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Cheat sheets


A minimum set of git commands used in the workflow for CABLE is given in the following table:

Command Description
git clone <URL> create a working copy of a remote repository
git checkout <branchname> Switch to a different branch
creates the branch if it does not exist
git add <filenames> Add files with modifications and new files to the index before committing to git
git commit Commit the index. You need to add an informative comment
git push Send your local changes to the remote repository
git pull Update your checkout branch with the state on the remote repository
git branch -d <branchname> Delete a local branch. You need to have a different branch
currently checked out

Additional commands and information can be found in this "simple guide"


For details about the configuration or more explanation of the syntax, please refer to the full documentation for FORD.

This cheat-sheet is intended for use for the documentation of the CABLE land surface model and focuses on the features needed for that purpose.

Syntax Description
!! Comment line for documentation
after the code to document
!* Block of comments for documentation
after the code to document
!> Comment line for documentation
before the code to document
!| Block of comments for documentation
before the code to document
\(...\) Inline mathematics notation
\[...\] Mathematics notation on its own line
\begin{equation}...\end{equation} Numbered equation on its own line


For a quick reference to Markdown, please use this cheat sheet.