cable_roughness_module Module


The procedures contained in this module calculate the roughness parameters and the aerodynamic contribution to the resistances controlling the fluxes of momentum, heat and water vapour between the land and atmosphere for each land point.

The formulations take into account vegetation and snow cover. The dependence on atmospheric conditions (i.e. the surface heat fluxes) is incorporated later within the define_canopy subroutine.


  • module~~cable_roughness_module~~UsesGraph module~cable_roughness_module cable_roughness_module module~cable_other_constants_mod cable_other_constants_mod module~cable_roughness_module->module~cable_other_constants_mod module~cable_phys_constants_mod cable_phys_constants_mod module~cable_roughness_module->module~cable_phys_constants_mod module~cable_surface_types_mod cable_surface_types_mod module~cable_roughness_module->module~cable_surface_types_mod module~grid_constants_mod_cbl grid_constants_mod_cbl module~cable_other_constants_mod->module~grid_constants_mod_cbl

Used by

  • module~~cable_roughness_module~~UsedByGraph module~cable_roughness_module cable_roughness_module proc~cbm cbm proc~cbm->module~cable_roughness_module proc~define_canopy define_canopy proc~define_canopy->module~cable_roughness_module


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public, parameter :: z0soilsn_min = 1.e-7

Minimum value for the roughness length for bare soil, (m)

real, public, parameter :: z0soilsn_min_PF = 1.e-4

Minimum value for the roughness length for permanent ice on land, (m)


public subroutine ruff_resist(veg, rough, ssnow, canopy, LAI_pft, HGT_pft, reducedLAIdue2snow)

Calculates the roughness parameters and the aerodynamic contribution to the resistances controlling the fluxes between the land and atmosphere for each land point.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(veg_parameter_type), intent(inout) :: veg
type(roughness_type), intent(inout) :: rough
type(soil_snow_type), intent(in) :: ssnow
type(canopy_type), intent(inout) :: canopy
real :: LAI_pft(mp)
real :: HGT_pft(mp)
real :: reducedLAIdue2snow(mp)