cbl_qsat_module Module

This MODULE contains two SUBROUTINEs that calculate the specific humidity at saturation as a function of air pressure and temperature.

The two SUBROUTINEs differ only in that qsatfjh operates on an array whereas qsatfjh2 operates on single element REALs.

Warning: qsatfjh2 is redundant and the code should be changed to only use qsatfjh.

Used by

  • module~~cbl_qsat_module~~UsedByGraph module~cbl_qsat_module cbl_qsat_module proc~define_canopy define_canopy proc~define_canopy->module~cbl_qsat_module proc~penman_monteith Penman_Monteith proc~penman_monteith->module~cbl_qsat_module proc~within_canopy within_canopy proc~within_canopy->module~cbl_qsat_module


public subroutine qsatfjh(mp, var, CRMH2O, CRMAIR, CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC, tair, pmb)

This SUBROUTINE evaluates the specific humidity (water vapour mixing ratio) at saturation (in kgkg), at a given air temperature (in C) and air pressure (in hPa) for an array of size mp.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: mp

size of array of land points (-)

real, intent(out) :: var(mp)

specific humidity at saturation (kgkg)

real, intent(in) :: CRMH2O
real, intent(in) :: CRMAIR
real, intent(in) :: CTETENA
real, intent(in) :: CTETENB
real, intent(in) :: CTETENC
real, intent(in) :: tair(mp)

air temperature (C)

real, intent(in) :: pmb(mp)

public subroutine qsatfjh2(var, CRMH2O, CRMAIR, CTETENA, CTETENB, CTETENC, tair, pmb)

This SUBROUTINE evaluates the specific humidity (water vapour mixing ratio) at saturation (in kgkg), at a given air temperature (in C) and air pressure (in hPa).

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(out) :: var

specific humidity at saturation (kgkg)

real, intent(in) :: CRMH2O
real, intent(in) :: CRMAIR
real, intent(in) :: CTETENA
real, intent(in) :: CTETENB
real, intent(in) :: CTETENC
real, intent(in) :: tair

air temperature (C),

real, intent(in) :: pmb

surface air pressure (hPa)