cbl_init_radiation_module Module


This MODULE initialise the radiation parameters.

The MODULE contains one public subroutine init_radiation and several private subroutines.

Used by

  • module~~cbl_init_radiation_module~~UsedByGraph module~cbl_init_radiation_module cbl_init_radiation_module proc~cbm cbm proc~cbm->module~cbl_init_radiation_module


public subroutine init_radiation(ExtCoeff_beam, ExtCoeff_dif, EffExtCoeff_beam, EffExtCoeff_dif, RadFbeam, c1, rhoch, xk, mp, nrb, Clai_thresh, Ccoszen_tols, Cgauss_w, Cpi, Cpi180, cbl_standalone, jls_standalone, jls_radiation, subr_name, veg_mask, VegXfang, VegTaul, VegRefl, coszen, metDoY, SW_down, reducedLAIdue2snow)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(out) :: ExtCoeff_beam(mp)
real, intent(out) :: ExtCoeff_dif(mp)
real, intent(out) :: EffExtCoeff_beam(mp,nrb)
real, intent(out) :: EffExtCoeff_dif(mp,nrb)
real, intent(out) :: RadFbeam(mp,nrb)
real, intent(out) :: c1(mp,nrb)
real, intent(out) :: rhoch(mp,nrb)
real, intent(out) :: xk(mp,nrb)
integer, intent(in) :: mp
integer, intent(in) :: nrb
real, intent(in) :: Clai_thresh
real, intent(in) :: Ccoszen_tols
real, intent(in) :: Cgauss_w(nrb)
real, intent(in) :: Cpi
real, intent(in) :: Cpi180
logical, intent(in) :: cbl_standalone
logical, intent(in) :: jls_standalone
logical, intent(in) :: jls_radiation
character(len=*), intent(in) :: subr_name
logical, intent(in) :: veg_mask(mp)
real, intent(in) :: VegXfang(mp)
real, intent(in) :: VegTaul(mp,nrb)
real, intent(in) :: VegRefl(mp,nrb)
real, intent(in) :: coszen(mp)
integer, intent(in) :: metDoY(mp)
real, intent(in) :: SW_down(mp,nrb)
real, intent(in) :: reducedLAIdue2snow(mp)

public subroutine Common_InitRad_Scalings(xphi1, xphi2, xk, xvlai2, c1, rhoch, mp, nrb, Cpi180, cLAI_thresh, veg_mask, reducedLAIdue2snow, VegXfang, VegTaul, VegRefl)

Calculates the extinction coefficients for black leaves. It returns:

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(out) :: xphi1(mp)

Leaf angle parameter defined by Sellers 1985

real, intent(out) :: xphi2(mp)

Leaf angle parameter defined by Sellers 1985

real, intent(out) :: xk(mp,nrb)

Extinction coefficients for black leaves at 3 different zenith angles

real, intent(out) :: xvlai2(mp,nrb)

LAI spread over the 3 different zenith angles

real, intent(out) :: c1(mp,nrb)
real, intent(out) :: rhoch(mp,nrb)
integer, intent(in) :: mp

Number of tiles

integer, intent(in) :: nrb

Number of radiation bands

real, intent(in) :: Cpi180

real, intent(in) :: cLAI_thresh

Threshold for the LAI under which a tile is considered unvegetated

logical, intent(in) :: veg_mask(mp)

Mask indicating the presence of vegetation on a tile

real, intent(in) :: reducedLAIdue2snow(mp)

LAI after the effect of snow

real, intent(in) :: VegXfang(mp)

Parameter in Sellers 1985

real, intent(in) :: VegTaul(mp,nrb)
real, intent(in) :: VegRefl(mp,nrb)

private subroutine ExtinctionCoeff(ExtCoeff_beam, ExtCoeff_dif, mp, nrb, Cgauss_w, Ccoszen_tols_tiny, reducedLAIdue2snow, veg_mask, cLAI_thresh, coszen, xphi1, xphi2, xk, xvlai2)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(out) :: ExtCoeff_beam(mp)
real, intent(out) :: ExtCoeff_dif(mp)
integer, intent(in) :: mp
integer, intent(in) :: nrb
real, intent(in) :: Cgauss_w(nrb)
real, intent(in) :: Ccoszen_tols_tiny
real, intent(in) :: reducedLAIdue2snow(mp)
logical, intent(in) :: veg_mask(mp)
real, intent(in) :: cLAI_thresh
real, intent(in) :: coszen(mp)
real, intent(in) :: xphi1(mp)
real, intent(in) :: xphi2(mp)
real, intent(in) :: xk(mp,nrb)
real, intent(in) :: xvlai2(mp,nrb)

private subroutine EffectiveExtinctCoeffs(EffExtCoeff_beam, EffExtCoeff_dif, mp, nrb, veg_mask, ExtCoeff_beam, ExtCoeff_dif, c1)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(out) :: EffExtCoeff_beam(mp,nrb)
real, intent(out) :: EffExtCoeff_dif(mp,nrb)
integer, intent(in) :: mp
integer, intent(in) :: nrb
logical :: veg_mask(mp)
real, intent(in) :: ExtCoeff_beam(mp)
real, intent(in) :: ExtCoeff_dif(mp)
real :: c1(mp,nrb)

private subroutine EffectiveExtinctCoeff(Eff_ExtCoeff, mp, ExtCoeff, c1, mask)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(out) :: Eff_ExtCoeff(mp,2)
integer, intent(in) :: mp
real, intent(in) :: ExtCoeff(mp)
real, intent(in) :: c1(mp,2)
logical, intent(in), optional :: mask(mp)

private subroutine BeamFraction(RadFbeam, mp, nrb, Cpi, Ccoszen_tols_huge, metDoY, coszen, SW_down)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(inout) :: RadFbeam(mp,nrb)
integer, intent(in) :: mp
integer, intent(in) :: nrb
real, intent(in) :: Cpi
real, intent(in) :: Ccoszen_tols_huge
integer, intent(in) :: metDoY(mp)
real, intent(in) :: coszen(mp)
real, intent(in) :: SW_down(mp,nrb)