comp_friction_vel Subroutine

public subroutine comp_friction_vel(friction_vel, iter, mp, CVONK, CUMIN, CPI_C, zetar, zref_uv, zref_tq, z0m, ua)


This SUBROUTINE evaluates the value of the friction velocity as used during the iteration loop of the Monin-Obukhov (MO) similarity theory in define_canopy. is used when quantifying the stability parameter canopy%zetar in update_zetar, and when evaluating the resistance network components rt0 and rt1 in define_canopy. The friction velocity quantifies the magnitude of turbulent mixing that is occurring as well as the flux of momentum from the atmosphere to the land.

The output friction_vel is known as canopy%us elsewhere in the code.


The basic formula is derived from the modified log-law for the vertical profile of wind speed near to the ground namely

with the integrated similarity function given by psim, the wind speed at height , the current value of the stability parameter, and the roughness length.
A minimum value is applied to the input wind speed, ua= , to assist with convergence of the MO iteration in light wind conditions. Small and large value limits are applied to the evaluated .

NOTE Most literature references assume that the reference levels for wind and temperature are equal inside the arguments to the stability functions and - in CABLE this need not be true. is always defined relative to the reference level for temperature, in the reference height for wind is needed. Consequently the calls to psim include conversion factors to account for the different reference levels. zref_uv and zref_tq passed to comp_friction_vel are the heights above the displacement height rough%disp.


Kowalczyk et al. (2006) - section 3.1, equations 1-9.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(out) :: friction_vel(mp)

friction velocity (ms)

integer, intent(in) :: iter

MO iteration counter (-)

integer, intent(in) :: mp

size of cable vector of land points (-)

real, intent(in) :: CVONK

von Karman constant (-)

real, intent(in) :: CUMIN

minimum value of wind speed (ms)

real, intent(in) :: CPI_C


real, intent(in) :: zetar(mp,iter)

stability parameter - see update_zetar canopy%zetar (-)

real, intent(in) :: zref_uv(mp)

reference height for wind rough%zref_uv (m)

real, intent(in) :: zref_tq(mp)

reference height for temperature and humidity rough%zref_tq (m)

real, intent(in) :: z0m(mp)

roughness length rough%z0m (m)

real, intent(in) :: ua(mp)

wind speed met%ua (ms)


proc~~comp_friction_vel~~CallsGraph proc~comp_friction_vel comp_friction_vel proc~psim psim proc~comp_friction_vel->proc~psim alog alog proc~psim->alog

Called by

proc~~comp_friction_vel~~CalledByGraph proc~comp_friction_vel comp_friction_vel proc~define_canopy define_canopy proc~define_canopy->proc~comp_friction_vel proc~cbm cbm proc~cbm->proc~define_canopy proc~mpidrv_worker~2 mpidrv_worker proc~mpidrv_worker~2->proc~cbm proc~serialdrv serialdrv proc~serialdrv->proc~cbm program~cable_offline_driver cable_offline_driver program~cable_offline_driver->proc~serialdrv