Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
integer, | public, | SAVE | :: | ktau_gl | |||
integer, | public, | SAVE | :: | kend_gl | |||
integer, | public, | SAVE | :: | knode_gl | |||
integer, | public, | SAVE | :: | kwidth_gl | |||
logical, | public | :: | L_fudge | = | .FALSE. | ||
integer, | public, | SAVE | :: | CurYear | |||
character(len=200), | public | :: | myhome | ||||
logical, | public | :: | calcsoilalbedo | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public, | SAVE | :: | l_casacnp | |||
logical, | public, | SAVE | :: | l_laiFeedbk | |||
logical, | public, | SAVE | :: | l_vcmaxFeedbk | |||
logical, | public | :: | l_luc | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | l_thinforest | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | l_landuse | = | .FALSE. | ||
type(kbl_internal_switches), | public, | SAVE | :: | cable_runtime | |||
type(filenames_type), | public | :: | filename | ||||
logical, | public | :: | redistrb | = | .FALSE. | ||
type(gw_parameters_type), | public, | SAVE | :: | gw_params | |||
real, | public, | DIMENSION(17), SAVE | :: | psi_c | = | (/-2550000.0, -2550000.0, -2550000.0, -2240000.0, -4280000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0, -2750000.0/) | |
real, | public, | DIMENSION(17), SAVE | :: | psi_o | = | (/-66000.0, -66000.0, -66000.0, -35000.0, -83000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0, -74000.0/) | |
real, | public, | SAVE | :: | max_glacier_snowd | = | 1100.0 | |
real, | public, | SAVE | :: | snow_ccnsw | = | 2.0 | |
real, | public, | SAVE | :: | snmin | = | 1. | |
real, | public, | SAVE | :: | max_ssdn | = | 750.0 | |
real, | public, | SAVE | :: | max_sconds | = | 2.51 | |
real, | public, | SAVE | :: | frozen_limit | = | 0.85 |
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
logical, | public | :: | um | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | um_explicit | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | um_implicit | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | um_radiation | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | um_hydrology | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | esm15 | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | offline | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | mk3l | = | .FALSE. |
External files read/written by CABLE
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
character(len=500), | public | :: | met |
name of file for CABLE input |
character(len=500), | public | :: | path | = | './' |
path for output and restart files for CABLE and CASA |
character(len=500), | public | :: | out |
name of file for CABLE output |
character(len=500), | public | :: | log |
name of file for execution log |
character(len=500), | public | :: | restart_in | = | ' ' |
name of restart file to read |
character(len=500), | public | :: | restart_out |
name of restart file to read |
character(len=500), | public | :: | LAI |
name of file for default LAI |
character(len=500), | public | :: | TYPE |
file for default veg/soil type |
character(len=500), | public | :: | veg |
file for vegetation parameters |
character(len=500), | public | :: | soil |
name of file for soil parameters |
character(len=500), | public | :: | soilcolor |
file for soil color(soilcolor_global_1x1.nc) |
character(len=500), | public | :: | inits |
name of file for initialisations |
character(len=500), | public | :: | soilIGBP |
name of file for IGBP soil map |
character(len=500), | public | :: | gw_elev |
name of file for gw/elevation data |
character(len=500), | public | :: | fxpft |
filename for PFT fraction and transition,wood harvest, secondary harvest |
character(len=500), | public | :: | fxluh2cable |
filename for mapping 12 luc states into 17 CABLE PFT |
character(len=500), | public | :: | gridnew |
filename for updated gridinfo file |
character(len=500), | public | :: | trunk_sumbal | = | ".trunk_sumbal" |
input filename for combined fluxes at each timestep (control run) |
character(len=500), | public | :: | new_sumbal | = | "new_sumbal" |
output filename for combined fluxes at each timestep (current run) |
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
real, | public | :: | hyds_vec_organic | = | 1.0e-4 | ||
real, | public | :: | sucs_vec_organic | = | 10.3 | ||
real, | public | :: | clappb_organic | = | 2.91 | ||
real, | public | :: | ssat_vec_organic | = | 0.9 | ||
real, | public | :: | watr_organic | = | 0.1 | ||
real, | public | :: | sfc_vec_hk | = | 1.157407e-06 | ||
real, | public | :: | swilt_vec_hk | = | 2.31481481e-8 | ||
real, | public | :: | hyds_organic | = | 1.0e-4 | ||
real, | public | :: | sucs_organic | = | 10.3 | ||
real, | public | :: | bch_organic | = | 2.91 | ||
real, | public | :: | ssat_organic | = | 0.9 | ||
real, | public | :: | css_organic | = | 4000.0 | ||
real, | public | :: | cnsd_organic | = | 0.1 |
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
real, | public | :: | MaxHorzDrainRate | = | 2e-4 | ||
real, | public | :: | EfoldHorzDrainRate | = | 2.0 | ||
real, | public | :: | EfoldHorzDrainScale | = | 1.0 | ||
real, | public | :: | MaxSatFraction | = | 2500.0 | ||
real, | public | :: | hkrz | = | 0.5 | ||
real, | public | :: | zdepth | = | 1.5 | ||
real, | public | :: | frozen_frac | = | 0.05 | ||
real, | public | :: | SoilEvapAlpha | = | 1.0 | ||
real, | public | :: | IceAlpha | = | 3.0 | ||
real, | public | :: | IceBeta | = | 1.0 | ||
real, | public | :: | sfc_vec_hk | = | 1.157407e-06 | ||
real, | public | :: | swilt_vec_hk | = | 2.31481481e-8 | ||
real, | public | :: | ice_impedence | = | 5.0 | ||
real, | public | :: | ssat_wet_factor | = | 0.85 | ||
type(organic_soil_params), | public | :: | org | ||||
integer, | public | :: | aquifer_recharge_function | = | -1 | ||
integer, | public | :: | level_for_satfrac | = | 6 | ||
logical, | public | :: | ssgw_ice_switch | = | .FALSE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | subsurface_sat_drainage | = | .TRUE. | ||
logical, | public | :: | cosby_univariate | = | .false. | ||
logical, | public | :: | cosby_multivariate | = | .false. | ||
logical, | public | :: | HC_SWC | = | .false. | ||
logical, | public | :: | BC_hysteresis | = | .false. |
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | YYYY |
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer | :: | YYYY |