MODULE cbl_qsat_module !* This MODULE contains two SUBROUTINEs that calculate ! the specific humidity at saturation as a function of air pressure ! and temperature. ! ! The two SUBROUTINEs differ only in that [[qsatfjh]] operates on an array ! whereas [[qsatfjh2]] operates on single element REALs. ! ! **Warning:** [[qsatfjh2]] is redundant and the code should be changed to only use [[qsatfjh]]. PUBLIC qsatfjh PUBLIC qsatfjh2 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE qsatfjh(mp, var, CRMH2o, Crmair, CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC, tair,pmb) !*## Purpose ! ! This SUBROUTINE evaluates the specific humidity (water vapour mixing ratio) ! at saturation (in kgkg\(^{-1}\)), at a given air temperature (in \(^{\circ}\)C) ! and air pressure (in hPa) for an array of size mp. ! !## Method ! ! The Teten's formula for specific humidity at saturation is used, ! based on the values for the mass of a mole of water,`CRMH2o`, ! mass of a mole of dry air `Crmair`, and the Teten constants. ! !## Reference ! ! [Murray F. W., 1967](;2) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mp !! size of array of land points (-) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: CRMH2O, CRMAIR REAL, INTENT(IN) :: CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC REAL, INTENT(IN) :: tair(mp) !! air temperature (\(^{\circ}\)C) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pmb(mp) ! surface air pressure (hPa) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: var(mp) !! specific humidity at saturation (kgkg\(^{-1}\)) !local vars INTEGER :: j DO j=1,mp var(j) = (CRMH2o/Crmair) * (CTETENA*EXP(CTETENB*tair(j) /(CTETENC+tair(j)))) & / pmb(j) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE qsatfjh !============================================================================== SUBROUTINE qsatfjh2( var, CRMH2o, Crmair, CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC, tair,pmb) !*## Purpose ! ! This SUBROUTINE evaluates the specific humidity (water vapour mixing ratio) ! at saturation (in kgkg\(^{-1}\)), at a given air temperature (in \(^{\circ}\)C) ! and air pressure (in hPa). ! !## Method ! ! The Teten's formula for specific humidity at saturation is used, ! based on the values for the mass of a mole of water,`CRMH2o`, ! mass of a mole of dry air `Crmair`, and the Teten constants. ! !## Reference ! ! [Murray F. W., 1967](;2) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: CRMH2O, CRMAIR REAL, INTENT(IN) :: CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC REAL, INTENT(IN) :: tair !! air temperature (\(^{\circ}\)C), REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pmb !! surface air pressure (hPa) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: var !! specific humidity at saturation (kgkg\(^{-1}\)) var = (CRMH2o/Crmair) * (CTETENA*EXP(CTETENB*tair/(CTETENC+tair))) / pmb RETURN END SUBROUTINE qsatfjh2 END MODULE cbl_qsat_module