cable_latent_heat_module Module

This MODULE contains one SUBROUTINE which evaluates the latent heat from ground/soil/snow pack given the previously evaluated rate of potential evaporation. This is a component of the calculation of the surface energy balance and is called twice per cycle in the MO iteration section of define_canopy.

Used by

  • module~~cable_latent_heat_module~~UsedByGraph module~cable_latent_heat_module cable_latent_heat_module proc~define_canopy define_canopy proc~define_canopy->module~cable_latent_heat_module


public subroutine Latent_heat_flux(mp, CTFRZ, dels, soil_zse, soil_swilt, cable_user_l_new_reduce_soilevp, pwet, air_rlam, ssnow_snowd, ssnow_wb, ssnow_wbice, ssnow_pudsto, ssnow_pudsmx, ssnow_potev, ssnow_wetfac, ssnow_evapfbl, ssnow_cls, ssnow_tss, canopy_fes, canopy_fess, canopy_fesp)

This SUBROUTINE converts the previously evaluated rate of potential evaporation ssnow_potev from the soil into the associated latent heat flux canopy_fes. The evaluation accounts for whether the water flux is in liquid or solid phase (evaporation or sublimation, dew or frost), the direction of the flux (to or from the soil), and any limits due to a lack of water in the surface layer of the soil column. The SUBROUTINE also evaluates the partition of the latent heat flux between soil canopy_fess and puddle canopy_fesp contributions.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: mp
real, intent(in) :: CTFRZ

temperature at freezing point (K)

real, intent(in) :: dels

time step of CABLE (s)

real, intent(in) :: soil_zse

thickness of topmost soil layer (m)

real, intent(in) :: soil_swilt(mp)

soil moisture content at wilting point (m water m volume of soil)

logical, intent(in) :: cable_user_l_new_reduce_soilevp

NAMELIST switch to use alternate soil evaporation scheme

real, intent(inout) :: pwet(mp)

factor to reduce soil evaporation due to presence of a puddle (-)

real, intent(in) :: air_rlam(mp)

density of air (kgm)

real, intent(in) :: ssnow_snowd(mp)

depth of snow in liquid water equivalent (mm m)

real(kind=r_2), intent(in) :: ssnow_wb(mp)

water content in surface soil layer (m liquid water m volume of soil)

real(kind=r_2), intent(in) :: ssnow_wbice(mp)

ice content in surface soil layer (m frozen water m volume of soil)

real, intent(in) :: ssnow_pudsto(mp)

amount of water in puddles (kgm)

real, intent(in) :: ssnow_pudsmx(mp)

maximum amount of water possible in puddles (kgm)

real, intent(in) :: ssnow_potev(mp)

latent heat flux associated potential evaporation (Wm)

real, intent(inout) :: ssnow_wetfac(mp)

wetness factor for soil (between 0 and 1)

real, intent(in) :: ssnow_evapfbl(mp)

flux of water from soil surface (kg m)

real, intent(out) :: ssnow_cls(mp)

factor denoting phase of water flux (=1 if liquid, =1.1335 if ice)

real, intent(in) :: ssnow_tss(mp)

temperature of surface soil/snow layer (K)

real(kind=r_2), intent(out) :: canopy_fes(mp)

latent heat flux from the ground (Wm)

real(kind=r_2), intent(out) :: canopy_fess(mp)

latent heat flux from the soil (Wm)

real(kind=r_2), intent(out) :: canopy_fesp(mp)

latent heat flux from any puddles (Wm)