!============================================================================== ! This source code is part of the ! Australian Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE) model. ! This work is licensed under the CSIRO Open Source Software License ! Agreement (variation of the BSD / MIT License). ! ! You may not use this file except in compliance with this License. ! A copy of the License (CSIRO_BSD_MIT_License_v2.0_CABLE.txt) is located ! in each directory containing CABLE code. ! ! ============================================================================== ! Purpose: defines/allocates variables for CASA-CNP ! ! Contact: Yingping.Wang@csiro.au ! ! History: Developed for offline CASA-CNP, code revision likely to better ! suit ACCESS and to merge more consistently with CABLE code ! ! ! ============================================================================== ! casa_variable.f90 ! ! the following modules are used when "casacnp" is coupled to "cable" ! casadimension ! casaparm ! casavariable with subroutine alloc_casavariable ! phenvariable with subroutine alloc_phenvariable MODULE casaparm USE casadimension IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: initcasa= 1 ! =0 spin; 1 restart file INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iceland = 17 !=13 for casa vegtype =15 for IGBP vegtype INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cropland = 9 ! 12 and 14 for IGBP vegtype INTEGER, PARAMETER :: croplnd2 =10 ! ditto INTEGER, PARAMETER :: forest = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: shrub = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: grass = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: icewater= 0 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LEAF = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: WOOD = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: FROOT = 3 ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LABILE = 4 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: METB = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: STR = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: CWD = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MIC = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: SLOW = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: PASS = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: PLAB = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: PSORB = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: POCC = 3 ! vh_js ! LALLOC moved to bgcdriver to allow for value to be switchable !INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LALLOC = 0 !=0 constant; 1 variable REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: z30=0.3 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: R0=0.3 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: S0=0.3 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: fixed_stem=1.0/3.0 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: Q10alloc=2.0 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: ratioNCstrfix = 1.0/150.0 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: ratioNPstrfix = 25.0 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: ratioPCstrfix = ratioNCstrfix/25.0 !ESM15:casa_landuse REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: fracCbiomass = 0.50 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: tsoilrefc=25.0 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: tkzeroc=273.15 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: frootparma = 0.3192 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: frootparmb =-0.0485 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: frootparmc = 0.1755 REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: xweightalloc = 0.2 ! REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: xkplab=0.5*deltcasa ! REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: xkpsorb=0.01*deltcasa ! REAL(r_2), PARAMETER :: xkpocc =0.01*deltcasa END MODULE casaparm