casa_cable Module

Used by

  • module~~casa_cable~~UsedByGraph module~casa_cable casa_cable module~cable_mpimaster~2 cable_mpimaster module~cable_mpimaster~2->module~casa_cable module~cable_mpiworker~2 cable_mpiworker module~cable_mpiworker~2->module~casa_cable module~cable_serial cable_serial module~cable_serial->module~casa_cable proc~casaonly_luc CASAONLY_LUC proc~casaonly_luc->module~casa_cable proc~mpidrv_master~2 mpidrv_master proc~mpidrv_master~2->module~casa_cable proc~spincasacnp spincasacnp proc~spincasacnp->module~casa_cable program~cable_offline_driver cable_offline_driver program~cable_offline_driver->module~cable_serial


public subroutine POPdriver(casaflux, casabal, veg, POP)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(casa_flux), intent(in) :: casaflux
type(casa_balance), intent(in) :: casabal
type(veg_parameter_type), intent(in) :: veg
type(POP_TYPE), intent(inout) :: POP

public subroutine read_casa_dump(ncfile, casamet, casaflux, phen, climate, ncall, kend, allATonce)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: ncfile
type(casa_met), intent(inout) :: casamet
type(casa_flux), intent(inout) :: casaflux
type(phen_variable), intent(inout) :: phen
type(climate_type), intent(inout) :: climate
integer, intent(in) :: ncall
integer, intent(in) :: kend
logical, intent(in) :: allATonce

public subroutine write_casa_dump(ncfile, casamet, casaflux, phen, climate, n_call, kend)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*) :: ncfile
type(casa_met), intent(in) :: casamet
type(casa_flux), intent(in) :: casaflux
type(phen_variable), intent(in) :: phen
type(climate_type), intent(in) :: climate
integer, intent(in) :: n_call
integer, intent(in) :: kend

public subroutine casa_feedback(ktau, veg, casabiome, casapool, casamet)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ktau
type(veg_parameter_type), intent(inout) :: veg
type(casa_biome), intent(inout) :: casabiome
type(casa_pool), intent(in) :: casapool
type(casa_met), intent(in) :: casamet

public subroutine sumcflux(ktau, kstart, kend, dels, bgc, canopy, soil, ssnow, sum_flux, veg, met, casaflux, l_vcmaxFeedbk)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ktau
integer, intent(in) :: kstart
integer, intent(in) :: kend
real, intent(in) :: dels
type(bgc_pool_type), intent(inout) :: bgc
type(canopy_type), intent(inout) :: canopy
type(soil_parameter_type), intent(inout) :: soil
type(soil_snow_type), intent(inout) :: ssnow
type(sum_flux_type), intent(inout) :: sum_flux
type(veg_parameter_type), intent(inout) :: veg
type(met_type), intent(in) :: met
type(casa_flux), intent(inout) :: casaflux
logical, intent(in) :: l_vcmaxFeedbk

public subroutine totcnppools(kloop, veg, casamet, casapool, bmcplant, bmnplant, bmpplant, bmclitter, bmnlitter, bmplitter, bmcsoil, bmnsoil, bmpsoil, bmnsoilmin, bmpsoillab, bmpsoilsorb, bmpsoilocc, bmarea)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: kloop
type(veg_parameter_type), intent(in) :: veg
type(casa_met), intent(in) :: casamet
type(casa_pool), intent(in) :: casapool
real, dimension(5,mvtype,mplant) :: bmcplant
real, dimension(5,mvtype,mplant) :: bmnplant
real, dimension(5,mvtype,mplant) :: bmpplant
real, dimension(5,mvtype,mlitter) :: bmclitter
real, dimension(5,mvtype,mlitter) :: bmnlitter
real, dimension(5,mvtype,mlitter) :: bmplitter
real, dimension(5,mvtype,msoil) :: bmcsoil
real, dimension(5,mvtype,msoil) :: bmnsoil
real, dimension(5,mvtype,msoil) :: bmpsoil
real, dimension(5,mvtype) :: bmnsoilmin
real, dimension(5,mvtype) :: bmpsoillab
real, dimension(5,mvtype) :: bmpsoilsorb
real, dimension(5,mvtype) :: bmpsoilocc
real, dimension(mvtype) :: bmarea

public subroutine analyticpool(kend, veg, soil, casabiome, casapool, casaflux, casamet, casabal, phen, avgcleaf2met, avgcleaf2str, avgcroot2met, avgcroot2str, avgcwood2cwd, avgnleaf2met, avgnleaf2str, avgnroot2met, avgnroot2str, avgnwood2cwd, avgpleaf2met, avgpleaf2str, avgproot2met, avgproot2str, avgpwood2cwd, avgcgpp, avgcnpp, avgnuptake, avgpuptake, avgxnplimit, avgxkNlimiting, avgxklitter, avgxksoil, avgratioNCsoilmic, avgratioNCsoilslow, avgratioNCsoilpass, avgnsoilmin, avgpsoillab, avgpsoilsorb, avgpsoilocc, avg_af, avg_aw, avg_ar, avg_lf, avg_lw, avg_lr, avg_annual_cnpp)

set the following two backflow to set (see Bolker 199x)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: kend
type(veg_parameter_type), intent(inout) :: veg
type(soil_parameter_type), intent(inout) :: soil
type(casa_biome), intent(inout) :: casabiome
type(casa_pool), intent(inout) :: casapool
type(casa_flux), intent(inout) :: casaflux
type(casa_met), intent(inout) :: casamet
type(casa_balance), intent(inout) :: casabal
type(phen_variable), intent(inout) :: phen
real, dimension(mp) :: avgcleaf2met
real, dimension(mp) :: avgcleaf2str
real, dimension(mp) :: avgcroot2met
real, dimension(mp) :: avgcroot2str
real, dimension(mp) :: avgcwood2cwd
real, dimension(mp) :: avgnleaf2met
real, dimension(mp) :: avgnleaf2str
real, dimension(mp) :: avgnroot2met
real, dimension(mp) :: avgnroot2str
real, dimension(mp) :: avgnwood2cwd
real, dimension(mp) :: avgpleaf2met
real, dimension(mp) :: avgpleaf2str
real, dimension(mp) :: avgproot2met
real, dimension(mp) :: avgproot2str
real, dimension(mp) :: avgpwood2cwd
real, dimension(mp) :: avgcgpp
real, dimension(mp) :: avgcnpp
real, dimension(mp) :: avgnuptake
real, dimension(mp) :: avgpuptake
real(kind=r_2), dimension(mp) :: avgxnplimit
real(kind=r_2), dimension(mp) :: avgxkNlimiting
real(kind=r_2), dimension(mp) :: avgxklitter
real(kind=r_2), dimension(mp) :: avgxksoil
real, dimension(mp) :: avgratioNCsoilmic
real, dimension(mp) :: avgratioNCsoilslow
real, dimension(mp) :: avgratioNCsoilpass
real, dimension(mp) :: avgnsoilmin
real, dimension(mp) :: avgpsoillab
real, dimension(mp) :: avgpsoilsorb
real, dimension(mp) :: avgpsoilocc
real, dimension(mp) :: avg_af
real, dimension(mp) :: avg_aw
real, dimension(mp) :: avg_ar
real, dimension(mp) :: avg_lf
real, dimension(mp) :: avg_lw
real, dimension(mp) :: avg_lr
real, dimension(mp) :: avg_annual_cnpp