLitt/(air%rho*CCAPP)) (ssnow%rtsoil + rhlitt) ELSE canopy%fhs = air%rho*CCAPP*(ssnow%tss - met%tvair) /ssnow%rtsoil ENDIF ! Ticket #90 ssnow%cls factor should be retained: required for energy balance ! INH: %cls factor included in %fes already - do not include here canopy%ga = canopy%fns-canopy%fhs-canopy%fes ! *ssnow%cls ELSE write(6,*) "SLI is not an option right now" ! SLI SEB to get canopy%fhs, canopy%fess, canopy%ga ! (Based on old Tsoil, new canopy%tv, new canopy%fns) !H!CALL sli_main(1,dels,veg,soil,ssnow,met,canopy,air,rad,1) ENDIF ! Set total latent heat: canopy%fe = canopy%fev + canopy%fes ! Set total sensible heat: canopy%fh = canopy%fhv + canopy%fhs !---diagnostic purposes DO j=1,mp IF (ssnow%potev(j) .GE. 0.) THEN ssnow%potev(j) = MAX(0.00001,ssnow%potev(j)) ELSE ssnow%potev(j) = MIN(-0.0002,ssnow%potev(j)) ENDIF IF (canopy%fevw_pot(j) .GE. 0.) THEN canopy%fevw_pot(j) = MAX(0.000001,canopy%fevw_pot(j)) ELSE canopy%fevw_pot(j) = MIN(-0.002,canopy%fevw_pot(j)) ENDIF ENDDO canopy%rnet = canopy%fnv + canopy%fns !upwards flux density of water (kg/m2/s) - potential evapotranspiration !radiation weighted soil and canopy contributions !Note: If PM routine corrected then match changes here canopy%epot = ((1.-rad%transd)*canopy%fevw_pot + & rad%transd*ssnow%potev*ssnow%cls) * dels/air%rlam canopy%rniso = sum_rad_rniso + rad%qssabs + rad%transd*met%fld + & (1.0-rad%transd)*CEMLEAF* & CSBOLTZ*met%tvrad**4 - CEMSOIL*CSBOLTZ*met%tvrad**4 rlower_limit = canopy%epot * air%rlam / dels WHERE (rlower_limit == 0 ) rlower_limit = 1.e-7 !prevent from 0. by adding 1.e-7 (W/m2) canopy%wetfac_cs = MAX(0., MIN(1.0,canopy%fe / rlower_limit )) DO j=1,mp IF ( canopy%wetfac_cs(j) .LE. 0. ) & canopy%wetfac_cs(j) = MAX( 0., MIN( 1., & MAX( canopy%fev(j)/canopy%fevw_pot(j), & REAL(canopy%fes(j))/ssnow%potev(j) ) ) ) ENDDO ! INH #335 - we don't need to weight components of %epot by %transd ! however coupled model uses %wetfac_cs so overwrite here before testing in ACCESS canopy%epot = (canopy%fevw_pot + ssnow%potev/ssnow%cls) * dels/air%rlam CALL update_zetar( mp, iterplus, NITER, canopy%zetar, iter, nrb, CVONK, CGRAV, CCAPP, & CLAI_THRESH, CZETmul, CZETPOS, CZETNEG, & cable_user%soil_struc, air%rho, met%tk, met%fsd, & rough%zref_tq, rough%hruff, rough%term6a, rough%z0soilsn, & canopy%vlaiw, canopy%zetash, canopy%us, & canopy%fh, canopy%fe, canopy%fhs, REAL(canopy%fes) ) !880!CALL update_zetar(mp, sunlit_veg_mask) END DO ! do iter = 1, NITER canopy%cduv = canopy%us * canopy%us / (MAX(met%ua,CUMIN))**2 ! Evaluate Total Surface conductance !---diagnostic purposes !vlaiw is already limted? LAI_min(:) = MAX( CLAI_THRESH, canopy%vlaiw(:) ) Rel_bigLeafLAI_sun(:) = rad%fvlai(:,1) / LAI_min(:) Rel_bigLeafLAI_shd(:) = rad%fvlai(:,2) / LAI_min(:) !total stomatal conductance canopy_conductance(:) = Rel_bigLeafLAI_sun(:) * canopy%gswx(:,1) & + Rel_bigLeafLAI_shd(:) * canopy%gswx(:,2) ! Surface conductance required by dust scheme ! Canopy conductance minCanopyCond(:) = MAX( 1.e-06, canopy_conductance(:) ) canopy_conductance(:) = (1.-rad%transd(:))* minCanopyCond(:) ! Soil conductance - following MOSES method Rel_moisture(:) = ssnow%wb(:,1) / soil%sfc(:) soil_conductance(:) = rad%transd(:) * ( 0.01*Rel_moisture )**2 ! Combined Surface conductance Surf_conductance(:) = canopy_conductance(:) + soil_conductance(:) ! this is a value taken from MOSES for ice points WHERE ( soil%isoilm == ICE_SoilType ) Surf_conductance = 1.e6 END WHERE canopy%gswx_T(:) = Surf_conductance(:) !fill CABLE type for now canopy%cdtq = canopy%cduv * & ( LOG( rough%zref_uv / rough%z0m) - & psim( canopy%zetar(:,NITER) * rough%zref_uv/rough%zref_tq, mp, CPI_C ) & + psim( canopy%zetar(:,NITER) * rough%z0m /rough%zref_tq, mp, CPI_C ) & ! new term from Ian Harman ) & / ( LOG( rough%zref_tq /(0.1*rough%z0m) ) & - psis( canopy%zetar(:,NITER) ) & + psis(canopy%zetar(:,NITER)*0.1*rough%z0m/rough%zref_tq ) ) ! n !INH - the screen level calculations should be split off into a new subroutine ------- ! Calculate screen temperature: 1) original method from SCAM ! screen temp., windspeed and relative humidity at 1.5m ! screen temp., windspeed and relative humidity at 2.0m ! cls factor included in qstar tstar = - canopy%fh / ( air%rho*CCAPP*canopy%us) qstar = - canopy%fe / ( air%rho*air%rlam *canopy%us * ssnow%cls) zscrn = MAX(rough%z0m,2.0-rough%disp) ftemp = ( LOG(rough%zref_tq/zscrn)- psis(canopy%zetar(:,iterplus)) + & psis(canopy%zetar(:,iterplus) * zscrn / rough%zref_tq) ) /CVONK ! Calculate screen temperature: canopy%tscrn = met%tk - Ctfrz - tstar * ftemp ! Calculate radiative/skin temperature; ! at this stage old soil temperature is used ! calculation of screen temepratures for LAI > 0.1 . Method by Ian Harman term1=0. term2=0. term5=0. term3 = 0. ! Work around for Intel compiler problem with nested whres r_sc = 0. ! sum of resistance from ground to screen level zscl = MAX(rough%z0soilsn,2.0) ! assume screen temp of bareground if all these conditions are not met DO j=1,mp IF ( canopy%vlaiw(j) > CLAI_THRESH .AND. rough%hruff(j) > 0.01) THEN IF ( rough%disp(j) > 0.0 ) THEN term1(j) = EXP(2*CCSW*canopy%rghlai(j)*(1-zscl(j)/rough%hruff(j))) term2(j) = EXP(2*CCSW*canopy%rghlai(j) * & (1-rough%disp(j)/rough%hruff(j))) term5(j) = MAX(2./3.*rough%hruff(j)/rough%disp(j), 1.) ENDIF term3(j) = CA33**2*CCTL*2*CCSW*canopy%rghlai(j) IF( zscl(j) < rough%disp(j) ) THEN !Ticket #154 - issue #313 !r_sc(j) = term5(j) * LOG(zscl(j)/rough%z0soilsn(j)) * & ! ( EXP(2*CCSW*canopy%rghlai(j)) - term1(j) ) / term3(j) r_sc(j) = term5(j) * LOG(zscl(j)/rough%z0soilsn(j)) * & ( EXP(2*CCSW*canopy%rghlai(j)) - term2(j) ) / term3(j) r_sc(j) = r_sc(j) + term5(j) * LOG(rough%disp(j)/zscl(j)) * & ( EXP(2*CCSW*canopy%rghlai(j)) - term1(j) ) / term3(j) ELSEIF( rough%disp(j) <= zscl(j) .AND. & zscl(j) < rough%hruff(j) ) THEN r_sc(j) = rough%rt0us(j) + term5(j) * ( term2(j) - term1(j) ) / & term3(j) ELSEIF( rough%hruff(j) <= zscl(j) .AND. & zscl(j) < rough%zruffs(j) ) THEN r_sc(j) = rough%rt0us(j) + rough%rt1usa(j) + term5(j) * & ( zscl(j) - rough%hruff(j) ) / & ( CA33**2 * CCTL * rough%hruff(j) ) ELSEIF( zscl(j) >= rough%zruffs(j) ) THEN !Ticket #67 - Modify order of operations to avoid potential error r_sc(j) = rough%rt0us(j) + rough%rt1usa(j) + rough%rt1usb(j) + & ( LOG( (zscl(j) - rough%disp(j)) / & MAX( rough%zruffs(j)-rough%disp(j), & rough%z0soilsn(j) ) ) - psis( (zscl(j)-rough%disp(j)) & !Ticket #67 - change order of operations to avoid /0 ! / (rough%zref_tq(j)/canopy%zetar(j,iterplus) ) ) & * canopy%zetar(j,iterplus)/rough%zref_tq(j) ) & + psis( (rough%zruffs(j) - rough%disp(j) ) & ! / (rough%zref_tq(j)/canopy%zetar(j,iterplus ) ) ) ) & * canopy%zetar(j,iterplus)/rough%zref_tq(j) ) ) & / CVONK ENDIF !extensions for litter and Or evaporation model IF (cable_user%litter) THEN canopy%tscrn(j) = ssnow%tss(j) + (met%tk(j) - ssnow%tss(j)) * & MIN(1., ( (r_sc(j)+rhlitt(j)*canopy%us(j)) / MAX( 1., & rough%rt0us(j) + rough%rt1usa(j) + rough%rt1usb(j) & + rt1usc(j) + rhlitt(j)*canopy%us(j) )) ) - Ctfrz ELSEIF (cable_user%or_evap .OR. cable_user%gw_model) THEN canopy%tscrn(j) = ssnow%tss(j) + (met%tk(j) - ssnow%tss(j)) * & MIN(1., ( (ssnow%rt_qh_sublayer(j)*canopy%us(j) + r_sc(j) ) / & MAX( 1., rough%rt0us(j) + rough%rt1usa(j) + rough%rt1usb(j) & + rt1usc(j) + ssnow%rt_qh_sublayer(j)*canopy%us(j) )) ) - Ctfrz ELSE canopy%tscrn(j) = ssnow%tss(j) + (met%tk(j) - ssnow%tss(j)) * & MIN(1., (r_sc(j) / MAX( 1., & rough%rt0us(j) + rough%rt1usa(j) + rough%rt1usb(j) & + rt1usc(j))) ) - Ctfrz ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO !screen level humdity - this is only approximate -------------------------- CALL qsatfjh(mp, rsts, CRMH2o, Crmair, CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC, canopy%tscrn,met%pmb) qtgnet = rsts * ssnow%wetfac - met%qv DO j=1,mp IF (qtgnet(j) .GT. 0. ) THEN qsurf(j) = rsts(j) * ssnow%wetfac(j) ELSE qsurf(j) = 0.1*rsts(j)*ssnow%wetfac(j) + 0.9*met%qv(j) ENDIF canopy%qscrn(j) = met%qv(j) - qstar(j) * ftemp(j) IF( canopy%vlaiw(j) >CLAI_THRESH .AND. rough%hruff(j) > 0.01) THEN IF (cable_user%litter) THEN !extensions for litter and Or model canopy%qscrn(j) = qsurf(j) + (met%qv(j) - qsurf(j)) * & MIN(1., ( ( r_sc(j)+relitt(j)*canopy%us(j) ) / MAX( 1., & rough%rt0us(j) + rough%rt1usa(j) + rough%rt1usb(j) & + rt1usc(j) + relitt(j)*canopy%us(j) )) ) ELSEIF (cable_user%or_evap .OR. cable_user%gw_model) THEN !using alpm1 as a dumy variable alpm1(j) = REAL(& ssnow%satfrac(j)/(REAL(ssnow%rtsoil(j),r_2)+& ssnow%rtevap_sat(j)) & + (1.0-ssnow%satfrac(j))/(REAL(ssnow%rtsoil(j),r_2)+ ssnow%rtevap_unsat(j)) & ) canopy%qscrn(j) = qsurf(j) + (met%qv(j) - qsurf(j)) * & MIN(1., ( (r_sc(j) + canopy%us(j)/alpm1(j) ) / MAX( 1., & rough%rt0us(j) + rough%rt1usa(j) + rough%rt1usb(j) & + rt1usc(j) + canopy%us(j)/alpm1(j) )) ) ELSE canopy%qscrn(j) = qsurf(j) + (met%qv(j) - qsurf(j)) * & MIN(1., (r_sc(j) / MAX( 1., & rough%rt0us(j) + rough%rt1usa(j) + rough%rt1usb(j) & + rt1usc(j))) ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! Calculate dewfall: from negative lh wet canopy + neg. lh dry canopy: canopy%dewmm = - (MIN(0.0,canopy%fevw) + MIN(0.0_r_2,canopy%fevc)) * & dels / air%rlam ! Add dewfall to canopy water storage: canopy%cansto = canopy%cansto + canopy%dewmm ! Modify canopy water storage for evaporation: canopy%cansto = MAX(canopy%cansto-MAX(0.0,REAL(canopy%fevw))*dels & /air%rlam, 0.0) ! Calculate canopy water storage excess: canopy%spill=MAX(0.0, canopy%cansto-cansat) ! Move excess canopy water to throughfall: ! %through is /dels in UM app. (unpacked in hyd driver) for STASH output canopy%through = canopy%through + canopy%spill ! Initialise 'throughfall to soil' as 'throughfall from canopy'; ! snow may absorb canopy%precis = MAX(0.,canopy%through) ! Update canopy storage term: canopy%cansto=canopy%cansto - canopy%spill ! Calculate the total change in canopy water store (mm/dels): canopy%delwc = canopy%cansto-canopy%oldcansto ! calculate dgdtg, derivative of ghflux 3 instances ! d(canopy%fns)/d(ssnow%tgg) ! d(canopy%fhs)/d(ssnow%tgg) ! d(canopy%fes)/d(dq) !IF (cable_user%soil_struc=='default') THEN ssnow%dfn_dtg = (-1.)*4.*CEMSOIL*CSBOLTZ*tss4/ssnow%tss !INH: REV_CORR revised sensitivity terms working variable rttsoil = ssnow%rtsoil IF (cable_user%L_REV_CORR) THEN WHERE (canopy%vlaiw > CLAI_THRESH) !if %vlaiw<=%LAI_THRESH then %rt1 already added to %rtsoil rttsoil = rttsoil + rough%rt1 ENDWHERE ENDIF IF (cable_user%gw_model .or. cable_user%or_evap) THEN ssnow%dfh_dtg = air%rho*CCAPP/(ssnow%rtsoil+ real(ssnow%rt_qh_sublayer)) ! INH simplifying code for legibility !ssnow%dfe_ddq = real(ssnow%satfrac)*air%rho*air%rlam*ssnow%cls/ & ! (ssnow%rtsoil+ real(ssnow%rtevap_sat)) + ! (1.0-real(ssnow%satfrac))*real(ssnow%rh_srf)*& ! air%rho*air%rlam*ssnow%cls/ (ssnow%rtsoil+ ! real(ssnow%rtevap_unsat) ) ssnow%dfe_ddq = real(ssnow%satfrac)/(ssnow%rtsoil+ real(ssnow%rtevap_sat)) & + (1.0-real(ssnow%satfrac))*real(ssnow%rh_srf) & / (ssnow%rtsoil+ real(ssnow%rtevap_unsat) ) !mrd561 fixes. Do same thing as INH but has been tested. IF (cable_user%L_REV_CORR) THEN alpm1 = real(ssnow%satfrac/(real(ssnow%rtsoil,r_2)+ ssnow%rtevap_sat) + & (1.0-ssnow%satfrac) / (real(ssnow%rtsoil,r_2)+ ssnow%rtevap_unsat ) ) beta2 = real(ssnow%satfrac/(real(ssnow%rtsoil,r_2)+ ssnow%rtevap_sat) + & (1.0-ssnow%satfrac) * ssnow%rh_srf & / (real(ssnow%rtsoil,r_2)+ ssnow%rtevap_unsat ) ) WHERE (canopy%vlaiw > CLAI_THRESH) alpm1 = alpm1 + 1._r_2/real(rough%rt1,r_2) beta_div_alpm = beta2 / alpm1 !might need limit here rttsoil = ssnow%rtsoil + rough%rt1 ELSEWHERE!if there is no canopy then qa should not change beta_div_alpm=0.0 !do not divide by aplm1 prevent issues rttsoil = ssnow%rtsoil ENDWHERE ssnow%dfh_dtg = air%rho*CCAPP/(rttsoil + & real(ssnow%rt_qh_sublayer)) ssnow%dfe_ddq = real(ssnow%satfrac*(1.0-real(beta_div_alpm,r_2)) / & (real(ssnow%rtsoil,r_2)+ ssnow%rtevap_sat) + & (1.0-ssnow%satfrac)* (ssnow%rh_srf - real(beta_div_alpm,r_2)) / & (real(ssnow%rtsoil,r_2)+ ssnow%rtevap_unsat ) ) ELSE ! IF (cable_user%L_REV_CORR) THEN ssnow%dfh_dtg = air%rho*CCAPP/(ssnow%rtsoil+ real(ssnow%rt_qh_sublayer)) ssnow%dfe_ddq = real(ssnow%satfrac)/(ssnow%rtsoil+ real(ssnow%rtevap_sat)) & + (1.0-real(ssnow%satfrac))*real(ssnow%rh_srf) & / (ssnow%rtsoil+ real(ssnow%rtevap_unsat) ) ENDIF ! IF (cable_user%L_REV_CORR) THEN !cls applies for both REV_CORR false and true ssnow%dfe_ddq = ssnow%dfe_ddq*air%rho*air%rlam*ssnow%cls !REV_CORR: factor %wetfac needed for potev>0. and gw_model &/or snow cover !NB %wetfac=1. if or_evap IF (cable_user%L_REV_CORR) THEN WHERE (ssnow%potev >= 0.) ssnow%dfe_ddq = ssnow%dfe_ddq*ssnow%wetfac ENDWHERE ENDIF ELSEIF (cable_user%litter) THEN ! IF (cable_user%gw_model .or. cable_user%or_evap) THEN !vh_js! INH simplifying code for legibility and REV_CORR !ssnow%dfh_dtg = air%rho*CCAPP/(ssnow%rtsoil+ & ! real((1-ssnow%isflag))*veg%clitt*0.003/canopy%kthLitt/(air%rho*CCAPP)) !ssnow%dfe_ddq = ssnow%wetfac*air%rho*air%rlam*ssnow%cls/ & ! (ssnow%rtsoil+ real((1-ssnow%isflag))*veg%clitt*0.003/canopy%DvLitt) !recalculated - probably not needed rhlitt = real((1-ssnow%isflag))*veg%clitt*0.003/canopy%kthLitt/(air%rho*CCAPP) relitt = real((1-ssnow%isflag))*veg%clitt*0.003/canopy%DvLitt !incorporates REV_CORR changes ssnow%dfh_dtg = air%rho*CCAPP/(rttsoil+rhlitt) ssnow%dfe_ddq = ssnow%wetfac*air%rho*air%rlam*ssnow%cls/(rttsoil+relitt) !REV_CORR: factor ssnow%wetfac is not applied if dew/frost i.e. potev<0 IF (cable_user%L_REV_CORR) THEN WHERE (ssnow%potev < 0.) ssnow%dfe_ddq = air%rho*air%rlam*ssnow%cls/(rttsoil+relitt) ENDWHERE ENDIF ELSE ! i.e. NOT (%gw_model .or. %or_evap or SLI) !ssnow%dfh_dtg = air%rho*CCAPP/ssnow%rtsoil !ssnow%dfe_ddq = ssnow%wetfac*air%rho*air%rlam*ssnow%cls/ssnow%rtsoil !incorporates REV_CORR changes ssnow%dfh_dtg = air%rho*CCAPP/rttsoil ssnow%dfe_ddq = ssnow%wetfac*air%rho*air%rlam*ssnow%cls/rttsoil !REV_CORR: factor ssnow%wetfac is not applied if dew/frost i.e. potev<0 IF (cable_user%L_REV_CORR) THEN WHERE (ssnow%potev < 0.) ssnow%dfe_ddq = air%rho*air%rlam*ssnow%cls/(rttsoil+relitt) ENDWHERE ENDIF ENDIF ! IF (cable_user%gw_model .or. cable_user%or_evap) THEN ssnow%ddq_dtg = (Crmh2o/Crmair) /met%pmb * CTETENA*CTETENB * CTETENC & / ( ( CTETENC + ssnow%tss-Ctfrz )**2 )*EXP( CTETENB * & ( ssnow%tss-Ctfrz ) / ( CTETENC + ssnow%tss-Ctfrz ) ) !canopy%dgdtg = ssnow%dfn_dtg - ssnow%dfh_dtg - ssnow%dfe_ddq * & ! ssnow%ddq_dtg !INH: REV_CORR Rewritten for flexibility ssnow%dfe_dtg = ssnow%dfe_ddq * ssnow%ddq_dtg canopy%dgdtg = ssnow%dfn_dtg - ssnow%dfh_dtg - ssnow%dfe_dtg bal%drybal = REAL(ecy+hcy) - sum_rad_rniso & + CCAPP*Crmair*(tlfy-met%tk)*sum_rad_gradis ! YP nov2009 bal%wetbal = canopy%fevw + canopy%fhvw - sum_rad_rniso * canopy%fwet & + CCAPP*Crmair * (tlfy-met%tk) * sum_rad_gradis * & canopy%fwet ! YP nov2009 DEALLOCATE(cansat,gbhu) DEALLOCATE(dsx, fwsoil, tlfx, tlfy) DEALLOCATE(ecy, hcy, rny) DEALLOCATE(gbhf, csx) DEALLOCATE(ghwet) RETURN END SUBROUTINE define_canopy END MODULE cable_canopy_module