cbl_friction_vel_module Module

This MODULE contains the SUBROUTINE comp_friction_vel and two FUNCTIONS (psim and psis) needed to evaluate the friction velocity over each land point/tile given the wind speed and the current estimate of the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter . Outputs friction_vel, psim and psis are used in define_canopy.

Used by

  • module~~cbl_friction_vel_module~~UsedByGraph module~cbl_friction_vel_module cbl_friction_vel_module proc~define_canopy define_canopy proc~define_canopy->module~cbl_friction_vel_module


public function psim(zeta, mp, CPI_C) result(r)

Evaluates the integrated similarity function for momentum transfer, .

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in), DIMENSION(mp) :: zeta

current value of stability parameter (-)

integer, intent(in) :: mp

size of cable vector of land points (-)

real, intent(in) :: CPI_C


Return Value real, DIMENSION(mp)

public elemental function psis(zeta) result(r)

Evaluates the integrated similarity function for turbulent transfer of scalars, .

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in) :: zeta

current value of stability parameter (-)

Return Value real



public subroutine comp_friction_vel(friction_vel, iter, mp, CVONK, CUMIN, CPI_C, zetar, zref_uv, zref_tq, z0m, ua)

This SUBROUTINE evaluates the value of the friction velocity as used during the iteration loop of the Monin-Obukhov (MO) similarity theory in define_canopy. is used when quantifying the stability parameter canopy%zetar in update_zetar, and when evaluating the resistance network components rt0 and rt1 in define_canopy. The friction velocity quantifies the magnitude of turbulent mixing that is occurring as well as the flux of momentum from the atmosphere to the land.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(out) :: friction_vel(mp)

friction velocity (ms)

integer, intent(in) :: iter

MO iteration counter (-)

integer, intent(in) :: mp

size of cable vector of land points (-)

real, intent(in) :: CVONK

von Karman constant (-)

real, intent(in) :: CUMIN

minimum value of wind speed (ms)

real, intent(in) :: CPI_C


real, intent(in) :: zetar(mp,iter)

stability parameter - see update_zetar canopy%zetar (-)

real, intent(in) :: zref_uv(mp)

reference height for wind rough%zref_uv (m)

real, intent(in) :: zref_tq(mp)

reference height for temperature and humidity rough%zref_tq (m)

real, intent(in) :: z0m(mp)

roughness length rough%z0m (m)

real, intent(in) :: ua(mp)

wind speed met%ua (ms)