Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
integer, | public, | POINTER | :: | nyear_average | |||
integer, | public, | POINTER | :: | nday_average | |||
integer, | public, | POINTER | :: | nyears |
number of years in climate record |
integer, | public, | POINTER | :: | doy |
day of year |
integer, | public, | POINTER | :: | chilldays(:) |
length of chilling period (period with T<5deg) |
integer, | public, | POINTER | :: | iveg(:) |
potential vegetation type based on climatic constraints |
integer, | public, | POINTER | :: | biome(:) | |||
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | dtemp(:) |
daily temperature |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | dmoist(:) |
daily moisture availability |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | mtemp(:) |
mean temperature over the last 31 days |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | qtemp(:) |
mean temperature over the last 91 days |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | mmoist(:) |
monthly moisture availability |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | mtemp_min(:) |
minimum monthly temperature |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | mtemp_max(:) |
maximum monthly temperature |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | qtemp_max(:) |
mean temperature of the warmest quarter (so far this year) |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | mtemp_min20(:) |
minimum monthly temperature, averaged over 20 y |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | mtemp_max20(:) |
maximum monthly temperature, averaged over 20 y |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | atemp_mean(:) |
annual average temperature |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | AGDD5(:) | |||
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | GDD5(:) |
growing degree day sum relative to 5deg base temperature |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | AGDD0(:) | |||
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | GDD0(:) |
growing degree day sum relative to 0deg base temperature |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | alpha_PT(:) |
ratio of annual evap to annual PT evap |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | evap_PT(:) |
annual PT evap [mm] |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | aevap(:) |
annual evap [mm] |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | alpha_PT20(:) | |||
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | qtemp_max_last_year(:) |
mean temperature of the warmest quarter (last calendar year) |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | mtemp_min_20(:,:) |
minimum monthly temperatures for the last 20 y |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | mtemp_max_20(:,:) |
maximum monthly temperatures for the last 20 y |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | dtemp_31(:,:) |
daily temperature for the last 31 days |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | dmoist_31(:,:) |
daily moisture availability for the last 31 days |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | alpha_PT_20(:,:) |
priestley Taylor Coefft for last 20 y |
real, | public, | POINTER | :: | dtemp_91(:,:) |
daily temperature for the last 91 days |