psim Function

public function psim(zeta, mp, CPI_C) result(r)


Evaluates the integrated similarity function for momentum transfer, .


Uses the Businger-Dyer form for unstable conditions () and the Beljaars-Holtslag form for stable conditions ().

This function is used in the evaluation of the friction velocity in comp_friction_vel.



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in), DIMENSION(mp) :: zeta

current value of stability parameter (-)

integer, intent(in) :: mp

size of cable vector of land points (-)

real, intent(in) :: CPI_C


Return Value real, DIMENSION(mp)


proc~~psim~~CallsGraph proc~psim psim alog alog proc~psim->alog

Called by

proc~~psim~~CalledByGraph proc~psim psim proc~comp_friction_vel comp_friction_vel proc~comp_friction_vel->proc~psim proc~define_canopy define_canopy proc~define_canopy->proc~psim proc~define_canopy->proc~comp_friction_vel proc~cbm cbm proc~cbm->proc~define_canopy proc~mpidrv_worker~2 mpidrv_worker proc~mpidrv_worker~2->proc~cbm proc~serialdrv serialdrv proc~serialdrv->proc~cbm program~cable_offline_driver cable_offline_driver program~cable_offline_driver->proc~serialdrv