cable_write.F90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~cable_write.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~cable_write.f90 cable_write.F90 sourcefile~cable_abort.f90 cable_abort.F90 sourcefile~cable_write.f90->sourcefile~cable_abort.f90 sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 cable_define_types.F90 sourcefile~cable_write.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90 cable_iovars.F90 sourcefile~cable_write.f90->sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90 sourcefile~cable_abort.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~cable_abort.f90->sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90 sourcefile~cable_climate_type_mod.f90 cable_climate_type_mod.F90 sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90->sourcefile~cable_climate_type_mod.f90 sourcefile~cable_iovars.f90->sourcefile~cable_define_types.f90 sourcefile~cable_common.f90 cable_common.F90 sourcefile~cable_climate_type_mod.f90->sourcefile~cable_common.f90 sourcefile~grid_constants_cbl.f90 grid_constants_cbl.F90 sourcefile~cable_climate_type_mod.f90->sourcefile~grid_constants_cbl.f90 sourcefile~cable_runtime_opts_mod.f90 cable_runtime_opts_mod.F90 sourcefile~cable_common.f90->sourcefile~cable_runtime_opts_mod.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~cable_write.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~cable_write.f90 cable_write.F90 sourcefile~cable_mpimaster.f90 cable_mpimaster.F90 sourcefile~cable_mpimaster.f90->sourcefile~cable_write.f90 sourcefile~cable_output.f90 cable_output.F90 sourcefile~cable_mpimaster.f90->sourcefile~cable_output.f90 sourcefile~cable_output.f90->sourcefile~cable_write.f90 sourcefile~cable_serial.f90 cable_serial.F90 sourcefile~cable_serial.f90->sourcefile~cable_write.f90 sourcefile~cable_serial.f90->sourcefile~cable_output.f90 sourcefile~landuse_inout.f90 landuse_inout.F90 sourcefile~landuse_inout.f90->sourcefile~cable_write.f90 sourcefile~landuse_inout.f90->sourcefile~cable_output.f90 sourcefile~cable_mpiworker.f90 cable_mpiworker.F90 sourcefile~cable_mpiworker.f90->sourcefile~cable_output.f90 sourcefile~cable_offline_driver.f90 cable_offline_driver.F90 sourcefile~cable_offline_driver.f90->sourcefile~cable_serial.f90

Source Code

! This source code is part of the
! Australian Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange (CABLE) model.
! This work is licensed under the CSIRO Open Source Software License
! Agreement (variation of the BSD / MIT License).
! You may not use this file except in compliance with this License.
! A copy of the License (CSIRO_BSD_MIT_License_v2.0_CABLE.txt) is located
! in each directory containing CABLE code.
! ==============================================================================
! Purpose: Writing routines for CABLE offline
! Contact:
! History: No significant changes since v1.4b except addition of extra variables
! ==============================================================================
! CALLed from:    cable_initialise.F90
!                 cable_input.F90
! MODULEs used:   cable_abort_module
!                 cable_def_types_mod
!                 cable_IO_vars_module
!                 netcdf
! CALLs:          define_output_variable_r1
!                 define_output_variable_r2
!                 define_output_parameter_r1
!                 define_output_parameter_r2
!                 write_output_variable_r1
!                 write_output_variable_r2
!                 write_output_parameter_r1
!                 write_output_parameter_r1d
!                 write_output_parameter_r2
!                 write_output_parameter_r2d
! Notes: Single precision netcdf writes are forced to single precision here
!        (using REAL(,4)) in case of compilation with -r8

MODULE cable_write_module

  USE cable_abort_module, ONLY: nc_abort, abort
  USE cable_def_types_mod
  USE cable_IO_vars_module, ONLY: landpt, patch, max_vegpatches, parID_type,           &
       metGrid, land_x, land_y, logn, output,               &
       xdimsize, ydimsize, mask
  USE netcdf
  PUBLIC define_ovar, write_ovar, otmp1, otmp1l, otmp2lt, otmp2xy, otmp2lp,    &
       otmp2ls, otmp2lpc, otmp2lsc, otmp2lsf, otmp2lr, otmp2lsn, otmp3xyt,   &
       otmp3lpt, otmp3lst, otmp3lsnt, otmp3lrt, otmp3lpct, otmp3lsct,        &
       otmp3xyp, otmp3xys, otmp3xypc, otmp3xysc, otmp3lps, otmp3lppc,        &
       otmp3lpsc, otmp3xysf, otmp3lpr, otmp3lpsn, otmp4xypt, otmp4xyzt,      &
       otmp4xyst, otmp4xysnt, otmp4xyrt, otmp4xypct, otmp4xysct, otmp4lpst,  &
       otmp4lpsnt, otmp4lprt, otmp4lpsct, otmp4lppct, otmp4xyps,             &
       otmp4xyppc, otmp4xypsc, otmp5xypst, otmp5xypsnt, otmp5xyprt,          &
       otmp5xyppct, otmp5xypsct, nullify_write
  INTERFACE define_ovar
     ! Defines an output variable in the output netcdf file. Units, long name,
     ! variable, dimensions etc are created.
     MODULE PROCEDURE define_output_variable_r1
     MODULE PROCEDURE define_output_variable_r2
     MODULE PROCEDURE define_output_parameter_r1
     MODULE PROCEDURE define_output_parameter_r2
  INTERFACE write_ovar
     ! Writes a single time step of an output variable to the output netcdf
     ! file
     MODULE PROCEDURE write_output_variable_r1
     MODULE PROCEDURE write_output_variable_r2
     MODULE PROCEDURE write_output_parameter_r1
     MODULE PROCEDURE write_output_parameter_r1d
     MODULE PROCEDURE write_output_parameter_r2
     MODULE PROCEDURE write_output_parameter_r2d

  INTEGER :: ncmissingi = -9999999
  INTEGER :: ok ! netcdf file read status

  ! Temporary variables of same dimension as variables in netcdf file;
  ! e.g. 'o'utput 'tmp'orary with '2' dimensions: 'l'and and 't'ime -> otmp2lt
  ! Other dimension abbrevs: 'x','y','z','p'atch,'s'oil,'sn'ow,
  ! 'r'adiation,'p'lant 'c'arbon,'s'oil 'c'arbon,'s'urface 'f'raction
  REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: otmp1, otmp1l
  REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :) :: otmp2lt, otmp2xy, otmp2lp, otmp2ls,   &
       otmp2lpc, otmp2lsc, otmp2lsf,         &
       otmp2lr, otmp2lsn
  REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :, :) :: otmp3xyt, otmp3lpt, otmp3lst,      &
       otmp3lsnt, otmp3lrt, otmp3lpct,    &
       otmp3lsct, otmp3xyp, otmp3xys,     &
       otmp3xypc, otmp3xysc, otmp3lps,    &
       otmp3lppc, otmp3lpsc, otmp3xysf,   &
       otmp3lpr, otmp3lpsn, otmp3xyr
  REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :, :, :) :: otmp4xypt, otmp4xyzt,           &
       otmp4xyst, otmp4xysnt,          &
       otmp4xyrt, otmp4xypct,          &
       otmp4xysct, otmp4lpst,          &
       otmp4lpsnt, otmp4lprt,          &
       otmp4lpsct, otmp4lppct,         &
       otmp4xyps, otmp4xyppc,          &
       otmp4xypsc, otmp4xypr
  REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :, :, :, :) :: otmp5xypst, otmp5xypsnt,     &
       otmp5xyprt, otmp5xyppct,     &
  REAL :: ncmissingr = -1.0e+33


  ! Nullify all temporary pointers so that one can query associated(pointer)
  SUBROUTINE nullify_write()






  END SUBROUTINE nullify_write

  SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r1(ncid, varID, vname,                     &
       vunits, longname, writepatch,           &
       dimswitch, xID, yID, zID, landID,       &
       patchID, tID)
    ! Subroutine for defining a real valued 1D variable
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: varID ! variable's netcdf ID
    ! netcdf dimension IDs
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: xID, yID, zID, landID, patchID, tID
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: vname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: vunits ! variable units
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: longname ! full variable name
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimesnion of parameter

    ! First, decide which grid to use. If user has forced grid using output%grid
    ! in the namelist file, use this grid. Else use format of met file.
    IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'mas' .OR.                                          &
         (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'mask') .OR.                 &
         output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable
       ! (no patches in ALMA format)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND.                                  &
            (.NOT. output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM')) THEN
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//vname//                                     &
               ' to output file using mask grid with patch-specific info'
          ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, vname, NF90_FLOAT, (/xID, yID, patchID, tID/), &
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                    &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dim:
          IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp4xypt))                                         &
               ALLOCATE(otmp4xypt(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, 1))
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          ! If this is an ALMA 4D surface variable
          ! AND the user has forced the grid type as ALMA:
          IF(dimswitch == 'ALMA' .AND. output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') THEN
             WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//vname//' to output file using mask grid'
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, vname, NF90_FLOAT, (/xID, yID, zID, tID/),   &
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp4xyzt))                                       &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xyzt(xdimsize, ydimsize, 1, 1))
          ELSE ! normal x-y-t mask grid
             WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//vname//' to output file using mask grid'
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, vname, NF90_FLOAT, (/xID, yID, tID/), varID)
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp3xyt))ALLOCATE(otmp3xyt(xdimsize, ydimsize, 1))
          END IF
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                    &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')
       END IF
    ELSE IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'lan'                                          &
         .OR.(output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'land')) THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable?
       IF(writepatch .OR. output%patch) THEN
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//vname//                                     &
               ' to output file using land grid with patch-specific info'
          ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, vname, NF90_FLOAT, (/landID, patchID, tID/),   &
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                    &
               (ok,'Error defining '//vname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dim:
          IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lpt)) ALLOCATE(otmp3lpt(mland,               &
               max_vegpatches, 1))
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//vname//' to output file using land grid'
          ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, vname, NF90_FLOAT, (/landID,tID/), varID)
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                    &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dim:
          IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp2lt)) ALLOCATE(otmp2lt(mland, 1))
       END IF
       CALL abort('Unknown grid specification (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
    END IF
    ! Define variable units:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, varID, 'units', vunits)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable attributes in output file. '// &
         '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')
    ! Define long name:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,varID, 'long_name', longname)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable attributes in output file. '// &
         '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')
    ! Define missing/fill values:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, varID, '_FillValue', REAL(ncmissingr, 4))
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable attributes in output file. '// &
         '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')
    ! Define missing/fill values:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, varID, 'missing_value', REAL(ncmissingr, 4))
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable attributes in output file. '// &
         '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')

  END SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r1
  SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2(ncid, varID, vname, vunits, longname,   &
       writepatch, dimswitch, xID, yID, zID,   &
       landID, patchID, othdimID, tID)
    ! Subroutine for defining a real valued 2D variable
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    ! netcdf dimension IDs
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: xID, yID, zID, landID, patchID, tID
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: othdimID ! ID of variable's second dimension
    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: varID ! variable's netcdf ID
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: vname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: vunits ! variable units
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: longname ! full variable name
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimesnion of parameter

    ! First, decide which grid to use. If user has forced grid using output%grid
    ! in the namelist file, use this grid. Else use format of met file.
    IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'mas' .OR.                                          &
         (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'mask') .OR.                 &
         output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable
       ! (no patches in ALMA format)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND.                                  &
            ( .NOT. output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM')) THEN
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//vname//                                     &
               ' to output file using mask grid with patch-specific info'
          ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, vname, NF90_FLOAT, (/xID, yID, patchID,        &
               othdimID, tID/), varID)
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                    &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! other dim is soil
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp5xypst))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp5xypst(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ms, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! other dim is snow
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp5xypsnt))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp5xypsnt(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, msn, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! other dim is radiation bands
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp5xyprt))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp5xyprt(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, nrb, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! other dim is plant carbon
             ! pools
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp5xyppct))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp5xyppct(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ncp, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! other dim is soil carbon pools
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp5xypsct))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp5xypsct(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ncs, 1))
             CALL abort('Variable '//vname//                                      &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch// &
                  ' - in SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2')
          END IF
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//vname//' to output file using mask grid'
          ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, vname, NF90_FLOAT, (/xID, yID, othdimID,       &
               tID/), varID)
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                    &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2)')
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! other dim is soil
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xyst))                                     &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xyst(xdimsize, ydimsize, ms, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! other dim is snow
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xysnt))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xysnt(xdimsize, ydimsize, msn, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! other dim is radiation bands
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xyrt))                                     &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xyrt(xdimsize, ydimsize, nrb, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! other dim is plant carbon
             ! pools
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xypct))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xypct(xdimsize, ydimsize, ncp, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! other dim is soil carbon pools
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xysct))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xysct(xdimsize, ydimsize, ncs, 1))
             CALL abort('Variable '//vname//                                      &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch// &
                  ' - in SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2')
          END IF
       END IF
    ELSE IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'lan'                                          &
         .OR. (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'land')) THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable?
       IF(writepatch .OR. output%patch) THEN
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//vname//                                     &
               ' to output file using land grid with patch-specific info'
          ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, vname, NF90_FLOAT, (/landID, patchID,          &
               othdimID, tID/), varID)
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                    &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2)')
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                    &
               (ok,'Error defining '//vname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2)')
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! other dim is soil
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4lpst))                                     &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4lpst(mland, max_vegpatches, ms, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! other dim is snow
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xysnt))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xysnt(mland, max_vegpatches, msn, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! other dim is radiation bands
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xyrt))                                     &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xyrt(mland, max_vegpatches, nrb, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! other dim is plant carbon
             ! pools
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xypct))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xypct(mland, max_vegpatches, ncp, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! other dim is soil carbon pools
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xysct))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xysct(mland, max_vegpatches, ncs, 1))
             CALL abort('Variable '//vname//                                      &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch// &
                  ' - in SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2')
          END IF
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//vname//' to output file using land grid'
          ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, vname, NF90_FLOAT, (/landID, othdimID, tID/),  &
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                    &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2)')
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! other dim is soil
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lst)) ALLOCATE(otmp3lst(mland, ms, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! other dim is snow
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lsnt)) ALLOCATE(otmp3lsnt(mland, msn, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! other dim is radiation bands
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lrt)) ALLOCATE(otmp3lrt(mland, nrb, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! other dim is plant carbon
             ! pools
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp3lpct)) ALLOCATE(otmp3lpct(mland, ncp, 1))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! other dim is soil carbon pools
             ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
             ! of this dim:
             IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lsct)) ALLOCATE(otmp3lsct(mland, ncs, 1))
             CALL abort('Variable '//vname//                                      &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch// &
                  ' - in SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2')
          END IF
       END IF
       CALL abort('Unknown grid specification (SUBROUTINE '//                   &
    END IF
    ! Define variable units:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, varID, 'units', vunits)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable attributes in output file. '// &
         '(SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2)')
    ! Define long name:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, varID, 'long_name', longname)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable attributes in output file. '// &
         '(SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2)')
    ! Define missing/fill values:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, varID, '_FillValue', REAL(ncmissingr, 4))
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok,'Error defining '//vname//' variable attributes in output file. '// &
         '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')
    ! Define missing/fill values:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, varID, 'missing_value', REAL(ncmissingr, 4))
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//vname//' variable attributes in output file. '// &
         '(INTERFACE define_ovar)')

  END SUBROUTINE define_output_variable_r2
  SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r1(ncid, parID, pname, punits, longname,  &
       writepatch, dimswitch, xID, yID, zID,  &
       landID, patchID, restart)
    ! Subroutine for defining a real valued 1D parameter (time invariant)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: xID, yID, zID, landID, patchID ! netcdf
    ! dimension IDs
    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: parID ! variable's netcdf ID
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: restart ! are we writing to a restart file?                                                          ! dimension IDs
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: pname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: punits ! variable units
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: longname ! full variable name
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimension of parameter

    ! First, decide which grid to use. If user has forced grid using output%grid
    ! in the namelist file, use this grid. Else use format of met file.
    IF((output%grid(1:3) == 'mas' .OR.                                         &
         (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'mask') .OR.               &
         output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') .AND. .NOT. PRESENT(restart)) THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable
       ! (no patches in ALMA format)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND.                                 &
            (.NOT. output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM')) THEN
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//pname//                                   &
               ' to output file using mask grid with patch-specific info'
          IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'r') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_FLOAT, (/xID, yID, patchID/)  &
                  , parID)
          ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_INT, (/xID, yID, patchID/)    &
                  , parID)
          END IF
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                  &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r1)')
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dim:
          IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3xyp))                                       &
               ALLOCATE(otmp3xyp(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches))
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//pname//' to output file using mask grid'
          IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'r') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_FLOAT, (/xID, yID/), parID)
          ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_INT, (/xID, yID/), parID)
          END IF
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dim:
          IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp2xy)) ALLOCATE(otmp2xy(xdimsize, ydimsize))
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                  &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r1)')
       END IF
    ELSE IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'lan' .OR. (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND.    &
         metGrid == 'land') .OR. PRESENT(restart)) THEN ! land-only grid
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable?
       ! If this variable has been requested by user with patch-specific info
       ! (writepatch) OR all have been (output%patch) AND we're NOT writing
       ! a restart file (which uses a different technique to store patch info):
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. .NOT. PRESENT(restart)) THEN
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//pname//                                   &
               ' to output file using land grid with patch-specific info'
          IF(dimswitch(1:2) == 're') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_FLOAT, (/landID, patchID/)    &
                  , parID)
          ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:2) == 'r2') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_DOUBLE, (/landID, patchID/)   &
                  , parID)
          ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_INT, (/landID, patchID/)      &
                  , parID)
          END IF
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                  &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r1)')
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dim:
          IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp2lp)) ALLOCATE(otmp2lp(mland, max_vegpatches))
       ELSE ! only grid point values without patch-specific info UNLESS a
          ! restart variable
          ! Restart file definitions will be directed to this part of interface.
          ! If not writing a restart file, report variable writing to log file:
          IF(.NOT. PRESENT(restart)) WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//pname//        &
               ' to output file using land grid'
          IF(dimswitch(1:2) == 're') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_FLOAT, (/landID/), parID)
          ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:2) == 'r2') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_DOUBLE, (/landID/), parID)
          ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_INT, (/landID/), parID)
          END IF
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                  &
               (ok,'Error defining '//pname//' variable in output or '// &
               'restart file. (SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r1)')
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dimension structure:
          IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp1l)) ALLOCATE(otmp1l(mland))
       END IF
       CALL abort('Unknown grid specification '//                              &
            '(SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r1)')
    END IF
    ! Define variable units:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, 'units', punits)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//             &
         'output file. (SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r1)')
    ! Define long name:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, 'long_name', longname)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//             &
         'output file. (SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r1)')
    ! Define missing/fill values:
    IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, '_FillValue', ncmissingi)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, 'missing_value', ncmissingi)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
    ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:2) == 'r2') THEN
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, '_FillValue', REAL(ncmissingr, 8))
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, 'missing_value', REAL(ncmissingr, 8))
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, '_FillValue', REAL(ncmissingr, 4))
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, 'missing_value', REAL(ncmissingr, 4))
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//        &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
    END IF

  END SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r1
  SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r2(ncid, parID, pname, punits, longname,  &
       writepatch, othdimID, dimswitch, xID,  &
       yID, zID, landID, patchID, restart)
    ! Subroutine for defining a real valued 2D parameter (time invariant)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: othdimID ! ID of parameter's second dimension
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: xID, yID, zID, landID, patchID ! netcdf
    ! dimension IDs
    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: parID ! variable's netcdf ID
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    LOGICAL,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: restart ! are we writing to a restart file?
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: pname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: punits ! variable units
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: longname ! full variable name
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimesnion of parameter

    ! First, decide which grid to use. If user has forced grid using output%grid
    ! in the namelist file, use this grid. Else use format of met file.
    IF((output%grid(1:3) == 'mas' .OR.                                         &
         (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'mask') .OR.               &
         output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') .AND. .NOT. PRESENT(restart)) THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable
       ! (no patches in ALMA format)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. (.NOT. output%grid(1:3)         &
            == 'ALM') .AND.(dimswitch/='surftype')) THEN
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//pname//                                   &
               ' to output file using mask grid with patch-specific info'
          ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_FLOAT, (/xID, yID, patchID,      &
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                  &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r2)')
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dim:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil' .OR. dimswitch == 'r2soil') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xyps))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xyps(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ms))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xyppc))                                  &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xyppc(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ncp))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xypsc))                                  &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xypsc(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ncs))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp4xypr))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp4xypr(xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, nrb))
          END IF
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//pname//' to output file using mask grid'
          ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_FLOAT, (/xID, yID, othdimID/)    &
               , parID)
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dim:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil' .OR. dimswitch == 'r2soil') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3xys)) ALLOCATE(otmp3xys(xdimsize,        &
                  ydimsize, ms))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3xypc))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp3xypc(xdimsize, ydimsize, ncp))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3xysc))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp3xysc(xdimsize, ydimsize, ncs))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3xyr))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp3xyr(xdimsize, ydimsize, nrb))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'surftype') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3xysf)) ALLOCATE(otmp3xysf(xdimsize,      &
                  ydimsize, 4))
          END IF
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                  &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r2)')
       END IF
    ELSE IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'lan' .OR. (output%grid(1:3) == 'def'          &
         .AND. metGrid=='land') .OR. PRESENT(restart)) THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable?
       ! If this variable has been requested by user with patch-specific info
       ! (writepatch) OR all have been (output%patch) AND we're NOT writing
       ! a restart file (which uses a different technique to store patch info):
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. (dimswitch /= 'surftype')       &
            .AND. .NOT. PRESENT(restart)) THEN
          WRITE(logn, *) 'Writing '//pname//                                   &
               ' to output file using land grid with patch-specific info'
          ! Define parameter as double precision if required:
          IF(dimswitch(1:2) == 'r2') THEN
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_DOUBLE, (/landID, patchID,    &
                  othdimID/), parID)
             ok = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid, pname, NF90_FLOAT, (/landID, patchID,     &
                  othdimID/), parID)
          END IF
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                  &
               (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r2)')
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dim:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil' .OR. dimswitch == 'r2soil') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lps)) ALLOCATE(otmp3lps(mland,           &
                  max_vegpatches, ms))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lppc))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp3lppc(mland, max_vegpatches, ncp))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lpsc))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp3lpsc(mland, max_vegpatches, ncs))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lpr))                                    &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp3lpr(mland, max_vegpatches, nrb))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN
             IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(otmp3lpsn))                                   &
                  ALLOCATE(otmp3lpsn(mland, max_vegpatches, msn))
          END IF
       ELSE ! variable has no explicit patch dimension (incl. restart file)
          ! Restart file definitions will be directed to this part of interface.
          ! If not writing a restart file, report variable writing to log file:
          IF(.NOT.PRESENT(restart)) WRITE(logn,*) 'Writing '//pname// &
               ' to output file using land grid'
          ! Define parameter as double precision if required for restart file:
          IF(dimswitch(1:2)=='r2') THEN
          END IF
          IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort &
               (ok,'Error defining '//pname//' variable in output file. '// &
               '(SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r2)')
          ! If not already allocated, allocate a temporary storage variable
          ! of this dimension structure:
          IF(dimswitch=='soil'.OR.dimswitch=='r2soil') THEN
             IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp2ls)) ALLOCATE(otmp2ls(mland,ms))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch=='plantcarbon') THEN
             IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp2lpc)) ALLOCATE(otmp2lpc(mland,ncp))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch=='soilcarbon') THEN
             IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp2lsc)) ALLOCATE(otmp2lsc(mland,ncs))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch=='radiation') THEN
             IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp2lr)) ALLOCATE(otmp2lr(mland,nrb))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch=='snow') THEN
             IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp2lsn)) ALLOCATE(otmp2lsn(mland,msn))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch=='surftype') THEN
             IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(otmp2lsf)) ALLOCATE(otmp2lsf(mland,4))
          END IF
       END IF
       CALL abort('Unknown grid specification '//                              &
            '(SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r2)')
    END IF
    ! Define variable units:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid ,parID, 'units', punits)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//             &
         'output file. (SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r2)')
    ! Define long name:
    ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, 'long_name', longname)
    IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                        &
         (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//             &
         'output file. (SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r2)')
    ! Define missing/fill values:
    IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, '_FillValue', ncmissingi)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, 'missing_value', ncmissingi)
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
    ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:2) == 'r2') THEN
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, '_FillValue', REAL(ncmissingr, 8))
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, 'missing_value', REAL(ncmissingr, 8))
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, '_FillValue', REAL(ncmissingr, 4))
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//        &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
       ok = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, parID, 'missing_value', REAL(ncmissingr, 4))
       IF (ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort                                     &
            (ok, 'Error defining '//pname//' variable attributes in '//          &
            'output file. (INTERFACE define_ovar)')
    END IF

  END SUBROUTINE define_output_parameter_r2
  SUBROUTINE write_output_variable_r1(ktau, ncid, varID, vname, var_r1,        &
       writepatch, dimswitch, met)
    ! Subroutine for writing a real valued 1D variable
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ktau ! current time step #
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: varID ! variable's netcdf ID
    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: var_r1 ! variable values
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: vname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimesnion of parameter
    TYPE(met_type), INTENT(IN) :: met  ! met data

    INTEGER :: i,j ! do loop counter

    ! First, decide which grid to use. If user has forced grid using output%grid
    ! in the namelist file, use this grid. Else use format of met file.
    IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'mas' .OR.                                          &
         (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'mask') .OR.                &
         output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable
       ! (no patches in ALMA format)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. (.NOT. output%grid(1:3)         &
            == 'ALM')) THEN
          DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
             ! First write data for active patches:
             otmp4xypt(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, 1)               &
                  = var_r1(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend)
             ! Then write data for inactive patches (if any) as dummy value:
             IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4xypt(land_x(i),           &
                  land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, 1) = ncmissingr
          END DO
          ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
          DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
             WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xypt(:, :, j, 1) = ncmissingr ! not land
          END DO
          ! write data to file
          ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4xypt(:, :, :, 1), 4),       &
               start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
               count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, 1/))
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          ! If this is an ALMA 4D surface variable
          ! AND the user has forced the grid type as ALMA:
          IF(dimswitch == 'ALMA' .AND. output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') THEN
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (area weighted average across all
                ! patches):
                otmp4xyzt(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1, 1) =                           &
                     SUM(var_r1(landpt(i)%cstart: &
                     landpt(i)%cend) * patch(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend)%frac)
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xyzt(:, :, 1, 1) = ncmissingr ! not land
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4xyzt, 4),                   &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, 1, 1/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE ! normal x-y-t mask grid
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (area weighted average across all
                ! patches):
                otmp3xyt(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1) = SUM(var_r1(landpt(i)%cstart:   &
                     landpt(i)%cend) * patch(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend)%frac)
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp3xyt(:, :, 1) = ncmissingr ! not land
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp3xyt, 4),                    &
                  start = (/1,1,ktau/),                                &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, 1/)) ! write data to file
          END IF
       END IF
    ELSE IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'lan'                                          &
         .OR. (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'land')) THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable?
       IF(writepatch .OR. output%patch) THEN
          DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
             ! First write data for active patches:
             otmp3lpt(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, 1) =                                   &
             ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
             IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches)                                  &
                  otmp3lpt(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, 1) = ncmissingr
          END DO
          ! write data to file
          ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp3lpt(:, :, 1), 4),             &
               start = (/1, 1, ktau/), count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, 1/))
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
             ! Write to temporary variable (area weighted average across all
             ! patches):
             otmp2lt(i, 1) = SUM(var_r1(landpt(i)%cstart:                         &
                  landpt(i)%cend) * patch(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend)%frac)
          END DO
          ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp2lt, 4),                       &
               start = (/1, ktau/), count = (/mland, 1/)) ! write data to file
       END IF
       CALL abort('Unknown grid specification '//                               &
            '(SUBROUTINE write_output_variable_r1)')
    END IF
    ! Check writing was successful:
    IF(ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error writing '//vname//           &
         ' variable to output file (SUBROUTINE write_output_variable_r1)')

  END SUBROUTINE write_output_variable_r1
  SUBROUTINE write_output_variable_r2(ktau, ncid, varID, vname, var_r2,        &
       writepatch, dimswitch, met)
    ! Subroutine for writing a real valued 2D variable
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ktau ! current time step #
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: varID ! variable's netcdf ID
    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN) :: var_r2 ! variable values
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: vname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimesnion of parameter
    TYPE(met_type), INTENT(IN) :: met  ! met data

    INTEGER :: i, j, k ! do loop counter

    ! First, decide which grid to use. If user has forced grid using output%grid
    ! in the namelist file, use this grid. Else use format of met file.
    IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'mas' .OR.                                          &
         (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'mask') .OR.                 &
         output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable
       ! (no patches in ALMA format)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. (.NOT. output%grid(1:3)          &
            == 'ALM')) THEN
          ! Decide what the second dimension of this variable is:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! other dim is soil
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp5xypst(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1)           &
                     = var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches (if any) as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp5xypst(land_x(i),          &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap+1):max_vegpatches,:,1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                DO k = 1, ms
                   WHERE(mask /=1 ) otmp5xypst(:, :, j, k, 1) = ncmissingr ! not land
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Write data to file:
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp5xypst(:, :, :, :,1), 4),    &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, 1, ktau/),                      &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ms, 1/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! other dim is snow
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp5xypsnt(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1)          &
                     = var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp5xypsnt(land_x(i),         &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :, 1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                DO k = 1, msn
                   ! not land
                   WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp5xypsnt(:, :, j, k, 1) = ncmissingr
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Write data to file:
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp5xypsnt(:, :, :, :, 1), 4),  &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, 1, ktau/),                      &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, msn, 1/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch=='radiation') THEN ! other dim is radiation bands
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp5xyprt(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1)           &
                     = var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend,:)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp5xyprt(land_x(i),         &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :, 1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                DO k = 1, nrb
                   ! not land
                   WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp5xyprt(:, :, j, k, 1) = ncmissingr
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Write data to file:
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp5xyprt(:, :, :, :, 1), 4),   &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, 1, ktau/),                      &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, nrb, 1/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! other dim is plant carbon
             ! pools
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp5xyppct(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1)          &
                     = var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches (if any) as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp5xyppct(land_x(i),        &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :, 1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                DO k = 1, ncp
                   ! not land
                   WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp5xyppct(:, :, j, k, 1) = ncmissingr
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Write data to file:
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp5xyppct(:, :, :, :, 1), 4),  &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, 1, ktau/),                      &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ncp, 1/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! other dim is soil carbon pools
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp5xypsct(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1)          &
                     = var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp5xypsct(land_x(i),         &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :, 1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                DO k = 1, ncs
                   ! not land
                   WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp5xypsct(:, :, j, k, 1) = ncmissingr
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Write data to file:
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp5xypsct(:, :, :, :, 1), 4),  &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, 1, ktau/),                      &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ncs, 1/))
             CALL abort('Variable '//vname//                                      &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch//  &
                  ' - in INTERFACE write_ovar')
          END IF
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          ! Decide what the second dimension of this variable is:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! other dim is soil
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by
                ! fraction):
                DO j = 1, ms
                   otmp4xyst(land_x(i), land_y(i), j, 1) = SUM(                    &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) *  &
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, ms
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xyst(:, :, j, 1) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4xyst, 4),                   &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, ms, 1/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! other dim is snow
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by
                ! fraction):
                DO j = 1, msn
                   otmp4xysnt(land_x(i), land_y(i), j, 1) = SUM(                   &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) *  &
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, msn
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xysnt(:, :, j, 1) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4xysnt, 4),                  &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, msn, 1/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! other dim is radiation bands
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by
                ! fraction):
                DO j = 1, nrb
                   otmp4xyrt(land_x(i), land_y(i), j, 1) = SUM(                    &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) * &
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, nrb
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xyrt(:, :, j, 1) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4xyrt, 4),                   &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, nrb, 1/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! other dim is plant carbon
             ! pools
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by fraction):
                DO j = 1, ncp
                   otmp4xypct(land_x(i), land_y(i), j, 1) = SUM(                   &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) * &
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, ncp
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xypct(:, :, j, 1) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4xypct, 4),                  &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, ncp, 1/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! other dim is soil carbon pools
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by fraction):
                DO j = 1, ncs
                   otmp4xysct(land_x(i), land_y(i), j, 1) = SUM(                   &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) * &
                END DO
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, ncs
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xysct(:, :, j, 1) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4xysct, 4),                  &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, ncs, 1/)) ! write data to file
             CALL abort('Variable '//vname//                                      &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch//  &
                  ' - in INTERFACE write_ovar')
          END IF
       END IF
    ELSE IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'lan'                                          &
         .OR.(output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'land')) THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this variable
       ! (no patches in ALMA format)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. (.NOT. output%grid(1:3)          &
            == 'ALM')) THEN
          ! Decide what the second dimension of this variable is:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! other dim is soil
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp4lpst(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1)                               &
                     = var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches (if any) as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4lpst(i,                  &
                     (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :, 1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Write data to file:
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4lpst(:, :, :, 1), 4),       &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, ms, 1/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! other dim is snow
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp4lpsnt(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1) =                           &
                     var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4lpsnt(i,                 &
                     (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :, 1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4lpsnt(:, :, :, 1), 4),      &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, msn, 1/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! other dim is radiation bands
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp4lprt(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1) =                             &
                     var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4lprt(i,                  &
                     (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :, 1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4lprt(:, :, :, 1), 4),       &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, nrb, 1/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! other dim is plant carbon
             ! pools
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp4lppct(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1) =                            &
                     var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4lppct(i,                 &
                     (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :, 1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4lppct(:, :, :, 1), 4),      &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, ncp, 1/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! other dim is soil carbon pools
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp4lpsct(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :, 1) =                            &
                     var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4lpsct(i,                 &
                     (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :, 1) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp4lpsct(:, :, :, 1), 4),      &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, ktau/),                         &
                  count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, ncs, 1/))
             CALL abort('Variable '//vname//                                      &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch//  &
                  ' - in INTERFACE write_ovar')
          END IF
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          ! Decide what the second dimension of this variable is:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! other dim is soil
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by
                ! fraction):
                DO j = 1, ms
                   otmp3lst(i, j, 1) = SUM(                                        &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) * &
                END DO
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp3lst, 4),                    &
                  start = (/1, 1, ktau/),                            &
                  count = (/mland, ms, 1/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! other dim is snow
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by
                ! fraction):
                DO j = 1, msn
                   otmp3lsnt(i, j, 1) = SUM(                                       &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) * &
                END DO
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp3lsnt, 4),                   &
                  start = (/1, 1, ktau/),                            &
                  count = (/mland, msn, 1/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! other dim is radiation bands
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by fraction):
                DO j = 1, nrb
                   otmp3lrt(i, j, 1) = SUM(                                        &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) * &
                END DO
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp3lrt, 4),                    &
                  start = (/1, 1, ktau/),                            &
                  count = (/mland, nrb, 1/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! other dim is plant carbon
             ! pools
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by fraction):
                DO j = 1, ncp
                   otmp3lpct(i, j, 1) = SUM(                                       &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) * &
                END DO
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp3lpct, 4),                   &
                  start = (/1, 1, ktau/),                            &
                  count = (/mland, ncp, 1/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! other dim is soil carbon pools
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (sum over patches & weight by fraction):
                DO j = 1, ncs
                   otmp3lsct(i, j, 1) = SUM(                                       &
                        var_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, j) * &
                END DO
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, varID, REAL(otmp3lsct, 4),                   &
                  start = (/1, 1, ktau/),                            &
                  count = (/mland, ncs, 1/)) ! write data to file
             CALL abort('Variable '//vname//                                      &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch//  &
                  ' - in SUBROUTINE write_output_variable_r2')
          END IF
       END IF ! patch info or no patch info
       CALL abort('Unknown grid specification '//                               &
            '(SUBROUTINE write_output_variable_r2)')
    END IF ! grid type

    ! Check writing was successful:
    IF(ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error writing '//vname//           &
         ' variable to output file (SUBROUTINE write_output_variable_r2)')

  END SUBROUTINE write_output_variable_r2
  SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r1(ncid, parID, pname, par_r1,             &
       writepatch, dimswitch, restart)
    ! Subroutine for writing a real valued 1D parameter (time invariant)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parID ! variable's netcdf ID
    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: par_r1 ! variable values
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: restart ! are we writing to a restart file?
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: pname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimesnion of parameter

    INTEGER :: i, j ! do loop counter

    ! First, decide which grid to use. If user has forced grid using output%grid
    ! in the namelist file, use this grid. Else use format of met file.
    IF((output%grid(1:3) == 'mas' .OR.                                         &
         (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'mask') .OR.                &
         output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') .AND. .NOT. restart) THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this parameter
       ! (no patches in ALMA format)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. (.NOT. output%grid(1:3)         &
            == 'ALM')) THEN
          DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
             ! First write data for active patches:
             otmp3xyp(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap)                   &
                  = par_r1(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend)
             ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
             IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'r') THEN
                IF(landpt(i)%nap<max_vegpatches) otmp3xyp(land_x(i), land_y(i),&
                     (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches) = ncmissingr
             ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp3xyp(land_x(i),         &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches) = ncmissingi
             END IF
          END DO
          ! Write data to file:
          IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'r') THEN
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp3xyp(:, :, j) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3xyp(:, :, :), 4),        &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/),                            &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp3xyp(:, :, j) = ncmissingi ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, INT(otmp3xyp(:, :, :)),            &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/),                            &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches/))
          END IF
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
             ! Write to temporary variable. Use dominant patch info only,
             ! as averaging parameters over patches wouldn't make nec sense:
             otmp2xy(land_x(i), land_y(i)) = par_r1(landpt(i)%cstart)
          END DO
          ! Write data to file:
          IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'r') THEN
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp2xy(:, :) = ncmissingr ! not land
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp2xy, 4),                  &
                  start = (/1, 1/),                               &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp2xy(:, :) = ncmissingi ! not land
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, INT(otmp2xy), start = (/1, 1/),    &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize/)) ! write data to file
          END IF
       END IF
    ELSE IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'lan'                                          &
         .OR. (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'land')           &
         .OR. restart) THEN
       ! Is patch-specific info written for this variable?
       ! If this variable has been requested by user with patch-specific info
       ! (writepatch) OR all have been (output%patch) AND we're NOT writing
       ! a restart file (which uses a different technique to store patch info):
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. .NOT. restart) THEN
          DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
             ! First write data for active patches:
             otmp2lp(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap) = par_r1(landpt(i)%cstart:            &
             ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
             IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches)  THEN
                IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'r') THEN
                   otmp2lp(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches) = ncmissingr
                ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1)=='i') THEN
                   otmp2lp(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches) = ncmissingi
                END IF
             END IF
          END DO
          ! Write data to file
          IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'r') THEN
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp2lp(:, :), 4),            &
                  start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mland, max_vegpatches/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, INT(otmp2lp(:, :)),                &
                  start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mland, max_vegpatches/))
          END IF
       ELSE ! only grid point values without patch-specific info UNLESS restart
          ! file
          ! All 1D single precision restart file variables are written here.
          IF(restart) THEN ! If writing restart data:
             ! Write output:
             IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'r') THEN
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(par_r1, 4),                &
                     start = (/1/), count = (/mp/)) ! write data to file
             ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, INT(par_r1),                    &
                     start = (/1/), count = (/mp/)) ! write data to file
             END IF
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                otmp1l(i) = par_r1(landpt(i)%cstart)
             END DO
             ! Write output:
             IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'r') THEN
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp1l, 4),                &
                     start = (/1/), count = (/mland/)) ! write data to file
             ELSE IF(dimswitch(1:1) == 'i') THEN
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, INT(otmp1l),                    &
                     start = (/1/), count = (/mland/)) ! write data to file
             END IF
          END IF ! If writing restart
       END IF ! If writing with a patch dimension in output file
       CALL abort('Unknown grid specification '//                              &
            '(SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r1)')
    END IF  ! mask x-y or land-only grid
    ! Check writing was successful:
    IF(ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error writing '//pname//           &
         ' parameter/variable to output file '//                               &
         '(SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r1)')

  END SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r1
  SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r1d(ncid, parID, pname, par_r1d,           &
       writepatch, dimswitch, restart)
    ! Subroutine for writing a double precision 1D parameter (time invariant)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parID ! variable's netcdf ID
    REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: par_r1d ! variable values
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: restart ! are we writing to a restart file?
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: pname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimesnion of parameter

    INTEGER :: i, j ! do loop counter
    REAL(r_2), POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :) :: tmpout

    IF(restart) THEN ! If writing to a a restart file
       ! Write parameter data:
       ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, par_r1d,                                 &
            start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mp/)) ! write data to file
       ! Check writing was successful:
       IF(ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error writing '//pname//        &
            ' parameter to restart file (SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r1d)')
    ELSE ! a 1D double precision time invariant parameter for output file
       ALLOCATE(tmpout(mland, max_vegpatches))
       DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
          ! First write data for active patches:
          tmpout(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap) = par_r1d(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend)
          ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
          IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches)                                   &
               tmpout(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches) =                 &
               REAL(ncmissingr, r_2)
       END DO
       ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(tmpout(:, :), 8), start = (/1, 1/), &
            count = (/mland, max_vegpatches/)) ! write data to file
       ! Check writing was successful:
       IF(ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error writing '//pname//        &
            ' variable to output file (SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r1d)')
    END IF ! If writing to a a restart file

  END SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r1d
  SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2(ncid, parID, pname, par_r2,     &
       writepatch, dimswitch, restart)
    ! Subroutine for writing a real valued 2D parameter (time invariant)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parID ! variable's netcdf ID
    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN) :: par_r2 ! variable values
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    LOGICAL,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: restart ! are we writing to a restart file?
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: pname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimesnion of parameter

    INTEGER :: i, j, k ! do loop counter

    ! First, decide which grid to use. If user has forced grid using output%grid
    ! in the namelist file, use this grid. Else use format of met file.
    IF((output%grid(1:3) == 'mas' .OR.                                         &
         (output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'mask') .OR.                &
         output%grid(1:3) == 'ALM') .AND. .NOT. restart) THEN
       ! Should patch-specific info be written for this parameter
       ! (no patches in ALMA format)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. (.NOT. output%grid(1:3)          &
            == 'ALM') .AND. (dimswitch /= 'surftype')) THEN
          ! Check the nature of the parameter's second dimension:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (all patches for current grid point):
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp4xyps(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, :)               &
                     = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4xyps(land_x(i),           &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j =1, max_vegpatches
                DO k = 1, ms
                   WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xyps(:, :, j, k) = ncmissingr ! not land
                END DO
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp4xyps(:, :, :, :), 4),       &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, 1/),                            &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ms/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! i.e. spatial and plant carbon
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (all patches for current grid point):
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp4xyppc(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, :)              &
                     = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4xyppc(land_x(i),          &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                DO k = 1, ncp
                   WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xyppc(:, :, j, k) = ncmissingr ! not land
                END DO
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp4xyppc(:, :, :, :), 4),      &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, 1/),                            &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ncp/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil carbon
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (all patches for current grid point):
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp4xypsc(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, :)              &
                     = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4xypsc(land_x(i),          &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                DO k = 1, ncs
                   WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xypsc(:, :, j, k) = ncmissingr ! not land
                END DO
             END DO
             ! write data to file:
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp4xypsc(:, :, :, :), 4),      &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, 1/),                            &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, ncs/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil carbon
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (all patches for current grid point):
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp4xypr(land_x(i), land_y(i), 1:landpt(i)%nap, :)               &
                     = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches) otmp4xypr(land_x(i),           &
                     land_y(i), (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, max_vegpatches
                DO k = 1, nrb
                   WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp4xypr(:, :, j, k) = ncmissingr ! not land
                END DO
             END DO
             ! write data to file:
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp4xypr(:, :, :, :), 4),       &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1, 1/),                            &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, max_vegpatches, nrb/))
             CALL abort('Parameter '//pname//                                     &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch//  &
                  ' - in INTERFACE write_ovar')
          END IF
       ELSE ! only grid point values, no patch-specific info
          ! Check the nature of the parameter's second dimension:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                otmp3xys(land_x(i), land_y(i), :) = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart, :)
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, ms
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp3xys(:, :, j) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3xys, 4),                    &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/),                               &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, ms/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! i.e. spatial and plant carbon
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                otmp3xypc(land_x(i), land_y(i), :) = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart, :)
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, ncp
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp3xypc(:, :, j) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3xypc, 4),                   &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/),                               &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, ncp/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil carbon
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                otmp3xysc(land_x(i), land_y(i), :) = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart, :)
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, ncs
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp3xysc(:, :, j) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3xysc, 4),                   &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/),                               &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, ncs/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil carbon
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                otmp3xyr(land_x(i), land_y(i), :) = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart, :)
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, nrb
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp3xyr(:, :, j) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3xyr, 4),                    &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/),                               &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, nrb/)) ! write data to file
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'surftype') THEN ! i.e. surface fraction
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (surf fraction only has mp dimension):
                otmp3xysf(land_x(i), land_y(i), :) = par_r2(i, :)
             END DO
             ! Fill non-land points with dummy value:
             DO j = 1, 4
                WHERE(mask /= 1) otmp3xysf(:, :, j) = ncmissingr ! not land
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3xysf, 4),                   &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/),                               &
                  count = (/xdimsize, ydimsize, 4/)) ! write data to file
             CALL abort('Parameter '//pname//                                     &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch//  &
                  ' - in SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2')
          END IF
       END IF
    ELSE IF(output%grid(1:3) == 'lan'                                          &
         .OR.(output%grid(1:3) == 'def' .AND. metGrid == 'land')            &
         .OR. restart) THEN
       ! Does this variable have a patch dimension (restart does not)?
       IF((writepatch .OR. output%patch) .AND. (dimswitch /= 'surftype')        &
            .AND. .NOT. restart) THEN
          ! Check the nature of the parameter's second dimension:
          IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp3lps(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :) =                                 &
                     par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches)                                &
                     otmp3lps(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3lps(:, :, :), 4),           &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/), count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, ms/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! i.e. spatial and plant carbon
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp3lppc(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :) =                                &
                     par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches)                                &
                     otmp3lppc(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3lppc(:, :, :), 4),          &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/), count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, ncp/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil carbon
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp3lpsc(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :) =                                &
                     par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches)                                &
                     otmp3lpsc(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3lpsc(:, :, :), 4),          &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/), count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, ncs/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! i.e. spatial and radiation
             ! bands
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp3lpr(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :) =                                 &
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches)                                &
                     otmp3lpr(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3lpr(:, :, :), 4),           &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/), count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, nrb/))
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! i.e. spatial and radiation bands
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! First write data for active patches:
                otmp3lpsn(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :) =                                &
                     par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
                ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
                IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches)                                &
                     otmp3lpsn(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) = ncmissingr
             END DO
             ! write data to file
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp3lpsn(:, :, :), 4),          &
                  start = (/1, 1, 1/), count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, msn/))
             CALL abort('Parameter '//pname//                                     &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch//  &
                  ' - in SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2')
          END IF
       ELSE ! Varaible has no patch dimension
          ! Check the nature of the parameter's second dimension:
          IF(dimswitch=='soil') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil
             IF(restart) THEN
                ! Write data to restart file
                ok=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,parID,REAL(par_r2,4), &
                DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                   ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                   otmp2ls(i,:) = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart,:)
                END DO
                ok=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,parID,REAL(otmp2ls,4), &
                     start=(/1,1/),count=(/mland,ms/)) ! write data to file
             END IF
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'plantcarbon') THEN ! i.e. spatial and plant carbon
             IF(restart) THEN
                ! Write data to restart file
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(par_r2, 4),                  &
                     start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mp, ncp/))
                DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                   ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                   otmp2lpc(i, :) = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart, :)
                END DO
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp2lpc, 4),                &
                     start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mland, ncp/)) ! write data to file
             END IF
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'soilcarbon') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil carbon
             IF(restart) THEN
                ! Write data to restart file
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(par_r2, 4),                  &
                     start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mp, ncs/))
                DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                   ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                   otmp2lsc(i, :) = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart, :)
                END DO
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp2lsc, 4),                &
                     start = (/1, 1/), count=(/mland, ncs/)) ! write data to file
             END IF
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'radiation') THEN ! i.e. spatial and radiation
             ! bands
             IF(restart) THEN
                ! Write data to restart file
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(par_r2, 4),                  &
                     start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mp, nrb/))
             ELSE ! writing to output file
                DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                   ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                   otmp2lr(i, :) = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart, :)
                END DO
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp2lr, 4),                 &
                     start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mland, nrb/)) ! write data to file
             END IF
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'snow') THEN ! i.e. spatial and radiation bands
             IF(restart) THEN
                ! Write data to restart file
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(par_r2, 4),                  &
                     start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mp, msn/))
             ELSE ! writing to output file
                DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                   ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                   otmp2lsn(i, :) = par_r2(landpt(i)%cstart, :)
                END DO
                ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp2lsn, 4),                &
                     start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mland, msn/)) ! write data to file
             END IF
          ELSE IF(dimswitch == 'surftype') THEN
             DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
                ! Write to temporary variable (use dominant patch info only!):
                otmp2lsf(i, :) = par_r2(i, :)
             END DO
             ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(otmp2lsf, 4),                    &
                  start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mland, 4/)) ! write data to file
             CALL abort('Parameter '//pname//                                     &
                  ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch//  &
                  ' - in SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2')
          END IF
       END IF
       CALL abort('Unknown grid specification '//                               &
            '(SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2)')
    END IF
    ! Check writing was successful:
    IF(ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error writing '//pname//           &
         ' variable to output file (SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2)')

  END SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2
  SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2d(ncid, parID, pname, par_r2d,  &
       writepatch, dimswitch, restart)
    ! Subroutine for writing a double precision 2D parameter (time invariant)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid ! netcdf file ID
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parID ! variable's netcdf ID
    REAL(r_2), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN) :: par_r2d ! variable values
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: writepatch ! write patch-specific info for this var?
    LOGICAL,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: restart ! are we writing to a restart file?
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: pname ! name of variable
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimswitch ! indicates dimesnion of parameter

    INTEGER :: i,j ! do loop counter
    REAL(r_2),POINTER,DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: tmpout

    ! Check the nature of the parameter's second dimension:
    IF(dimswitch == 'soil') THEN ! i.e. spatial and soil
       IF(restart) THEN
          ! Write data to restart file
          ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, par_r2d,                              &
               start = (/1, 1/), count = (/mp, ms/))
          ALLOCATE(tmpout(mland, max_vegpatches, ms))
          DO i = 1, mland ! over all land grid points
             ! First write data for active patches:
             tmpout(i, 1:landpt(i)%nap, :) =                                   &
                  par_r2d(landpt(i)%cstart:landpt(i)%cend, :)
             ! Then write data for inactive patches as dummy value:
             IF(landpt(i)%nap < max_vegpatches)                                &
                  tmpout(i, (landpt(i)%nap + 1):max_vegpatches, :) =           &
                  REAL(ncmissingr, r_2)
          END DO
          ok = NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid, parID, REAL(tmpout(:, :, :), 8),             &
               start = (/1, 1, 1/),                               &
               count = (/mland, max_vegpatches, ms/)) ! write data to file
       END IF
       CALL abort('Parameter '//pname//                                        &
            ' defined with unknown dimension switch - '//dimswitch//     &
            ' - in SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2d')
    END IF
    ! Check writing was successful:
    IF(ok /= NF90_NOERR) CALL nc_abort(ok, 'Error writing '//pname//           &
         ' variable to output file (SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2d)')

  END SUBROUTINE write_output_parameter_r2d

END MODULE cable_write_module