MODULE cbl_zetar_module !* This MODULE contains the SUBROUTINE [[update_zetar]] needed to update ! the value of the stability parameter `canopy%zetar`=\(\xi\). IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC update_zetar PRIVATE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE update_zetar( mp, iterplus, NITER, canopy_zetar, iter, nrb, CVONK, CGRAV, CCAPP, & CLAI_THRESH, CZETmul, CZETPOS, CZETNEG, & cable_user_soil_struc, air_rho, met_tk, met_fsd, & rough_zref_tq, rough_hruff, rough_term6a, rough_z0soilsn, & canopy_vlaiw, canopy_zetash, canopy_us, & canopy_fh, canopy_fe, canopy_fhs, canopy_fes ) !*## Purpose ! ! This SUBROUTINE updates the value of the stability parameter \(\xi\) ! during the iteration loop of the Monin-Obukhov (MO) similarity theory in [[define_canopy]]. ! \(\xi\) quantifies the role that the surface fluxes play in setting the ! efficiency of turbulent transfer from the land to the atmosphere, and hence ! the aerodynamic component of the resistance network for those same surface ! fluxes (an implicit problem which requires iteration to solve). ! ! This SUBROUTINE forms part of the codebase to evaluate the surface ! energy balance on a sub-diurnal basis (i.e. every CABLE time step). ! It resides in the canopy science directory. ! !## Method ! ! The two outputs of the SUBROUTINE are: ! ! - `canopy_zetar`, the local (in space, time and by iteration counter) value of \(\xi\) ! (Equation 9). It is evaluated from the total land (soil+canopy) ! surface fluxes of momentum, sensible heat and latent heat. ! - `canopy_zetash` is the equivalent variable evaluated from the soil ! contribution to those fluxes only. `canopy_zetash` is used in conjunction ! with the [[sli_main_mod]] soil model to moderate the fluxes from the soil ! underneath a canopy. ! ! `canopy_zetar` and `canopy_zetash` are initialised to `CZETA0`=0 in ! [[define_canopy]] and updated `NITER`(>1) times during the calculation ! of the energy balance. The value of the variables at each iteration are ! stored in memory to aid in the diagnosis of convergence. ! ! A special case applies if `NITER`=2. ! `canopy_zetar` and `canopy_zetash` are also bounded by the interval ! `[CZETNEG, CZETPOS]`. ! ! The outputs `canopy_zetar` and `canopy_zetash` are known as `canopy%zetar` ! and `canopy%zetash` elsewhere in the code. ! `NITER`(=4) is defined in [[cable_types_mod]]; `CZETMUL`, `CZET0`, ! `CZETPOS` and `CZETNEG` in [[cable_phys_constants_mod]]. ! !## References ! ! [Kowalczyk et al. (2006)]( ! - section 3.1, equations 1-9. ! ! <br></br> ! ! **WARNING** The INTENT statements for `canopy_zetar` and `canopy_zetash` ! need to be INTENT(INOUT): currently previous values are reset at each call ! of the subroutine. It means the initialisations in [[define_canopy]] are ! useless (the ITER=1 values are lost) and for SLI, on bare soils, !`canopy_zetash` gets crazy values for all iterations. ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mp !! number of land points (-) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: NITER !! number of MO-iterations (-) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nrb !! number of radiation bands (-) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iterplus REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: canopy_zetar(mp, NITER) !!stability parameter \(\xi\) (-) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: canopy_zetash(mp, NITER) !!stability parameter for soil (-) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iter !! iteration counter (-) ! constants REAL, INTENT(IN) :: CVONK, CGRAV, CCAPP, CLAI_THRESH, CZETmul, CZETPOS, CZETNEG CHARACTER, INTENT(IN) :: cable_user_soil_struc !! name of soil model used REAL, INTENT(IN) :: air_rho(mp) !! air density (kg m\(^{-3}\)) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: met_tk(mp) !! reference level air temperature (K) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: met_fsd(mp,nrb) !! downwelling shortwave (Wm\(^{-2}\)) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rough_zref_tq(mp) !! reference height for T and q (m) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rough_hruff(mp) !! height of canopy (above snow) (m) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rough_term6a(mp) !! term from [[ruff_resist]] (-) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rough_z0soilsn(mp) !! roughness length of soil or snow (m) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: canopy_vlaiw(mp) !! canopy leaf area (m\(^2\)m\(^{-2}\)) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: canopy_us(mp) !! friction velocity (ms\(^{-1}\)) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: canopy_fh(mp) !! sensible heat flux (Wm\(^{-2}\)) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: canopy_fe(mp) !! latent heat flux (Wm\(^{-2}\)) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: canopy_fhs(mp) !! soil sensible heat flux (Wm\(^{-2}\)) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: canopy_fes(mp) !! soil latent heat flux (Wm\(^{-2}\)) !local vars INTEGER :: j ! monin-obukhov stability parameter zetar=zref/l ! recompute zetar for the next iteration, except on last iteration IF (iter < NITER) THEN ! dont compute zetar on the last iter iterplus = MAX(iter+1,2) canopy_zetar(:,iterplus) = -( CVONK * CGRAV * rough_zref_tq * & ( canopy_fh + 0.07 * canopy_fe ) ) / & ( air_rho * CCAPP * met_tk * canopy_us**3 ) ! stability parameter at shear height: needed for Harman in-canopy stability correction IF (cable_user_soil_struc=='sli') THEN WHERE (canopy_vlaiw > CLAI_THRESH .AND. rough_hruff > rough_z0soilsn) canopy_zetash(:,iterplus) = -(Cvonk*Cgrav*(0.1*rough_hruff)*(canopy_fhs+0.07*REAL(canopy_fes)))/ & MAX( (air_rho*Ccapp*met_tk*(canopy_us*rough_term6a)**3), 1.e-12) ELSEWHERE canopy_zetash(:,iterplus) = canopy_zetash(:,iter) ENDWHERE ENDIF ! case NITER=2: final zetar=CZETmul*zetar(2) (compute only when iter=1) IF (NITER == 2) THEN canopy_zetar(:,2) = CZETmul * canopy_zetar(:,2) ! stability parameter at shear height: needed for Harman in-canopy stability correction IF (cable_user_soil_struc=='sli') THEN canopy_zetash(:,2) = CZETmul * canopy_zetash(:,2) ENDIF DO j=1,mp IF ( (met_fsd(j,1)+met_fsd(j,2)) == 0.0 ) & canopy_zetar(j,2) = 0.5 * canopy_zetar(j,2) ENDDO END IF ! constrain zeta to CZETPOS and CZETNEG (set in param0) ! zetar too + canopy_zetar(:,iterplus) = MIN(CZETPOS,canopy_zetar(:,iterplus)) !jhan: to get past rigorous build - however (:,i) cant be compared !if ( canopy_zetash(:,iterplus) .NE. CZETPOS ) & IF (cable_user_soil_struc=='sli') & canopy_zetash(:,iterplus) = MIN(CZETPOS,canopy_zetash(:,iterplus)) ! zetar too - canopy_zetar(:,iterplus) = MAX(CZETNEG,canopy_zetar(:,iterplus)) !if ( canopy_zetash(:,iterplus) .NE. CZETNEG ) & IF (cable_user_soil_struc=='sli') & canopy_zetash(:,iterplus) = MAX(CZETNEG,canopy_zetash(:,iterplus)) END IF ! (iter < NITER) RETURN END SUBROUTINE update_zetar END MODULE cbl_zetar_module